Which of the following positive chang... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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Which of the following positive changes are you planning to do in 2019, hopefully resulting in a decrease in your Fibromyalgia symptoms?

Mdaisy profile imageMdaisy348 Voters
Try to find a gentle exercise plan that suits you personally
Eat more healthy or try eating differently (organic, vegan, paleo, pegan, gluten free etc)
Learn to control stress (mindfulness, meditation etc) F
Find out more about Fibromyalgia & learn to listen to your body (ie become an expert patient etc)
Looking after your mental health (sharing feelings, CBT, post on this community etc)
Keep a diary of symptoms, food diary, journal or book of gratitude
Find a local support group & become a member (ie maybe attend a group meeting)
Other (please comment)
81 Replies
Mdaisy profile image

Happy New Year !!! Wishing you all the best for 2019 :)

Johnnyo profile image

Happy new year to all for 2019!!!!!!

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply toJohnnyo

and you too :)

I’m also trying magnesium tablets which are good for the nervous system and muscles , have been taking them for 4 days so far and feel better for it at the moment. Will see how I am in five weeks time

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to

Others have mentioned this helping like Epsom Salt baths that help magnesium and also Magnesium muscle sprays ....keep us posted how you get on :)

MADMUMOFSIX profile image
MADMUMOFSIX in reply toMdaisy

You do need to be careful taking magnesium if you have any underlying heart problems

ruthmel1 profile image
ruthmel1 in reply to

I read along time ago that MAlic acid with Magnesium is a great combination for Fibro. I've been taking them for 10 years at it def helps. When I have days of forgetting my legs ache like mad

LaurieLee profile image

Just started CBD Oil, whereby you start slowly on low one and build up til get to sweet spot.

ruthmel1 profile image
ruthmel1 in reply toLaurieLee

I've been using it for 10 months now- best thing ever for pain releif

Salshealth1 profile image
Salshealth1 in reply toLaurieLee

where do you get your cbd oil? I need to get some too but dont know the best place

LaurieLee profile image
LaurieLee in reply toSalshealth1

Simply CBD. You should join their FB page which is run by people who used it and you tell them your symptoms. You are advised to start on starter oils that so you body gradually gets used to it. Good luck. x

Salshealth1 profile image

Magnesium is definitely a big factor in helping.

Rafy profile image
Rafy in reply toSalshealth1

And vitamin D3. Don't forget that. Magnesium helps with the absorption of the calcium matrix to repair bones (I think). Don't quote me on the bones thing! But do get Vitamin D3 and not vitamin D2. I get fultium calciferol and use a light box when I am working.

Salshealth1 profile image
Salshealth1 in reply toRafy

yes vitamin d3 cruciial, absolutely.

Lose weight! 🤞🏻

Wishing you all a great 2019 with less pain and more joy and peace to the world ✌🏻

_Paul_ profile image

Lose more weight, since October 2017 I managed to lose over four stones, feel less tired and my blood pressure has dropped too.

Slimming World diet does work.

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to_Paul_

A HUGE Well Done! That's an amazing amount of weight to lose..... and you are finding symptoms are better - that's great! :) Keep up the good work :)

ruthmel1 profile image
ruthmel1 in reply to_Paul_

thats brilliant.

in reply to_Paul_

well done Paul I have lost 3stone 8lbs and continuing my healthy eating into 2019. Happy New year x

Louinpain profile image
Louinpain in reply to_Paul_

Thats fantastic!! Well done you. I put on 5 stone in 18 months when i first fell ill. Ive lost a stone of it so far but im keeping on going so fingers crossed I'll get there x

Rafy profile image
Rafy in reply toLouinpain

I hear you darl. 3 stone in three years on. shed a stone in the last 6 months. Two more to go. Keep it up. You will get there. x

Louinpain profile image
Louinpain in reply toRafy

Thankyou Rafy. Good luck to you too xx

Rafy profile image
Rafy in reply to_Paul_

WELL done. That's amazing Paul. That's really great.

Jamie1965 profile image

I will be starting with the cmt and also a dietician at hospital I am also waiting to go back to pain clinic see if they can show me anything different from the last time I was there

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply toJamie1965

CMT ? Can I ask you what this stands for please? :)

Jamie1965 profile image
Jamie1965 in reply toMdaisy

Community mental health team

EvilAsh profile image

Other: find medical cannabis through the NHS.

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply toEvilAsh

Fingers crossed this will be easier for us to have prescribed in the future :)

Rafy profile image
Rafy in reply toEvilAsh

15% is the way forward.

toni-m-235 profile image

Happy new year to all xxx

rach1402 profile image

Other: getting back on the Guaifenesin protocol. I thought I had more than I did but I ran out and thought I'd wait before ordering more to see if I noticed a difference, which I have so I'm going to order more

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply torach1402

Hi Rach I hope it helps you but it has been researched and the results showed that the Guaifenesin Protocol isn't as helpful in Fibro as first reported.....sorry to mention but thought I should be honest as it might be worth saving your money on this one :)

rach1402 profile image
rach1402 in reply toMdaisy

That's ok, you've mentioned it a few times before but as long as my symptoms are improved with it I don't see it as a waste of money.

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply torach1402

That's good if it is working for you then that's all that matters :) Maybe it works for some and not others kind of thing. The human body is remarkable so you never know!!! All the best for 2019 :)

rach1402 profile image
rach1402 in reply toMdaisy

Thanks, same to you. I'm sure that's true, as with so many other medical problems. Are you going to try anything new?

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply torach1402

Yes going to continue to look at Gut function and eat a Pegan diet - as per recent post :) Sometimes anything worth a try, if it helps huh!?! Bit such a shame people scam vulnerable people with ‘snake oil’ treatments these days do have to be a little careful what you buy or sign up too! :)

digger1 profile image

Happy New year to you all when it comes

ruthmel1 profile image

I already eat a low carb/high fta diet so I'll keep on with that. I already use CBD oil so I'll keep on with that. I'll try and pace better. Cant exercise as I also have M.E and the P.E.M is too great. Already look after stress, myself so really I dont have any extra work to do!

rosewine profile image

Happy New Year.

I am going to try and pace myself more. 2018 seems to have been all or nothing and some weeks something every day and I know my fibro body needs a bigger gap between doing things or I get too fatigued and the pain gets worse. X

skit profile image

Being kind to myself and others will help everyone and my Fibro. Workaholic is a handy label so I must try and loose it!

ClareCrip profile image

Cannot see me making any changes, I’ve managed this condition for well over 30 years, I don’t think there are any more changes to make. I keep listening to my body, pace myself, eat well, exercise as I can and enjoy life! I do read and contribute to a number of groups and forums so I’m also keeping up with research and current advice, if anything interesting comes along, I’ll give it a go but by and large I’m as good as I can get.

Pips04 profile image

Try and get my family to understand

Fightingwithdad profile image

I hope that CBD oil (THC) is made legal for conditions like fibromyalgia.

Artteacher profile image

I need to control my waitr gain and reduce my sugar intake at the same time as controlling my relience on pain relief medication.

I already have an appointment for CBT to try control my anxiety stress levels as migraine and IBS have been much worse recently. I joined Slimming World in June 2018 my daughter takes me I have lost 3stone and 8lbs I need to continue to eat healthy and lose some more as I was quite heavy. Happy New Year xxx

Louinpain profile image
Louinpain in reply to

Well done with the weight loss thats fantastic! Happy new year xxx

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to

Well Done indeed - a fantastic achievement :)

Akela001 profile image

I'm also going to try to worry less!

==> to allow myself to ease more into my -slow but steady-- routines, and thus enjoy more what I can do, instead of wondering about 'what-ifs'...

Happy New Year to all, with hopefully at least one smile, one uplifting thought and one warm feeling for each of you in each day of 2019!

xx Ann

Vickiemc profile image

Try and pace myself and accept my limitations

25rosclare profile image

A Happy New Year and thanks to all of the Administrators who work behind the scenes to help provide this web site, which has helped me in so many ways. Thank You

annetteb46 profile image

re F...stop wasting so much energy trying to explain to non-sufferers why the fatigue is so limiting ...and not just 'mind over matter'...

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply toannetteb46

Sorry - is this reply to me? I am confused :)

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply toannetteb46

Re read it I hear you - yes some family & friends don’t get it or try to understand so sometimes it’s wasted energy as you say - you’re right if it causes you stress then not worth it if they won’t change their mind unfortunately :( All the best for 2019.

Am starting a new job, first in 8 years! Only 19 hours per week

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to

Wow that’s exciting news - take it steady, pacing and try to keep as relaxed as possible at work to limit stress. Have you told your employer? Hope you have, so they can make reasonable adjustments to help you. Best of Luck ! X

Louinpain profile image

I think the best thing i can do for myself is to try not to compare myself to how i was before. Try to except the way i am now and make the best of it!! Xx

Thank you so much. I told them them in the interview....they still want to employ me!! I've been reading up about minimalising fibro flares. So many people who are a lot worse than me work so I have my 🤞.

Happy New Year 🥂❤️

MrStu profile image

I'll have to be seen doing something positive for a change, I'm a bag of nerves as I also have Cancer in my left kidney 😢

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply toMrStu

Oh dear so sorry to hear this and I can only imagine that you must have so much going around in your mind.Is this a recent diagnosis? Are you due therapy for it? If so, wishing you all the very best X

MrStu profile image

Oh and happy New year to you all

poodlebell profile image

look more into the gut microbiome

Kitten-whiskers profile image

Happy New Year!

Great Poll - I am trying to get better stress control/relaxation, trying to deal with my work load in a more relaxed way, also to keep up and improve with my fitness and to keep to cook most of my food from scratch 🙂

InLiverpool profile image


I have just returned from a 2 week clinically controlled fasting programme - whilst I was there I felt well. This may have been for a number of reasons- I was given a therapeutic high dosage of vitamin D, I exercised but was made to rest for 2 hours each midday as well as fasting on 250 calories per day for 10 days.

I intend to make fasting a regular part of my life along with excercise and was given advice on how to to recreate my own fasting programme on a biannual basis.

Greenpeace profile image

Happy New year Emma! Wishing you and your family everything of the best for 2019.

GP. 😊😊

Midori profile image

Both my son and I need to lose some weight and up our exercise; we are also about to move house, so we will be doing more as we settle and find our feet in Wales. Stress will hopefully reduce after the move. May have to start a group if there isn't already one.

petehs profile image

Happy new year.Hope we all have a great 2019

MADMUMOFSIX profile image

And also make sure that I am kind to myself and I do not beat myself up over things I can no longer achieve but learn to be grateful for the things I am able to do

Wiggi profile image

Happy we hear to all. Let's hope it's an improvement on 2018

Chrisbel profile image

Already do most of this. Next step to move to a dryer warmer climate by the sea

My dream since I was 14 is to travel around Australia. I have done all the east coast but longest trip was 3 or 4 months. This year I am going while I still can. Going in my campervan north to Darwin and Kakadu for the winter where its warm. Then down western aust coast. Probably be away 6- 9 months. Its now or never as Im now 62 and van is getting old too. As I now have PMR and CGA on top of my fibro, this will be my last oppotunity.

This will help me get away from the stress I have at home. I can have peace, write and photograph, swim and walk on beaches. Been dreaming of this for so long.

All the best to everyone for 2019. Make your dreams come true.

Nel1961 profile image
Nel1961 in reply to

Your trip sounds fantastic, my hubby and I usually get away for the whole of January but haven’t been able to this year. We are take a two break shortly. It great to switch off from everything/one.

Enjoy your trip be safe


Elky profile image

Seasons greetings to all xx

frances1 profile image

Happy New Year to you all. I have been listening to Dr Ray Peat on YouTube learn a lot about the body will continue in to new year x

brooksey profile image

Happy New Year to you all. Hope I keep to these helpful suggestions!


Ehfibro profile image

Other - to try to do more water exercise and swimming whilst socialising with people in the pool.

Happy New Year to all

Angie-123 profile image

I need to learn to take time and stop pushing myself , Happy New Year 🍾🥂

jools56 profile image

Keep up my weekly toning session which helps my pain levels (especially my osteoarthritis) so there is a bit less pain to cope with, and keep taking CDB oil, which has definitely helped with fibro pain. No full blown flare up since last March, when I started it!

Today I have started a juice reboot 80% veg 20% fruit will do this for 10 days to give my gut a rest for a bit 😊still of the tramadol this year I'm going to work from the inside outward xx happy New year all

fenbadger profile image

looking at the results I wonder what the experts think would be the best or best 3 to focus on, assuming we cannot do all

My local group is difficult to access both in time and distance.

Happy New Year

FoggyMoggy profile image

I'm going to ask to be referred to ME specialist locally.

Moveonout profile image

Having conquered a lot of the symptoms by going on HRT and CBD oil, I'm going to keep trying other stuff like bee pollen

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