I sure don't.
Does anyone feel cancer has made them... - Fight Prostate Ca...
Does anyone feel cancer has made them wise?

Good question Nal
I was asked to step away for a day. Smell the flowers.
Maybe in the sense that priorities are brought into focus. We mold and simplify in order to endure whatever comes our way . and that tolerance for bs and stress is greatly shortened ..Pc will humble the strongest amongst us.
Not necessarily wise but it sure has changed the way I approach my life and it has made me realize what things are really important. This has been one of the positive aspects of my stage IV diagnosis.
I now place a high priority on spending time with family and friends. I have re-established relationships with people who had drifted away in recent years. I realized that getting ahead in my career isn't important any more ... so much so that I took early retirement with a reduction in income. I spend more time focused on healthy living. I don't put off doing fun things that I have always wanted to do including travel.
I can honestly say that, other than the ADT / chemo side effects, this past year has been one of the best in my life!
Yes, looking back I feel like I was living half asleep. Each day was just another day on autopilot.
Since I was diagnosed I appreciate each day. I have examined my life and feel psychologically free.
For the most part, cancer has made me tired...but I’m positive, happy, and have a beautiful family...keeps me going
Im not wiser....thanks to lupron....but im more informed and dont feel like lone ranger thanks to the time spend reading this blog....dont know whats happening to group but thanks for being here...peace b.w
Nope. Just paranoid...