Which of the following mental health ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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Which of the following mental health conditions do you have alongside your Fibromyalgia?

Mdaisy profile imageMdaisy454 Voters

Please select all that apply:

127 Replies
JFT787L profile image

Also I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Anxiety

Magi54 profile image
Magi54 in reply toJFT787L

Anxiety depression. Now I’m jumping with my nerves

poppyann1 profile image
poppyann1 in reply toMagi54

I also have m.e

lana59 profile image
lana59 in reply toJFT787L


lana59 profile image
lana59 in reply toJFT787L

Me too.

MsJ1 profile image


Loreen profile image


Susiegingers profile image

I have depression and borderline personality disorder.

Maxinico profile image

I have also anxiety anemia

25rosclare profile image

I have no mental health problems, thank heavens. Yes there is depression and anxiety at times but people without Fibro also have bad days

Maggiet profile image

I get a very low mood but not diagnosed with clinical depression, though I am prescribed Citalopram. I also get very anxious at times.

RandomSean84 profile image

Chronic fatigue, irlen syndrome, dyslexia on top of the ones I ticked

Fi-BROS profile image
Fi-BROS in reply toRandomSean84

Same 2/3 l. CF AND dyslexia imand fibro is all a bit hard to manage together

Mandypandy1969 profile image

unstable personality disorder.

Generalized anxiety disorder

I have

Nash, gastritis, under active thyroid, IBS, diverticulitis, spondylitis, oa in knee, xxxx

GrandmaDylan profile image
GrandmaDylan in reply to

I have chronic fatigue, underactive thyroid, OA, cirrhosis although tea total, gastritis and hiatus hernia. No wonder I feel a bit down 😢😁😴😁

GrandmaDylan profile image
GrandmaDylan in reply toGrandmaDylan

Forgot to mention type 2 diabetes 😂

jimborck profile image

Anxiety mainly

Will2015abc profile image

And Anxiety Disorder

Violetta25 profile image

To the ladies with anxiety did it come on around the menopause?

in reply toVioletta25

Yes for me it did. Lately I’ve had it bad. Not myself.

oben5 profile image
oben5 in reply to

yes mind and has got bad the last 2 years

KasJas profile image
KasJas in reply toVioletta25

No, it began as a girl/young woman for me.

Garden987 profile image

STress,anxiety, lung damage

Rosythyme profile image

General Anxiety disorder

I have chronic fatigue, hypothyroidism, nerve damage affecting legs and hands, fibromyalgia and spine problems in lumbar region with discs touching nerve, sciatica. Previously I had spondylosis in neck area.

lightsinthecity profile image
lightsinthecity in reply to

Hi. I just wanted to introduce myself because of so many similarities between yourself and me. (Definitely not a grammar expert so I don’t know if that last sentence was correct).

I feel I must have nerve damage either from the initial IL open surgery or a minor procedure after that - or both.

I say this because after the 2nd procedure I had swollen legs which turned Toto legs that wouldn’t work correctly, if at all, because of an awful pain that is indescribable except like terrible charley horses running up and down the legs.

My hands have it been affected - yet / hopefully won’t.

I too have spine problems with every region of the back: cervical, thoracic, and the lumbar. I also have spondylitis.

Geeeez, here I thought I was the only one to have so many problems after having the huge one EC.

Oh, also, there is more. If all that weren’t enough and I was dealing with it the best I could - NOW I have scoliosis - it didn’t happen overnight but I certainly wasn’t like this a year ago. The doctors are surprised st how fast it progressed - me too!! My ribs on one side stick out and everything!!!!!

Man oh man.

Depression, anxiety, and stress

Right at this moment I’m in so much pain. I’m going to see the chiropractor today for adjustments. Do any of you see a chiropractor. Sometimes I don’t help. Sometimes I’m in more pain.😞

lightsinthecity profile image
lightsinthecity in reply to

I wish I could see I chiropractor but after the open surgery - there is just no way.

I got a generated email from healthunlocked and clicked on it.

I am a member of two different ones so it is confusing sometimes.

Just now I thought I was on the Esophageal Cancer one - hence the comment about open surgery and a Chiro not working out.

But again - I used to go to one before the big C and I liked how I felt afterward.

You have to find a good one - I know that would be a hard assignment with insurance etc.

I hope you feel much better real soon.


MariLiz profile image
MariLiz in reply to

Yes, I see a chiropractor regularly. It’s the only thing that keeps me moving. I also find the massage therapy offered there helps a lot.

in reply toMariLiz

Great!! I miss my appointment to go today. Got busy at work. Now I’ve got to wait til Monday Aug. 6th

MariLiz profile image
MariLiz in reply to

Hope you get another appointment and the chiropractor can help ease things for you.

Very best wishes


Chrisbel profile image

Hypermobile spine

FancyTramp profile image

Social anxiety, general anxiety, agoraphobia, ocd thoughts and avoidant personality disorder.

Transient psychosis

Jambuddy profile image

Anxiety. Fear of darkness. Panic attacks. Low mood

sharn profile image

Fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, stress, chronic fatigue, nerve damage affecting legs, hypoglycaemia,

bassqueen profile image

Anxiety off the chart !

Ardfert profile image
Ardfert in reply tobassqueen

Anxiety is often due to high copper and zinc can reduce it over a few months. Ask your doctor to check it.

Evie76 profile image

Anxiety also

trimbo71 profile image

I have had fibromyalgia for 25yrs. Other than depression/mood swings I also suffer from: fibro fog, get extremely tired, IBS, poor gait, bad short term memory, irritability in legs, lack of interest in doing things. I am now undergoing tests to see if I am also developing Polymyalgia Rheumatica or Sjögren’s Syndrome, or is it just a really bad flare of my fibro.

marouska-10 profile image
marouska-10 in reply totrimbo71

Hi there , I don’t post often but I too am being looked st for Sjorgens. I’ve had fibro for st least 5 years and unfortunately for me I’m diagnosed with autonomic failure called Dysautonomia which affects all aspects of the autonomic system , from breathing , BP regulation , heart rate, gastro intestinal side so bladder, bowel , stomach function is failing bit by bit ever more .

The fibro causes all the usual problems , residual depression , pain, stiffness and extreme migraines every morning now.

Other aspect is very bad chronic fatigue of the type which flattens you brain fog is very distressing and has affected everything

But I soldier on . I am not on medications at all except for low dose Mst . Which only buffers the pain slightly

What wondered is who knows if Doxetine which I’ve been urged to take worsens insomnia and agitation . The other one is pregabalin ?

filenada profile image
filenada in reply tomarouska-10

I have found that duloxetin works comparatively well for me.... let's just say that I do notice a real difference if I forget to take it. Good luck 👍

Gab-Gordon profile image
Gab-Gordon in reply tomarouska-10

I take low foes of pregabalin which helps slightly. I refuse to take higher as I keep being urged to do. It's the oy.one that's helped me

ajc64 profile image
ajc64 in reply totrimbo71


I've been on steroids for nearly 2 years. For polymyalgia. Every time I get down on them my crp levels go sky high. But i was referred back to rheumatology and my specialist said if you had been referred back to me after your first visit 20 years ago I could have told you that you have fybromyalgia. I am 54 and he says polymyalgia is seen in people in their 70s he says it's more likely that I have seronegative rheumatoid arthritis. But he can't test me yet as im awaiting spinal surgery at a different hospital so it's not wise to come off the steroids now. I tried coming off the gabapentin as I believed they weren't working I was wrong so have a to tritate up to 900mg 4 x a day. I have steroid induced diabetes. Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis , lumbar spondylosis,hypertension. Depression from teens , anxiety . My specialist advised my gp action to consider cannabis oil which my gp says they can't prescribe that yet. Next option was to come off amitriptyline which I take 150mg at night along with 45mg mirtazapine and take clonazepam. Is anyone else on this?.

GrandmaDylan profile image
GrandmaDylan in reply totrimbo71

I have had fibromyalgia for about 15 years originally diagnosed as ME. A few years ago I was in such a lot of pain I did some research and thought that I might have polymyalgia too. My gp put me on steroids and I felt fantastic. I could walk quickly and climb stairs with ease...it was wonderful. Not so wonderful were the side effects. Weight gain, feeling incredibly hot all the time but the worst was it made my type 2 diabetes go through the roof. So much so that I had to start injecting insulin twice a day. If I'd be forwarned I wouldn't have taken the steroids. It has taken me 3 years to lose the weight and stop the insulin. I'm worried now that I've been diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver even though I've never been a drinker that if it turns out to be autoimmune they'll put me back on steroids. I'll do everything in my power not to take them.

I have anxiety also and the pain is sometimes so overriding I can't move without something really hurting and yet my doctors can understand why I'm so depressed, I did liken it to having permanent bad toothache which they could not get rid of and they just laughed. What chance do we stand with this attitude.

Dudman profile image
Dudman in reply to

Permanent toothache in your body describes fibromyalgia down to a tee!

Sandra600 profile image


Suebf1983 profile image

Emotionally unstable borderline personality disorder and anxiety.

TK256116E profile image

Alongside M. E osteoarthritis IBS.

honeybug profile image

Thank you again Mdaisy.


budgiefriend profile image

I think it is important to clarify this, where mental health conditions are concerned in sufferers of severe or chronic, painful conditions, and especially those that are extremely disabling and at the same time stigmatised or dismissed and inadequately treated by general public and medical and government appointed assessors and care assessors, etc.:

1. These conditions such as Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS have been definitively proven to be bio-medical in origin, and not caused by mental or psychological problems at all, although stress of various kinds can possibly cause a weakening in our immune system that may make us more vulnerable to getting I'll, and definitely does worsen our symptoms and degree we are affected by these illnesses.

2. When anyone suffers with a chronic, incurable and very difficult to treat condition, he or she can reasonably be expected to have difficulty with profound grief, depression, and possible other mental health issues.This is a NORMAL, human reaction, and unfortunately, because of a lack of understanding of the nature, seriousness, and complexity of these illnesses, many poorly informed people, including doctors and other professionals, fail to distinguish and differentiate between mental effects and causes, and reasons for the two. This can add to further depression, emotional trauma, inappropriate treatment or failure to treat, isolation, deprivation of care and social care, and more in a nightmare vicious cycle. Long term PTSD, fear and avoidance of seeking help, verbal or even physical abuse by partners or family members, loss of income or access to funds, even homelessness, divorce, and bankruptcy can result. I personally have suffered all these difficulties I mentioned, and I have never had a mental health problem requiring medication or treatment before becoming Ill with the conditions that have over the past 16 years, gradually been diagnosed and researched and more understood.

3. Education and awareness need to be constant and come from the top down. We can explain to those we need to interact with, but many years of attempts have not resulted in significant changes. Our politicians, medical governing bodies, and Social Care organisations need to be bombarded with research findings and demands that our human rights and the care act are enforced and properly defended. Until they put serious efforts and funding into educating all involved, and until media messages reach the general public alongside doctors, carers, and other authority figures stating these things loudly and clearly, I think we will needlessly suffer more than a reasonable share of ongoing mental and psychological challenges.

4. It is extremely important, and can't be said too often, that loving and tenderly caring for ourselves, respecting our bodies' needs and symptoms, and our need for comfort,rest, nourishment, and anything else that helps us cope, are the most important ways we can help ourselves. There will be difficult and painful choices, realisations, and decisions along the way. We may benefit from counselling. However, in my experience unless the counsellor we see has some understanding of the things I discussed in this post, even they can do more harm than good by making assumptions or suggesting the opposite of what we need.

Chronic fatigue, irlen syndrome, dyslexia, Anxiety and depression.

Other heath problems include, nerve damage affecting legs and hands, spine problems in lumbar region with discs touching nerve, sciatica, nerve damage to the root of my spine and spondylosis in neck area.

Blood condition Polycythaemia Ruba Vera Jak 2 with a related enlarged spleen.

cynanwyl profile image

I have anxiety as well as depression.

_Paul_ profile image





Memory loss


doxie1 profile image

I have Depression as have Osteoporosis Arthritis along with Fibromyalgia and they fight one another.

Anxiety and panic disorder.

Delilah66 profile image

Anxiety (prior to menopause, and taken over depressive moods prob due to being on fluoxetine for so long), severe IBS, and recently (since Nov 17) Achilles tendinitis in left ankle that subsequently lead to plantar fasciitis in right foot been on crutch for 4wks. Naproxen made me ill despite taking omeprozole. Amytrip at night and Gabapentin 3x2aday. .....

Reykua profile image


Blackwitch profile image

I have 3 monthly steroid injections but as they wear off my mood changes (not diagnosed as depression) but I feel more anxious & depressed, can't face crowds, loud noises or visual stimulation (eg. In shops, supermarkets etc), so I don't go out other to appointments with doctors, dentists & hospital

niretro profile image

Anxiety, and when the pain/fatigue is bad I can sometimes suffer from ‘organic depression’ (side effect from chronic pain) - it’s different to clinical depression.

TeeDee63 profile image

Anxiety and depression.

I have chronic degeneration of the spine, COPD , angina and hypertension as well as fibro

I get depressed sometimes, but it is not clinical depression, just a reaction to the limitations caused by my chronic health conditions. I agree with budgiefriend that we should try to distinguish between these, as grief and depression on finding out you have a disease that cannot be cured easily/at all is normal.

I know some of us have more than one issue but also too many of us have been diagnosed incorrectly with mental health problems instead of fibro.

Or with the wrong mental health condition - I had treatment for complex PTSD years ago, but even that was initially diagnosed as depression, then depression and anxiety, before I got the correct diagnosis years later. Of course my medical notes still have the original diagnoses without amendment/note.

peck profile image

I am bi-polar, manic depression, CFS, Thyroid issues, and severe panic disorder.They have all left me disabiled. It's bc a sad situation.After almost 20 years, I've learned ways of dealing with it Abit bit better. Peck 🐤

Shazzzy profile image

Occasional depression, goes with the territory.

rowanmaya profile image

Generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, childhood trauma.

Collie-Dog profile image

The DWP make me worse, I know how ill I am, the Specialists know what I am going through but the DWP choose not to believe us!

I also have M.E, 3 bulging discs and 2 trapped nerves.

Madcowmoooo profile image

RA, Raynauds, Cluster migraines, pernicious Animia

Shanpa69 profile image


I also have Anxiety and Depression ,Postruamatic. Stress disorder ,borderline personality Disorder ...managing my mental health was a big issue for me and l felt there was very little support and understanding to what l was experiencing ....later on l developed fibromyalgia as the pressure of trying to keep my mental health stable became difficult as professional was making me feel guilty in regards to my daughter ...fibromyalgia was a condition l develop after going through a number of traumatic experiences.

Cleaner profile image

Anxiety and borderline personality disorder

11caroline29 profile image


ger80 profile image

Anxiety and PSTD

ger80 profile image

Anxiety and PSTD

Weezin profile image


Weezin profile image

I also have OCD

skit profile image

I never had a mental disorder before Fibro.

I now get at certain times panic attacks and mild anxiety.

ajc64 profile image

I have anxiety and chronic fatigue. My RA specialist is trying to address the sleep issues with different meds. I've had reactive depression and anxiety since been a teen but has got a lot worse. Also remembering things is a big problem. So he advised having a note book near my bed to write down my feelings and also one for writing important things down.

hellsbells52 profile image

Terrible panic attacks that started in September last year I really thought I was going to die I told my husband to phone for a ambulance I was diagnosed with panic attacks PTSD CFS ME oh the joys of having fibromyalgia!!

I have RA, OA, LBBB, Sjogrens, Asthma, Allergies, Hypothyroid, RLS, etc. etc.

CraftyTeacher profile image


Kitten-kat23 profile image

I have paranoid personality disorder with emotional disorder traits.

Naturegirl8 profile image

I see that others have added other health issues, so here's a few of mine :). Sjogrens Syndrome, Pernicious anaemia, Hypothyroidism, CFS, Memory loss, Insomnia, Osteoarthritis, Hypersensitivity to noise, artificial lights, chemicals etc. Brain fog and inability to concentrate, Social phobia esp shops, doctor phobia, fear of drugs (I think they're all toxic poisons and am also afraid of addiction to painkillers or sleeping tablets etc). Like some others, I never had any health problems prior to fibromyalgia, in fact everything came on following a traumatic brain injury 10 years ago when I was 53.

Debbs73 profile image

Anxiety . Depression, chronic fatigue. Memory loss.

Austing2253 profile image

Hi all

I am on Pregabalin and I find it gives me a high, and a very positive outlook.

Killyraw profile image

I suffer from temporary paralysis of my right leg. It's got no pattern but can last from a few minutes to 3 1/2 hours no doctor has an explanation for this.

cefnonn1 profile image

I also have panic attacks and anxiety.

Shoobydoo profile image

I also have obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome and high blood pressure and anxiety.

petehs profile image

Very interesting to see what over people have.I Suffer from Crohns as well

Malamute profile image

Hello! I have O.C.D and Depression!! I was Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1988!! I have Psoriatic arthritis and Psoriasis also! I live in Canada!!I have had weight problems and Depression for years! I was Diagnosed with O.C.D in2011!! I have to Vacuum everyday, I go crazy over pet fur and dirt! I'm 49 years old and I have wore out 8 Vacumms!!

M0AL61 profile image

Anxiety and panic attacks x

MariLiz profile image

I have also suffered from very bad panic attacks in the past, not so much now I am older.

DaddyzGrl profile image

I also have anxiety, panic attacks, dramatic mood swings, RA, anemia, Oa, and lupus.

Robto profile image

Hello there, in response to your post/survey.

As well as depression, I have, are you ready?!

In no particular order, Long list: fibromyalgia, me/cfs, lower back pain, osteoarthritis, chronic pain syndrome, hypertension and high cholesterol. There are, probably, a few more, but I can't think what they are at the moment.

I hope these help though.

Take care.

Robto. X

Kaspinallsgr8 profile image

Chronic Anxiety and anxiety syndromes probably should have been one of the main choices

Alibobs profile image

M.E, anxiety, pnd xx

glo100 profile image

I also hv chronic fatigue syndrome plus server chronic pain anxiety pretty bad and depression luv glo100

Vickiemc profile image

Anxiety and depression

Dyslexia, Dyspaxia, Hayfever from birth. Chronic shyness in childhood. Depression since puberty. CFS I never noticed before 3 back operations in one year. FM arrived with PTSD during abusive relationship. Also undergoing genetic testing for an as yet undiagnosed hereditary degenerative illness.

nicky333 profile image

Depression & anxiety and also have an under active thyroid!

Popppi profile image

Anxiety, depression and ankylosing spondylitis

spennybest91 profile image

Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Hemiplegic Migraine, Cluster Headache, hiatus hernia, borderline type 2 diabetes, arrhythmia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol - think that's it (thank goodness), oh, I am on here because one of my GP's originally diagnosed me Polymyalgia Rheumatica, but have changed surgeries, and new doctor thinks maybe the wrong diagnosis and I have fibromyalgia instead, am on prednisolone for PMR at moment, plus loads of other stuff (broke my elbow falling out of the car about a month ago... ahhhh

williejohn55 profile image

Memory lose and lack of motivation.

KasJas profile image

Other mental health: Borderline personality disorder, generalised anxiety disorder.

Anxiety 😥

Crackerjack4u profile image

I have depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome, and antisocial personality disorder.

Pringg profile image


Grannycarrot profile image

Dont have any mental health problems but have arthritis all over and had breast cancer,working difficult but just keep going with

FoggyMoggy profile image

I have anxiety and phobias and couldn't believe anxiety/panic attacks isn't on the list >:( Would have thought it was the most common

rottweiller69 profile image

Apart from depression.I have high anxiety dyslexia.

Gab-Gordon profile image

I have sjogrens syndrome

Gab-Gordon profile image

Sjogrens syndrome and depression

Gab-Gordon profile image

Sjogrens syndrome and depression and gastritis

Princess60 profile image

also have anxiety,irritable bowel syndrome,hypothyroidism,bladder incontinence,osteoarthitis in my hands,heels,lumbar,ashma,bronchiasitis,raynauds.

Anxiety and depression


Impulsivity to buy

Anxiety ... create "what ifs" when they probably aren't even gonna happen

Social dysfunction

jetgirl profile image

Depression and bipolar should really be listed separately.

A lot of mental illnesses are missing from your list.

Livonia profile image

What’s the purpose of this poll please

Livonia profile image

I have dyspraxia and also severe anxiety

Confusion, & concentration caused by dercums disease

AmySholay profile image

I also have severe insomnia.

gail76 profile image


blurredwitch profile image


Moderation team

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Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Lynda_FMA_UK profile image
Sarah_fmauk profile image

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