Hello, I have an appointment due next week for EMG and Nerve Conduction Studies after my GP referred me to Neurophysiology. She put on my medical record "could this be FND?"She never actually mentioned it to me , just stated she was referring me for neurological and nerve tests, but she mentioned FND in my notes.
My symptoms are mainly to do with my walking. At times I feel like I'm walking on sponge or my foot has slipped. I'm now having to walk with a stick for fear of slipping or losing my footing somehow. I can walk quite well if I hold on to someone's arm but that's not always possible so I feel quite vulnerable when I'm out alone. My feet sometimes feel like the soles have been hit with a hammer. They feel bruised, throbbing and burning for a time, then it passes.
I also have shaking and jolty tremours in my legs and hands when I'm anxious.
I'm nervous about what to expect with the tests and if any one can offer advice . Should I ask any specific questions or further tests at this point?
I have had an MRI of the head which came up clear apart from brain early small vessel disease which they said was irrelevant and just an age issue. I'm 58. I also had MRI of my lower back because of severe pain but that came up all clear also.
Any ideas or advice would be so appreciated. Thank you