Just heard i have prostatecancer with bone
I m in shock
Just started hormone tablettreatment
Feel bad
Just heard i have prostatecancer with bone
I m in shock
Just started hormone tablettreatment
Feel bad
Sorry that you have had your news. Don’t give up new treatments keep being found. Everyone responds differently to the treatments. There are many men still going on after many years. Keep talking to prostrate cancer support. Best wishes
Sorry to hear your sad news. Prostate Cancer goes right past your intelligence and hits you right in the emotional guts! I understand you being scared. Intellectually, I'd agree, you still have time left and they are discovering new treatments. I have known some men for years without ever realising they had bone metastases.
But I hope also you are getting or seeking emotional support with this. Family aren't always the best source of this. If you're in the UK you can get help from Prostate Cancer UK or MacMillan prostatecanceruk.org.uk or macmillan.org.uk who boith should be able to provide you with contact details of any local prostate cancer support group
Don't worry. According to my Consultant Oncologist I had PCa for 3 years with bone Mets and pelvic girdle lymphs eaten by cancer before I was Dxd in Oct 2014. Straight on to ADT for 11 months and then 8 months of chemo with ADT still running. 3/4 month break (still ADT) and scans showed no Mets - there had been 40. Also no further spread anywhere. Then to ADT with Zytiga - in 2 months PSA 0.03. Still 0.03 18 months later. So many guys on this great site have had similar results...I recommend getting early chemo to run with your ADT. Be happy, I am and many of our brothers are. God Bless.
Thx for your answer and suport, did you hv any pAinkillers?
Did you still going places? Like planetrips?holidays?
Thanks , greetings, ron
Hi Ron, I never take painkillers as I prefer to know how the cause of the pain is progressing. I am lucky to have a very high pain threshold so a smahed elbow (bone in 20 pieces and another day dislocated shoulder and full thickness rotator cuff tear didn't hurt).
As to holidays the cost of insurance to get out of the UK is bloody high for me ...£2500 sterling to USA.... I am going to Israel in September however. Have daughters on South Coast and in the Midlands so drive often. Like many of us I do tire more easily so need to stay over. At least the pubs are good. My wife a nurse and worries more than me. Keep smiling. David.