Hi I was indicated by a neurologist that I have FND, having had Fibromyalgia for a couple of years.
I have identified with so many of the symptoms on this website, that you all suffer. So much pain. And short window of concentrating.
Hi I was indicated by a neurologist that I have FND, having had Fibromyalgia for a couple of years.
I have identified with so many of the symptoms on this website, that you all suffer. So much pain. And short window of concentrating.
Hi Lilac and welcome 😁👍🏼
You're right the pain is awful and since you've had Fibro you'll know all about it eh. I hope you're getting help with that, it's not a pleasant way to live.
How do you feel about your new diagnosis?
Take it easy and take each day at a time.
I was speaking with my father yesteday who told me about the, "spoons theory"
2 girls sitting in a restaurant. 1 asks, "what is it like to have FND?"
So the 2nd girl walks over to the spoons, takes them all and walks back to the table. She halves them between her and her friend and continues..."on an average day..."
"Say I go for a shower, you put one spoon aside, i put 3 aside. Then i go for a walk, you put 1 aside, i put 4 aside. I do gardening, you put 2 aside, i out 6 and so on. If by lunch I've used all my spoons then i shouldn't do anymore, any more than that i will pay the price. Worsening symptoms, maybe 1 or 2 days in bed or the couch".
I thought this was quiet helpful in undertanding to manage my "spoons".
Knowing our limits (or amount of spoons) from the start and only working with what we got, which isn't much tbf 😂. So try to take it easy Lilac and here you will have friendly people to give you some words of advice or support from afar when you need it.
Take it easy,
Lee 👍🏼
Love the spoons theory... makes so much sense. Do you mind if I use this? I’m on a no fun week as hubby away so as I got kids to sort with school and jobs and me working, I can’t do anything in case I get exhausted and symptoms get worse... like a kid being told no tv or screen time 😉 the spoons makes 100% sense though!!! Welcome Lilac3 to a wonderful bunch of people
Thank you Redbeard.
I am exhausted so much of the time & find it hard to smile some days, but your message made me smile. 😁
Every little smile counts Lilac. It can be difficult at times but put a little Jim Jeffries on and listen to that guy, he hurts your core so much you'll have no reason to exercise 😂😂.
Hope today is being kind to you,
Lee 👍🏼