Hi everyone just wondering if anyone out there has been put on antenex for muscles spams thanks
Functional neurological disorder/ms - Functional Neurol...
Functional neurological disorder/ms

Antenex is a brand name of diazepam I believe? I'm on clonazepam - another benzo but much better for the spasms. It's prescribed as an MS drug usually. Doesn't have the same 'dampening' effect as diazepam.
Hi, I have Diazepan and tramadol, they help to take the edge of seizures and spasms, they don't work great but all I can take due to severe side effects from other drugs I've been given.
That's the worst. Here's some medication that will help with the horrible side effects from the medication I gave you.
A benzodiazepine. Yes. The ONLY med that WILL stop the shakes reliably. If what you are suffering from is anxiety related.
They hate giving them to you because there are downsides to regular use. And daily use is REALLY to be frowned on. That said, there are trade offs. If taking a benzodiazepine gives you functionality that is not achievable any way else...it's a tradeoff you should be offered.
I was suffering from full blown PNES (aka NEAD) eight to nine hours a day. I looked like I was in grand mal seizure eight to nine HOURS a day. Had a doc who put me on 2mg of Ativan (lorazepam) three times a day for a couple months. It broke the back of the worst of it. I still have those seizures and a wide variety of other debilitating manifestations, but I don't have gran mal seizures eight to nine hours a day. So that's an improvement.
I have a tiny prescription for lorazepam which amounts to two doses over a nine day period (I take it less than that so the prescription lasts longer). This is my back up when nothing else works. I also have a few 1mg xanax left over from a couple years back that I cut into quarters. That dose will shut down the IBS that the FND throws at me occasionally.
Current dose of the lorazepam is only .5 mg. And it can give me a day's worth of relief.
It's a great tool in your toolbox. It isn't a cure. And it has its limits. But it helps as nothing else can.
Diazepam, lorazepam, alprazolam, clonazepam etc. are all in the benzodiazepine family and they are not identical. Either in positive or negatives. Which one works best for you depends on your individual situation.
Another pill that helps me when the shakes are not quite as bad is an over the counter antihistamine like diphenhydramine. Taken early enough on the wind up it can often short circuit a full meltdown.
Thank you everyone for your comment's just haveing a bad time with shakes back spams I wish the dr could do something other then antenex