I've found that my patients is running high, I find I can not cope anymore its like I'm like a time bomb waiting to explode. Does anyone else feel the same if so how do you cope can you give me any tips please.
My patients is running high : I've found that my... - FND Action
My patients is running high

I feel for you I've tried so very hard to be positive but I'm afraid I'm becoming very disheartened My NHS therapy sessions have ended was told you have to put fnd out of your mind and live your life as best you can with your disabilities
I cannot walk without hanging on to my husband even in the house. I'm incontinent and so embarrassed
The departing comment from the therapist why don't you list each day what you are grateful for.
I feel so alone and so desperately sorry for my husband who is being amazing
I get really upset when he keeps asking how things work etc which reminds me that he is doing so much
My son bought me an app called Headspace it's very good the people have all had experience of stress etc there are many topics I'm doing a daily session on anxiety. I recommend it, if only to give respite from thinking about FND from the moment you wake to the moment you fall asleep
I too look forward to any tips particularly how to get balance to stay upright and actually walk without falling over.
Keep in touch.
Dear Friend Thank you for your message my heart goes out to you both ,what would we do without our partners, I try not to berdon my wife I just keep everything to my self but I know she is always there for me , I'm still Mobile so don’t need any help there but reminding about things is different, I keep leaving taps on without thinking luckily it's always down stairs Thank god.
I'm always here for you both so if your husband wants a friend I'm here I can't promise I will be much help but I'm here for a chat , you must keep strong you are doing well and have a friend in me any time .