Which of the following helps you to d... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Which of the following helps you to deal with your Fibromyalgia during the festive season to make Christmas, Holidays & New Year easier?
Hello Members! Here's the latest poll about how you cope with Fibromyalgia over the holidays (Christmas & New Year) and any other celebrations. FMAUK would like to write a post to put on the website and share via social media full of your top tips, so if you're happy for your comment to be added and shared please let us know Have a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays plus a wonderful 2019 !
I hate Christmas it stresses me out and I then get ill unfortunately. I buy online for all the grandkids so I don’t have the stress of shopping in busy places.
I couldn't see a specific place to comment about the other thing I do to make it easier so I hope it's ok to just put it here! I keep everything low key and as relaxed as possible, even to the point of having a roast dinner on another day around Christmas time to take the pressure off myself and spend more time with my kids and pets x
Keep going and rest when i need to .. christmas will be over and ill still be sore .
Can only manage by being totally alone . Being in any company brings severe anxiety to surface .
I'm sorry you have to deal with that horrible anxiety. I have the same problem and can't cope around people. Friends know when I am in trouble because they don't hear from me for weeks. Take care x
Sorry really hate Christmas if I didn’t have too have bother I’d be happier hubby is the one who puts so much on me over December our daughters are in the early 30s and mid 20s even they hate the holiday it he’d should just grow up sorry it makes me so stressed out.
I hate Xmas too. Paste a smile on my face while I have to and keep it as short as possible.
Wouldn't the solution be to say, very nicely and good-temperedly. "You love Xmas, I don't. I'm perfectly happy to take part in anything you want to arrange, but I'm not doing it." If he wants Xmas then he needs to do it. End of discussion. There is no entry in the bible saying women have to do Xmas. You need to get assertive; it's what the baby Jesus would want!
CBD is getting me through most days!
Really? Does
It help? I’d be very interested to hear anything about it.
It helps me too! I can send you a PM with detailed info, if you’re interested.

That would be great thanks so much!
I use a combination of patches from hemp botanics and entourage capsules from lovecbd.org. I use the patches when really bad lower back pain. It really is good stuff. The patches last 4 days and I put them on my spine.

Hi Rosie. I’d be very interested in that as well!
After everything that's happened this year, I'm exhausted beyond description. I've nobody anyway to spend Christmas with but I'd rather be alone, do what I want when I want. No noise, bright lights or feeling like I have to act as they expect me too, I just want to be me, with my 2 cats to love
I have already began by totally slowing my mindset, physical activity and delegating. Last Christmas was a nightmare as I have spondylolisthes too. So this year totally quiet . I don’t want to end up in hospital again!😔
I ignore Christmas and celebrate at the Solstice instead; although it is always low key. I don't hate Christmas, quite like carols and have been known to rock up to Midnight Mass on occasion, but as a non christian it holds no relevance to me. Everyone to their own, says Me!
I do what I can, rest when I need to, online shopping. I have three young children so stress that it's not good enough for them, 17 nieces and nephews to find presents for so try to be really organised and get before December so plenty of time to wrap.
I have already started my Christmas shopping and much further along than I have been other years. I am wrapping it as I buy which also makes it easier. I have had a horrible year with pain and tiredness and knew it was important to do as much as I could when feeling reasonable. My husband has helped so much and has taken me into town even if it's only to buy one thing and then we stop for coffee and cake THAT REALLY HELPS 😊 I know what will happen unfortunately I suddenly get hit and can't do anything. I think it's a case of one step at a time and I'm sure our families understand what can't be done. Take care everyone and be gentle with yourselves
Christmas is irrelevant to me as "father" made sure of that!!
If it wasn't for my ex-wife,our two daughters would have ended up the same as me!! But I'm glad,as all grown up they will dispel my negative thoughts on the subject!! So merry Christmas everyone! Love scrooge!!
I don’t have any coping mechanisms as my Fibro., is not so painful that I am debilitated. I am in constant pain but it is bearable and does not impede my lift.
Oops...my life, not ‘lift’. Blasted predictive text.
Go on holiday
We try and prepare veg etc the day before or buy precut, as my hands are too painful.
I'm so stressed as mam has broken her arm can't do anything we as family have to be with her, so am I ready for Christmas....No
I love Christmas, but if I pace myself I'm OK, and as long as the grandchildren go home, I'm happy 😊 🤗❤️😘
I don't think i have brought hardly anything out of the shop.xxx
I use to love christmas and all what comes with it , but now i hate it , i get very anxious , tired .
I hate being like it and family can't understand it .I feel guilty for not being the happy nan .
I started Christmas shopping months ago online. I have adult children as well as small children that come over Christmas Day and help with the cooking and cleaning ect. Even if I’m feeling overwhelmed or in pain, spending that quality time with my kids is the best feeling ever 🙂
I have brought all presents online and my 2 teenage kids and hubby have wrapped them all!! Being super organised helps to reduce the stress. I love christmas, always have but no i keep things very low key. We eat out christmas day so i have no worries there. The people who own the restaurant know my situation so dont charge us up front incase im too bad to go which is amazing of them!! After dinner we come home put our pjs on and just spend time together its lovely. We dont except visitors christmas day. X
Despite the annual flu jab i always get the flu. Got it twice last year over Xmas & New Year
All to the above and I have 2 xmas trees to decorate and as usual I will carry on as if I am on top of the world ho ho ho.
Spacing out any celebrations over a couple of weeks (eg present exchanges before the big day) to minimise travelling (always knocks me out) and allow a few afternoon rests. Last year I had about 10 days of non-stop activity, and when it came to our own quiet Christmas at home, I had to spend most of Xmas Day and Boxing day in bed!
I am not looking forward to Christmas this year as I lost my son in March and he loved Christmas and helped me with everything I miss him so much. I do wish everyone A Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year
Hi Mdaisy, at present lost all interest at present just cannot be bothered, on the 6th. Have to see a specialist about what exactly! I know not, at present having a crisis pain just about every where, totally shattered. Hermes.
I tend to get only little nicnacs for children which you can pick up anywhere and add money instead of a large present. That's easier for me
I go on holiday
I’ve never been this organised before but realise that I was working this time last year and usually stressing to find time to prepare.
I’ve applied the need for pacing in every day life to my Christmas preparations, which has helped enormously.
Also, with not being able to work I’ve had to be realistic on my spending.
I haven’t wrapped anything yet and have a few more things to get.
Going to my daughter’s for dinner, so no cooking and I’ve even ordered the meats from my butcher!
I’m not smug,(honestly)!
I’m hoping that my more relaxed approach to it all will help me to actually enjoy Christmas for a change.
My only concern is if the children are too loud but they have learned recently to keep it down or play in the other lounge - bless them XX
I scale things down significantly. There is no need to get caught up in the commercialism and unnecessary expectation. Health comes first through the entire year.
Getting enough sleep. Easy to prepare meals,
Hi Mdaisy.
As Bassqueen said, I used to enjoy Christmas but now I am unable to cope with all the hustle and bustle, the bright, flashing lights, the blaring music and hubbub. I’m finding it a real struggle to pace myself, at the same as ensuring that I interact with my friends and family (all of whom expect me to be cheerful and energetic). Fortunately my Partner is very understanding, although he doesn’t really have any idea what I feel all the time.
So I try to keep out of Christmas and always use excuses not to attend any celebration.
getting enough rest and sleep.
If I had money I'd take myself off somewhere nice and warm on 23rd December til 2nd January. The only stress - which island?? Ha ha x a girl can dream 🤗
Please don’t share my comments thank you
I find actually going out to the shops is stressful, the crowds and noise (music playing everywhere) just make it unpleasant and wearing. I can only do it in short trips, maybe two shops at a time, and always take a list of which presents I am looking for. Online shopping helps a lot.
i deligate. my husband is great and helps me with everything!
Christmas is a year long project. It starts in the January sales for bargains. The card list is from when I take down cards on 12th night!
Food shopping is bit more tricky. The veg from the garden in the summer normally provide some of the meal. I never make pud anymore. The cake is started on /near 5th November.
I try to get 30-40% of the presents finished by early November. Crowds in shops are not our friends with pain levels are they?
Finally. I do attend church, yes very much a lifestyle choice.The grandchildren come to crib service every Christmas Eve it is wonderful!!!!
We all go to my eldest daughter's and her husband's for dinner and present swapping on Christmas Eve and they cook, which is lovely. Then on Christmas Day it's just my husband and me and he cooks. I have friends who think this is weird - that I'm happy to do Christmas like this and not see my family on the actual day, but it suits us all and is very relaxing for me.
I love Christmas I have done all the pressies wrapped them as well . Tree went up today took me all day instead of an hour lol but it's up and on looks beautiful . I start Christmas shopping in the sales and put them away ready always had to with 3 kids and nephews and nieces even before this illness hit me . Always gone mad for Christmas had to be perfect worked myself up into a right state and had to work nights over the holidays I had a regime and low betide anyone who broke it lol . These days I pace and with the relaxation techniques I realise nothing is perfect it doesn't have to be . I make sure the grandkids are sorted that's the most important . I am off to Texas for Christmas to stay with my USA grandkids .
I always spend Christmas Day at home with my children. I won't go out & use the excuse that I don't want to drag the children away from their christmas presents.
Since we moved into a small bungalow 4 years ago I haven't been able to host Christmas day here. Unfortunately I'm a good cook and my family all enjoy it most when I cook it. So we have it at my sister's house and she does most of the veg, my eldest daughter cooks a beautiful ham. My younger daughter makes a dessert and a beautiful stuffing and I do the rest. My sister loves to decorate the table but we always have to take emergency chairs, cutlery and serving dishes etc. I don't do much of the clearing up and virtually everything goes in the dishwasher. This year there is 12 of us but in the past I've catered for 17. We have 2 young grandsons 3 and 5 and the day is chaotic but I love it. 9 years ago we lived in Cyprus and our youngest came over for the Christmas holidays. We went for Christmas lunch at a restaurant with her and several couples we'd made friends with. It was a lovely day but not our family Christmas. Boxing day I do nothing and just enjoy watching the tv and eating leftovers. I have been diagnosed with cirrhosis (although I don't drink) and have bought some non alcoholic prosecco.
Hope everyone gets the Christmas they want and here's to better health in 2019 🎄🎅🎁
Going away and deciding whether I celebrate or not.
I leave UK for sunnier climes before Xmas and come back after New Year when it's all over. I find it too sad, I just break down all the time. Losing family and friends and particularly a child loom as a massive reality of the loss at these times of year. It's too stressful I hate the cold, I hate the commercial aspects of Xmas people have forget particularly children why we celebrate Xmas anyway. Give me peace and quiet on a nice warm beach with my son,and nice warm local people.
Several years ago I designed and made a small tabletop Christmas 🎄 that includes battery operated lights that twinkle or continuous dash around in a loop. I can take it out put it up and take it down in minutes now because I no longer can do the loved traditional decorating. It still allows the celebration just on a mini scale 🎄♥️🤗😇🕊😊
Extra sleep due to lie-in most days as no school run!
I shop on line because no energy for shopping and crowds, i have to have everything organised about 1 month before xmas day otherwise i won't be able to function, and i prefer to keep things low key and if i'm going to have visitors i'd like to know before hand.
Lots of mind numbing alcohol
I just take higher doses of oxynorm/oxycontin works for me..
Giving to other people, friends and family, but not masses of presents and giving to selected charities.
Hi all, I have issues with people labelling me as antisocial for not going to work parties but after spending out all my energy to keep working with fibromyalgia lupus and under active thyroid parties are the last thing on my mind.
First year ever my plan for the day is pjs tv and spending it with my best friend! Best Christmas and first Xmas I will be putting me first.
Happy Christmas to you all and I pray you all get time to rest and take time out for you!!!!!
Can't cope with it is to not take any part off it.
I finaly managed to stop people sending me those awful cards,,, not one last year,, that is the only way I can cope with it.