Hi all,
Haven't posted in a while, as I've been trying to get my head around a new 'diagnosis'.
Well, it isn't really a diagnosis, as I paid a lot of money to see a neurologist at Spire recently and after a 30 minute examination and a good read through all of my notes he told me that I have 'un-explainable symptoms'. That giving me a name wouldn't help me, or be fair to me, as it would be a lie.
So that's where I am now. He's suggested seeing a psychologist, working out a graded exercise routine to increase me stamina and referred me to my GP for referrals.
I've had a 7-day heart monitor off today, gave that back this morning, just to rule out any heart problems. I should be referred to chronic fatigue soon, and have a rheumatology appointment next month.
So, yeah.. my question: has anybody tried hypnotherapy for coping with their worst symptoms? I have many, with breathlessness, dizziness, general limb weakness and overall exhaustion probably being the most crippling. My wife and I discussed it as a last resort/alternative therapy to try, along with things like reiki, etc. Any thoughts?
Thanks all,