Hi, diagnosed 4 wks ago with RA ...prescribed 15mg Methotrexate 2wks ago & had my 1st blood test 4 days ago. The same day as my blood test I increased my dose to 20mg. I am anxiously awaiting my blood test results, still nothing after 4 days ...is this usual ?? A reassuring blood test might help to lift my spirits !!!
New RA diagnosis: Hi, diagnosed 4 wks... - FieryBones - RA C...
New RA diagnosis

I’ve had RA for over 40 years and one of my key drugs is MTX which I’ve been on for more than 30 years.
When I first had RA there were some key drugs but you were only allowed to take one or another, views changed and trio of drugs were introduced MTX being one of them.. when I first went on it I started with 5mg which was increased weekly by 2.5 until 22.5. That plus others made a significant difference.
4 years ago I was in a coma for another reason and my MTX was stopped. Eventually it was restarted and again by 2.5 mg at a time upto 17.5 however my RA was causing problems and so it’s now 20mg and that seems right for me. Initially you will be on monthly blood test and eventually 3 monthly.
So it does take time to take effect. Some people are on monthly MTX injections.
You need to talk to your rheumatologist about your options and it may take a little while for them to take effect and find what is right for you.
There are side effects of many of the RA drugs and therefore you may need annual tests but this should be explained to you. You may also find that your immune system will be buggered so you just have to weigh up the pros and cons.
I’m 76, full of metal work and doing what I can when I can