Does your Fibromyalgia feel worse at ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Does your Fibromyalgia feel worse at a certain time of year possibly due to change of weather?

Mdaisy profile imageMdaisy396 Voters

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74 Replies
westcountry profile image

'Other' vote - My Fibro gets worse on some days/any days without any apparent reason..... colder weather may be worse but not necessarily!

Mine seems to flare when there are sudden changes either way.

Nebraska1 profile image

bad flares all year round heat and cold can be a factor been fighting for over 3 years for a diagnosis

in reply toNebraska1

Write three month pain diary then leave it for your Dr then after three weeks go see them and see what they think.

doxie1 profile image

I have never known anything so painful, just have to keep going

Patsie8892 profile image
Patsie8892 in reply todoxie1

Me neither doxie 1!😩 & I've had 3 mcycle crashes & 2 sciatic collapses. This FM agony everyday is such a battle 😴 Chins up eh! Lots of 💜

Midori profile image

For me it changes day to day. Mainly weather related. Damp cold is the worst, followed by hot weather humidity.

Cold is bearable if the atmosphere is dry, and a mildly breezy hot day is heavenly.

Aches and pains respond to the weather, as does my mood. Grey days give me grey moods, sunny days lift my spirits, even if I'm stuck indoors!

Volatileval profile image
Volatileval in reply toMidori

That sounds just like me!

Naturegirl8 profile image
Naturegirl8 in reply toVolatileval

yep me too, definitely worse in damp cold, and winter darkness depresses me every year

Gizmo4646 profile image

Yes I'm afraid I have flare ups at any time I'm so fed up with it I don't know what to do it's ruining my life I have no time with my grandchildren as I'm ill most of the time I try so hard to just get on with things but I feel too poorly to do anything sorry for moaning I'm not usually like this

Lia18 profile image
Lia18 in reply toGizmo4646

Sending you gentle hugs 😕 xx

1499 profile image
1499 in reply toGizmo4646

Hi There! you are not alone I feel exactly the way you do hardly get out these days it definately steals away your life. I have been using CBD oil which has been helping at times with the pains, nobody realises what a curse this condition is. Hang in there, hugs x

Kittyjack profile image
Kittyjack in reply toGizmo4646

This sounds like a mirror reflection of my life Gizmo it's just so heart rending xx

Dizzysmile profile image
Dizzysmile in reply toGizmo4646

Sorry you are feeling so ill. I don’t know if this will help but you are not alone, I too feel like you are feeling all the time and it’s a dreadful illness. I have a 11year old son. I know he misses quality time with me.

You may have already done this but I’m trying again, but have you asked your GP to refer you to a pain clinic? I’m awaiting an appointment in November (such a long waiting list!!)

I’m on such a cocktail of things at present I’m hoping they can come up with a miracle pill!

Zomorph, Morphine Sulphate, Amitriptyline, Duloxetine & paracetamol. (For pain)

You have every right to moan! Try with the pain clinic tell them how bad you feel, I know I’m going to give it a go again! Try a different hospital that you are usually booked in with a fresh pair of eyes could help.

Most importantly rest when you can, the housework can wait a day or two. Plan a day after you have rested to see your grandkids explain to them about your fibromyalgia kids are very understanding...

I wished I could give you a hug 🤗 I can really relate to how you feel sending my love xx

buddymac48 profile image
buddymac48 in reply toGizmo4646

Sorry to say I know just how you feel, try so hard but cant win the battle.

in reply toGizmo4646

Same here. It's very draining, psychologically and physically. I have RA, degenerative disc disease and Pernicious Anaemia too. No on going care as such, apart from regular prescription meds and monthly b12 injections . It seems we're left to get on with a life time of severe discomfort and mobility challenges. Sending gentle hugs to you. Xx

twinks profile image

Changes in the weather, I'm like a human barometer, worse in winter changes, muscles because of the cold

Firefly1508 profile image

Yes, mdaisy,windy weather affects me the most, and humidity, .

MsJ1 profile image

Hi, I said summer because that's when I'm more likely to keep pushing myself too far for example to get out when it's nice, bit of gardening, a walk etc most which take their toll. Hope Poll/Survey useful.

25rosclare profile image

There is a day each year at the end of summer (usually Sept, sometimes early Oct but this year August) when suddenly there is a chill in the air which sparks the Fibro off. I spend a day or two thinking that I am coming down with flu and then suddenly realise this is how Winter Fibro feels. I know that it will get worse as the Winter progresses (it fluctuates with the cold and damp) and it will be 6 months or more before it starts to ease. It takes me a few days to come to terms with it and then I take a deep breath and deal with it.

taokat profile image

I've noticed I get pain flares when it's wet, especially if it's cooler as well. Winter is always worse, but weather changes can affect it, particularly large rapid changes in barometric pressure. I did actually take part in a study connected to this, through an app called 'Cloudy with a Chance of Pain'. They published anonymous results, and they proved interesting, though not conclusive. I'd recommend reading up on it if it's an area that interests you, though it did include other pain conditions, not just Fibro. You can find all the info here:

Lia18 profile image
Lia18 in reply totaokat

Thanks :-) x

jools56 profile image
jools56 in reply totaokat

I took part in that study too toakat...didn't know they had published results. I have osteoarthritis as well, so I tried to tailor my reports to include fibro as well, because they seem to react to the weather in the same way at the same time.

taokat profile image
taokat in reply tojools56

Jools56, I have osteoarthritis too, though only recently diagnosed. I agree, it and the fibro do seem to flare together. Nice to meet a fellow participant. :)

Maya23 profile image

I flare up at any time of year but I have noticed that I tend to get more good days in Summer and a lot of bad days in Winter.

Blackwitch profile image

I have them all year round but my present IM steroid jabs every 3 months for RA help the Fibro too. x

Lia18 profile image

I definitely find the Summer worse in terms of pain and just generally feeling horrible. This summer's heatwave was unbearable. I was stuck in for weeks on end, desperately trying to get cool. Curtains closed, sleepless etc. Spoke to my GP on the phone who was sympathetic, but couldn't do anything. I upped my meds to the max and put up with the side-effects.

Part of my problem with summer is that everyone seems to be going away and I can't and I've lost touch with all of my friends this year, everyone is sick of me cancelling stuff and no-one bothers to come round anymore.

I feel much better now that it's FINALLY cooler. I love Autumn, it's my favourite season. Gorgeous colours and soon there'll be crispness in the air :-)

Winter brings flareups of course, but I can stay in keeping cosy. Specially when there's heavy snow!

Gentle hugs and light to everyone.

(PS Sorry about the whinging. It's been a rough summer).

1499 profile image
1499 in reply toLia18

Hi Lia, I can totally relate to what you are saying, I am much worse when it's hot and sunny and spend so much time indoors and I have to cancel things all the time. I am beginning to feel like a hermit these days. I can't get away either I wouldn't find it a pleasure when I wouldn't be able to walk about as much as I would like as I also have knee and Back problems and most of us fibro warriors have to go and lie down when pain and exhaustion comes over us so it's easier to stay at home. I live in hope that things will improve but since getting a bit older the fibro has definately got worse yet I read it doesn't lol! Wishing you well. I have been using "Love CBD 8oomg Entourage Spray" which has definately helped until these recent horrible flare-ups which had been kept at bay for a wee while but think I overdone things and as you know we suffer afterwards when we try to catch up with things on our better days ,which are few and far between. hugs x

Kittyjack profile image
Kittyjack in reply to1499

I am definitely getting a lot more pain and tiredness as I'm getting older, it feels I have no life at all apart from forcing myself to go to the shops to get food. It's such a dreadful struggle xx

Frostielyme profile image

I get flares all year round mostly but I do notice I get more sore in winter and changing from spring to summer too.

Musictherapy profile image

My Fibro flares up without a real pattern, the only constant is if I try to do something overly physical it reminds me after the event in a painful way.

jools56 profile image
jools56 in reply toMusictherapy

Yep...went to a party last Friday and DARED to dance for a bit and not leave until 11.30. Bed at about 12.40 after journey home. So as I'm usually in bed dosed with my amitriptyline by 10pm, and still woke at 6/7am (you'll know if you're on ami that waking up is not an instant process!) I have been pretty useless all week, having to have afternoon naps. Like a wrung out rag on Sat, then the fibro pain on Sun. But I had good time at a friend's 60th. Sometimes you have to say s*d it when it is a special occasion, otherwise you'd have no life at all, and pay for it later.

sooo profile image

Mine seems worse if it’s damp , suddenly cold or too hot!

Sandham profile image

I have noticed the weather and seasons has impacted at times but this is just another trigger unfortunately for me and many others. From reading other peoples stories over the last year I realise that many suffer most times without warning or reasonable explanation. What ever your triggers known or not your definitely never on your own with this one and I wish you the best of luck in finding a way to ease it up. PS if you do find something that helps let me know as I'm fed up with being the doc's guinea pig with the different medications lol.

Medical61 profile image

Should have a not affected by seasonal changes choice. Mine pain is triggered by by other viral conditions. Although diagnosed as FM I’m not convinced as I have severe stenosis and other neurological problems.

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply toMedical61

Isn’t that kind of the same as flares all the time all year round :)

oldwomaninpain profile image

Newly diagnosed, suffered for 10 years but family doc not a helpful chap! I get up wondering which bit is going to hurt today.....and today it's just a very bad all over headache that's impeding major progress but no sleep last night so going to have a siesta shortly

1499 profile image
1499 in reply tooldwomaninpain

Hi there, maybe next time you should see another GP and get a referral to a pain clinic. It's a horrible condition this "invisible enemy" I always say it steals away your life. I think we all try every supplement and various meds just to get some ease. Before this recent bad spell I was and still am taking CBD oil and feel it has definatley been helping the pains, some days I don't need as much tramadol maybe worth a try. hugs x

oldwomaninpain profile image
oldwomaninpain in reply to1499

I live in Southern Spain, my GP (Igor) is Romanian so, like me, Spanish is a second language. The technique of diagnosis in Spain is clearly ''pick a symptom, any symptom, and treat it'', no holistic consideration at all. I am also lactose and egg allergic (worse than intolerant - potential hospital case, carry Epipen etc) which means many tablets/injections are out of bounds but I do not find out which until I get to the farmacia (chemist) then it means going back to Igor for another try - process can take weeks to find something that might work - I often give up and go to health food shop and see if there is a natural remedy instead. Not tried CBD yet

1499 profile image
1499 in reply tooldwomaninpain

Hi thanks for reply, shame you have such bad allergies to live with also. If your on meds you should allow 2 hrs between that and the oil, they say any meds that interfere with grapefruit like some hypertension meds to leave 4 hrs but your pharmacist could advise. The one I use if from a reputable company, there are a few. Depending on your pain you may want to use a higher strength one. The one I use is by a company called "Love CBD" from England I'm sure (I live in Scotland) it's 800mg Entourage spray. It is not cheap at £48.99 for a 20ml bottle but has lasted me for months. My friend is quite bad with her chest and asthma and with it getting good reviews for all sorts of conditions I bought her 300mg which was £20 to see how she gets on with it. You start low and slow but it comes with a leaflet anyway, and you can always go onto "CBD Users UK" website where you join up and ask any questions. Good luck people just don't realise what a struggle it is living with Fibromyalgia. hugs from Glasgow x

oldwomaninpain profile image
oldwomaninpain in reply to1499

cheers, Claire (my new best mate in health food shop) keeps suggesting I try it, fortunately she is an ex-pat like myself - will discuss it more with her (in English not Spanish, phew! )

1499 profile image
1499 in reply tooldwomaninpain

Hi again, it appears that another reputable one is CBD Brothers, Murcia Spain. Holland and Barratt have started doing one in their health shops but from what I've read it isn't strong enough for a lot of people and not helping though we are all very different so make sure the one you try is a good quality one. x

jools56 profile image
jools56 in reply to1499

I started taking CDB oil in March, definitely a help, although it is expensive. Helps settle mild pain on 'not so bad' days, and reduces more severe pain when a full blown flare up threatens.

Marz profile image

The thyroid is our barometer and its output is affected by temperature. Many Thyroid patients taking Thyroid medication often have to reduce their dose in the summer. The magic T3 mentioned again and yet very rarely tested with the NHS ...

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply toMarz

certainly an interesting study from 1977 but it does not mention what the other non thyroidal illnesses were. Certainly people with fibro have reported seeming temperature like fluctuations while actual body temperature and surroundings have remained constant.

Also people have been tested beyond the NHS norms and still not had a thyroid condition but have fibro symptoms still. Also believe that enhanced thyroid testing is carried out within clinical fibro studies. May reach out to a couple of the studies going on in the UK to check this is currently happening.

Pork_1 profile image

I'm riddled with it most of the time.

1499 profile image

People say to me the damp weather in Scotland doesn't help but I feel worse in the sunshine it exhausts me and have to stay in the shade and feel pain can be worse sometimes in the sun.

Kittyjack profile image

I honestly feel I am getting more flare ups the older I get. I was diagnosed in 1998 but as the years go on I spend more of my life in bed. It sometimes feels like I am in a coma when the sleeping hits me on certain days and I honestly find it harder to manage now and I'm only 60....where is my life. Hope yous are on good days fellow strugglers xx

achydunlin profile image

Definitely worse when it's wet or there's a low pressure front.

Dee188 profile image

Mine is worse on cold damp days also changes in air pressure as we live at high altitude 700ft above sea level.

ClareCrip profile image

Not weather affected. Have no experience of flares either

TK256116E profile image

Recently my hips are really painful even at rest, in bed, sitting, walkin, like a rod in each making it stuff & sore. My shins also feel stiff, uncomfortable. Im exhausted by the body & it's constant changes

Collie-Dog profile image

I honestly think stress makes me worse any time of the year?

Naturegirl8 profile image

Winter, cold and damp definitely loads worse. Have been loving the long hot dry summer and beginning to dread the onset of dark months.

All year round like now for instance.. x

Rubycheshire1 profile image

There really is no rhyme or reason to my flare ups. There is no warning signs for me that let me know when things are going to get worse. As I have severe Osteo Arthritis my flares ups are more pain in winter.

Rubycheshire1 profile image

There really is no rhyme or reason to my flare ups. I have no warning signs of when they are going to get worse. As I have severe Osteo Arthritis my Fibro flare ups feel a lot worse in the damp weather or winter

GrandmaDylan profile image

I have had fibromyalgia since 2002 and it has never improved if anything it just gets worse. I've been diagnosed with non alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver and the added symptoms of fatigue and pain just make for total miserie. 😢😕 oh and I have type 2 diabetes and am hypothyroid

Reykua profile image

Lately I've notice that Emotional upset and stress appears to exacerbate my flares.

Panchapooch profile image
Panchapooch in reply toReykua

Hi I find that if I have any stressful situations this gives me a flare up. So glad someone else feels like this sometimes you just think you are imagining it.


jools56 profile image
jools56 in reply toPanchapooch

I'd agree stress doesn't help...I've found myself tensing up my muscles and this can't help with a muscle pain condition. I try to untense as soon as I realise I'm doing it, and do a bit of deep breathing. Also if I am in pain I find I tense up, creating a vicious circle!

stollerydd profile image

Neither temperature or humidity has an impact.

Teddysmum43 profile image

I don't fluctuate at all in pain constantly

My fibro flares with a sudden change in temp/air pressure: either suddenly hot, snow on way or thunderstorm coming or just sudd drop to v.cold.

Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff

I find that my worst time for flares are when the seasons are changing, and can almost predict when I'm likely to have one. Winter is my worst time of year because of the cold and damp xxx

siouxiebloo profile image

This is the first time I've written a post even though I've been a part of this familys page for a long time.As Gizmo4646 pointed out in her reply about not having time with grandchildren due to Ill health that is exactly the same as me. My fibromyalgia is consistently running beside my Osteoarthritis, Spinal stenosis, Scoliosis, Copd/Emphysema, Sleep apnea and this causes me to suffer with Depression and Anxiety... sometimes I wonder what lifes all about 😕

Sarahvit profile image

I chose other because it is the hot that makes it worse so winter but sitting where the AC is blowing wakes up my pain. Damp cold air and drop in barometric pressure will set off a flare.

Sandy247 profile image

Normally it is much worse when the weather is cold andor wet but the humidity we've been experiencing has caused me to have a few attacks.

Judithdalston profile image

Change of weather, air pressure, body clock when been on long haul flight to very different weather, time etc. Overdoing things for long period look me a month- suddenly hits you hurt all over

skit profile image

My Fibro cannot decide what day it is never mind which season!

jools56 profile image

September and March, generally, are worse as they are months when the weather begins to get unsettled. But sudden changes at any time of the year in weather can cause an increase in stiffness, aching or a full blown flare up.

Yes so in winter time if I don't wear scarf the draft on my neck then gives tightness in neck shoulders then back then spreads throughout but I have flares throughout year to,but draft on neck definitely starts it off every time.

lightstar1 profile image

Hi I have flares all year round but. Winter I seem more worse.i have osterathertuis.

RayB profile image

I think generaly winter is worst for me as I am constantly cold,, I heat the livingroom to 27C an it is not to warm,, but the feet and hands are still cold. In Summer it is the oppsite I am glued to a house unable to do much as the constant summer weather sucks the life out of me.

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