hi,my name is theresa,and im not sure if fnd is what i have,is there anyone out there willing to talk to me please?
lost: hi,my name is theresa,and im not... - Functional Neurol...

click on the FND Hope heading at the top of the page and join the facebook group, you will find a lot of people there who will be able to help if you let them know your symptoms and what country you live in. Check out the fndhope.org site there is a lot of information there.
Hi Theresa
My Name is Debbie I have been left on my own by the health services and have had to find out for my self if you wish to have a chat please feel free to contact me.
Debbie x
Hi Debs thanks for answering,I love I'm the uk,& am47yrs old,ove had this prob since I was 8yrs old,my thigh muscle swelled up& went rock hard,my left hand&arm spssmed&I couldn't move them,been made to feel by hosp that I am making this up,I don't no if I have fnd,but I need SOMEONE to help!(sry is a bad day 2day
Nothing new there I was taken into hospital at the age 47yrs what seem to be a stroke was thrombolised and then after 10 days was told to go home and get well.
You have not had a stroke its FND all in your mind My GP who has known us since I was 20 yrs said no it was a stroke and this is what happens, it doesn't show up on the scans as the clot has been blasted by the medication and it is shown as clear but the damage has already happened and that's where it becomes tricky as there is nothing on the ct scan and you are left with this and they don't know what to do with you so it's let's pack her off with FND I am sorry but this is it I am 50 yrs no and I have lost my job my home and feel so down that any thing else that will be it I struggle every day with seizures and tremors my left side is num and I can't walk properly I live in Manchester but spend a lot off time at my daughters caravan in Wales as I feel better there as its quite and calm. I hope we can support each other and with a bit of luck we mite find someone to help us.
Hi Debs,it really sucks when you are 99.9% certain of what the cause is but it cannot be medically proven.Treat your recovery as for any brain injury-rest,repetition and the all important positive mental attitude!Many of us have suffered financially-I am very lucky that I can still do some work-albeit reduced hours and I won't deny that it isn't a struggle sometimes!I simply do not have the physical stamina to do everything like I used to.Exercise is really important-however much you are capable of-it helps to build new neuronal pathways and is a natural anti-depressant.Recovery can be really slow-static for long periods even but never say never!I'm so glad you have a quiet space to go-mine is my old revamped greenhouse with a glider chair and bed for my dog.Decorated with all my ivy garlands and mad solar lights,I can sit in my garden no matter what the weather and enjoy nature!As always I urge people to look up neuroplasticity to help explain how the brain can recover.Take care x
yep I agree I sit in the garden and pot plants I also have the solar lights lol but they do look nice at night. I am suffering with a lot of pain at the moment and on more pain relieve but still feeling the pain, winter is nearly here the weather has just turned in the last week but we can't complain we have had a good summer. I do try and do some thing for me each day apart from the daily cleaning and cooking so I am making a patchwork quilt for my daughter as I promised her I would make it her when I came home from hospital three years ago so thought it was about time I got round to making it, I have joined a nice group at the local women's center where we meet for sewing but if you don't feel like making any thing you can just sit and have a chat so its great for me when I am having problems with my hands and cant make the move. I can just feel apart of the group and it gets me out of the house as well hope you are keeping well and you too have found some thing to enjoy round your way.
speak soon Debbie x.

There IS treatment for FND symptoms and you CAN reduce them to a liveable amount, if not entirely. Please do come and join us in Fndhope.org Facebook group and the other 1400 people will help and support you through the journey.
Go to FNDHope.org and click on the Facebook link. An Admin will then get back to you.
Dear Theresa, my email is grandmas16@gmail.com. I find there are not a lot of people on this site, more are on the facebook page. But please feel free to email me. If you are in the states my phone number is 218 393-1005. I am available to talk if you just need someone to listen. God Bless, Cathy
Hi Theresa If you ever want to talk, I am here for you. My e mail is barbara@spodick.com. I know what you are going through
Hi please don't worry, though that's easier said than done,after I was diagnosed with FND
Went onto neurosymptoms.org for more information,stress and anxiety compound the
Illness,which is very real despite what certain people in the medical profession think.
Only a professional neurologist. Can make the diagnosis as many gps are ignorant about
This condition that leaves us in pain,or as in some cases in limbo, anyway I hope this may
Help in someway ,you are not alone in your illness bye for now
Hi I also am not sure if I have FND but I appear to fit a little but I was 47 years old when I appeared to suffer a stroke and was throberlized for a clot then when they redid the ct scan it was clear and then they said it was not a stroke but FND so here I am lol.
I am now 50 yrs and learning to manage my pain and movement or lack of it should I say. As I have found the more you get out and about the more you can live a life that is worth living. I have lost my job and home in the last year but as long as I am here for my family that's all that matters. Money is a struggle but I have now got my benefits sorted so I am able to relax a bit. I have found a lovely group in my local area that do sewing and other arty things so I am enjoying spending time there. Hope this makes you feel a little more less alone and we are all here to help each other through bad times and also enjoy and celebrate each others goals when they are reached so keep writing and responding to post and you will soon have a net work off friends to relay on to help you hope this has lessened your uncertainty if you fit in or not if you have any of the symptoms you fit in lol well take care and remember we are all here to help if I can help in any way let me know xx