Eye spasms/ involuntary closing of ey... - Functional Neurol...
Eye spasms/ involuntary closing of eyes. Does anyone have this symptom?

I have this symptom when I black out. I loose all control of my eye muscles and they spasm close until the episode finishes.
There is no physical way I can open them until the muscles relax again.
I suffer with this now and again it feels a bi like I have been sprayed in the eyes with lemon but no watering then my eyes start to blink very fast until they close they stay closed for a few seconds then reopen. My head feels as if I have a hundred needles pricking my brain at the same time then just as fast as it starts its over.
I'm on antipsychotics and take klonopin and fiorecet refresh optive just started working for me after symbacort gel but I'm about to see the optomologist and tell him it takes care of the pain but none of the muscular in the bus my eyes lock shut and group I wonder if I have dystonia hope I do so I can get it through with but they prescribe dilation drops for muscular I'm just worried cause I draw but felt a lot of results there if you've found treatment it's so hard but good luck
my eyes just spsm shut on anf at intervals all the time often if they do it continuosly for couple minutes a siezure will start. always durring a siezure my right eye will stay shut whilst my left eye i can open and shut as i please. My right eye sometimes spasms shut and will not open atal sometimes for just miutes but can be for several hours though that is not so often these days now its usually up to about half hour and then it will gradually open over five minutes or so
It's nice to know your not the only one. I use my glasses as a deterrent which works a lot of the time, but I find I am wearing my glasses most of the time. Thanks all.
i get this my love, i recorded it to show the doc, my eyes would roll back to, and this isnt my serzuires either xx
Hi, I get these too and they seem to be a 'normal' part of the seizue/attack process. Mine start with my mouth being pulled down to one side in a spasm, then the eye muscles will get yanked down too. Not much fun!
Yes. I usually know an attack is about to go full scale when my eyes start to spasm.
Hrm so does anyone have their mouth spasm on one side and pull right over first before the eye?
look up dystonia you arent alone
I'm on antipsychotics and take klonopin and fiorecet refresh optive just started working for me after symbacort gel but I'm about to see the optomologist and tell him it takes care of the pain but none of the muscular in the bus my eyes lock shut and group I wonder if I have dystonia hope I do so I can get it through with but they prescribe dilation drops for muscular I'm just worried cause I draw but felt a lot of results there if you've found treatment it's so hard but good luck
My eyes spasm too, and my eyes are too dry, so I have to take eye drops.
I'm also light sensitive and have problems with my vision..sometime things are in slow motion, or doubled/ quadrupled, sometimes everything turns purple or red. I'm now wearing prescription dark tinted glasses.
My migraines have decreased since having the glasses. ( thank heavens) !!
I used to get this all the time in my left eye, I found it very embarrassing as I thought people might think I was winking at them. Luckily the Amytriptiline sorted it out!!
Yeah it's normal, especially when tired.
I know this is an old post, but for those who may be reading it now... Here's a possible answer from the diagnosis I received from my right eye drooping closed. Ocular Myasthenia Gravis. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocula... There is also Myasthenia Gravis {AKA MG} which is what I have. Having your eye droop closed when you are tired and you can not open it is not normal. If it droops closed and you can open it on your own, that is normal for when you're tired.