Stroke like symptoms : Good evening all Well I... - FND Action

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Stroke like symptoms

Littlecook profile image
5 Replies

Good evening all Well I was back at A&E last Wednesday with stroke like symptoms yet again my symptoms are becoming more regular and lasting a lot longer ,this time my speech was a lot slower and I was struggling to even get my words out and found it hard to talk and think what I was trying to say .

I went to see my Gp on Thursday and she noticed that I was trying hard to talk .

Next Friday I go for an EMG test hopefully I will get some answers as my work want let me back to work until I have a diagnosis, if it's a stroke the care team will now what todo but in my case noone knows .

I always get told its not a stroke but I must all ways go to A&E with any stoke symptoms.

Sorry for ranting on .

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5 Replies
kev60 profile image

Good morning, I started swaying and had problems walking,talking and thinking back in 2018. I went to work and it just started and I didn’t even notice then work sent me home as it was deemed unsafe as I used to work in the glass trade. Went to my GP who sent me to A&E , 12hrs later I was blue lighted to another hospital as they suspected stroke. Three days of testing (MRI,bloods) and then discharged with its not a stroke or TIA , even physio which I got on the first morning said I needed further therapy but I would have to wait. My GP was not happy and had a go and got me emergency neurology appointment. Forward dec 2019 finally diagnosed with FND had some neuro-physio got me walking a bit better will never be fixed properly (65% of normal) but then Covid hit and everything stopped and really never started again as much as I try, so I just have to live with it and not working anymore. Hope you get the help you need. Kevin

Littlecook profile image
Littlecook in reply to kev60

Hello Kev60Hope I find you well as you can be , your symptoms sound like mine , I always know when I'm going to have a attack I go very dizzy tired and left eye gets heavy then mouth and speech goes I also find it difficult to even think what I'm trying to say .

I have asked my Gp how can I work and her reply with great difficulty, my manager of the care home say I can't work until I get a diagnosis but that could be months or years

She said the care staff could cope if I was having a stroke.

This has been going on for years but since last year my symptoms have got worse sometimes twice a week at A&E .

I go for a EMG test on Friday , as I'm writing this im try to talk to my wife and I can't get my words out .

I wish you good luck I hope we can become Friends please keep in contact. Kev .

kev60 profile image
kev60 in reply to Littlecook

Hi, I am always popping on this site as I have so many problems now and I find it can help others to pass on what I know, my memory is very bad and I lost almost a year of memory (2018) , it’s strange how I can remember anything medical but day to day life is poof gone. Pre 2018 I was healthy and rarely saw a doctor, but since then my world got turned upside down. Now I can no longer work, suffer with FND,GORD,COPD (Emphysema) and OA of the spine. Also have blepharitis(sticky eyes) , bone spurs growing out of my spine . This year developed and diagnosed with Functional Tremor (right hand) and over sleeping , I can sleep for up to 30hrs at a stretch have been referred to the sleep clinic. So basically I am falling apart and if I find something works for me I like to help where I can. Because the doctors don’t know what is wrong I was referred to PPS (persistent physical symptoms) took two years to get there and it was promoted as holistic but ended up talking to a therapist online for 45 minutes for 9 sessions. It sort of worked in the fact I only read a few books in my life (shogun) but have now read about 20 also got into a hobby of model building with a magazine that just came out at the right time, it’s called Warhammer Stormbringer. The books are from the same group ie: Warhammer-Black Library, it is slow going as I have to re-read the books as I forget them and the models are being made very very slowly as I sleep a lot. So that’s my life at the moment. Keep well. Kevin

Tracey0101 profile image

I get stroke like symptoms for since 4yrs ago and I going through my adhd and bipolar symptoms again and each tiny stress that wouldn't normally be stress when I am in a good place when I'm stable calm and safe and secure in the middle but I can't always be in the middle even though I would love to be in the middle all the time but life is full of ups and downs I have autism as well and psychosis with schizophrenia since childhood and I have ptsd as well and now counting learning disabilities and Cerebral palsy and the physical health on top but I have come a long way and I have been going out 7 days a week sometimes twice in a day but I now need to put the brakes on and slow down my brain is very overwhelmed and is fast as a ferrari top speed and going far too fast and crashing point and not in control how to stop the speed. Been through unknown changes not knowing what is happening before stresses me out too many at once and Im highly anxious and stressed because of everything too much has happened and its very hard to deal with it all. But I am not totally stopping myself from going out as that is much more worse and it means that I have given up on my life making myself housebound and prisoner in my own home but going out each day helps our mental health and wellbeing seeing others we don't know who we are going to meet and they may smile at us or say hello or something nice to us or help us with something that we need help with and it does us wonders it may not disappear our mental health because sometimes it takes time to move but it will be much worse if we stay in day in and out we need to go out regularly even though we don't want to or don't feel like going out we need to go out anyway despite of how we are feeling it maybe easy for me to say this but actually it's not easy for me to say this or do this because I didn't feel like going out Saturday to shops and I didn't feel like going out for some fresh air yesterday and I didn't feel like going out today meeting friends at cafe but though I didn't feel like going out at all I did it despite how awful I'm feeling. Some people have to take care of their children and their disabled parents and family members some people have to work and go shopping clean their houses and get to appointments and have family to look after and visiting them etc etc we are not meant to stop when we go through very bad times we are meant to keep going through the miry clay even though each step is really really a massive struggle and fight and battle we are meant to be like a strong warrior to keep fighting and battling life difficulties to keep on going through these difficult times and we will come through them they are temporary we will conquer them but we have to be strong and brave we will be a winner like in a race to keep on track and doing our best to win the battles of life and we will succeed in the end we can do it if we really want to keep fighting together we will win and I believe God is our strength to increase our strength and faith in keep going never give up because you never know what the treasures will be if we can keep on going and find what we can do or what we can smile about and how we succeed and win our purpose in our life.

Tracey0101 profile image

I'm not saying it's easy as I have been housebound and a prisoner in my home but I seen the truth about we need to go out and maybe someone else is feeling sad or depressed maybe even though we don't feel like speaking or smile I have smiled at someone else and then it came back to me that I felt better on my way back home than going out and even though big dark cloud in my life I just at to keep focusing getting my shoes on and coat on and leave my front door even though I had all these thoughts telling me doubts fears anxiety worries pain etc etc you can't go out the voices were telling me these and I said no to them even though they kept telling me them but I kept saying I am going out and I'm not going to listen to them they are lies to keep us indoors people. Because the whole world is struggling with something even pain and stress and anxieties but they have to work they have to go out as if everyone went by how they feeling there wouldn't be life at all. We all need professionals even like cleaners or bus drivers taxis and shop workers and the medical professionals and carers so we can't think all the time about how we feel and always go by our feelings we can't aa life wouldn't get us anywhere.