Did you have any of the following hea... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Did you have any of the following health problems when you were growing up ?
Please select all that apply:
I had glandular fever at around 12 or 13
I've LIKED your reply but should be 'thumps down' I had Mono (Glandular Fever) too in 2001 and is thought to be why my health deteriorated
but was in my 20's then!
Ditto. Had Glandular fever around 18/19 but ear, nose and throat issues prior to that.
Hey I had glandular fever twice!! Yep crazy I know as your only supposed to get it once as your body is supposed to build a resistance to it! But nope not me! I also had chicken pox 3 times! I’ve always said I have a broken immune system and that’s why in my opinion I have fibromyalgia!! 💋
I had it when I was 18. Never even thought is could contribute to problems in later life. Thanks for mentioning this.
Hidden clam77 & Maceymae - I wonder if this post is of interest or indeed any help to you?
I had a mild form of polio following the vaccine, but always had weakness, aches and pains, right through my childhood and teenage years!
Glandular fever
Me too! ....I clicked quite a few answers 5 in fact. I wonder how many other people have as well? I also had Eczema & Asthma
Me too: eczema, asthma and glandular fever. Never thought they might ALL be connected!
I think there is a hypothesis about the a link with Crohns with asthma & ezcema but haven't read any connection with Fibro as yet. The Kings College did a DNA study which I sent in a blood sample but no research published that I know about. I'm interested to see the results.........
Always have been very light sensitive and constantly tired. Just as a side comment:- I was found to be blue/green colour blind while I was at primary school. This is quite rare in females. I have found that quite a few Fibro sufferers seem to be colour blind.
I ‘growing pains’ were so severe that I was referred to a rheumatologist but nothing was found. One doctor suggested I was attention seeking as my Mum had arthritis of the hips and he felt I was looking for sympathy. Mum wasn’t convinced and I know that the pain I was feeling was intense and has lasted throughout my life.
That's curious... I've problems with those colours too and so has my mother. Never thought could be related. She also suffers a lot but was never diagnosed. And same thing with the pain when I was 10 they took me to a rheumatologist and he prescribed me something that another doctor said was not good for a child... So never found out... Until now. Big hug.
Hye Scotduck, the comment about being blue/green colour blind in your post really grabbed my attention as I too am blue/green blind, my primary teacher that I was 'useless' at colours! I was also told I had growing pains, isn't it wonderful that things have moved forward, [hopefully].
I had persistent pain in my shoulders, not in my shoulder blades ( as I have now) but in the flat part of my shoulders. I remember it affected my breathing mildly but my parents told me not to be silly/ attention seeking and I didn't see a doctor. Went on for years and I think I just learned to ignore it.
Had glandular fever too, really badly, it affected my kidneys, but that was when I was 26 or 27.

I had Mono (Glandular Fever too) affected my Liver Function and made me anaemic also in my 20's - interesting you had ongoing pains for years
When young had persistent Tonsillitis and ended up having Tonsils and Addenoids out.
Interesting but not surprising about the trauma link. They say the body keeps score x
I had Glandular fever as a child....pretty bad!! 4 months off school! Also chest and throat infections., but also Shingles at the age of 8! Which was so unusual at that time for a child 1972 the Dr wanted to add me to a "MEDICAL JOURNAL"😲😲
I had spinal meningitis age 2 tonsillitis age 6 and a bad injury at work 2001
Adenoids, first as a young child, then tonsils at 14, glandular fever, at 16,and bournholmes disease 13,and chicken pox, thankfully no mumps, so unfortunately caught a few conditions as a young person.
I did get tonsillitis quite a bit when I was younger but grew out of it as I got older. I hated the pink medicine I had to take for it and would carry on something terrible lol. I also recall getting pains in my legs when i was younger. It felt like my bones where cold from the inside out so I used to stand by the fire a lot and rub my legs. I can't really remember going for any tests but I do remember my mum saying they were just growing pains. x
I remember that pink medicine too - yuk! I had to have my tonsils out at the age of 7 as I was missing so much school I think I might have been better off if they had left me to grow out of having so much tonsillitis. I also used to feel cold all the time - I used to stand by the fire like you did and, as a consequence got chilblains on my feet.
All through my childhood I had what they called migraine of the stomach I was physically sick a lot I eventually grew out of it
I was told I had that too, also told was just because I didnt want to go to school
Yes I got told that too maybe it was school making me anxious and then sick but it all felt genuine to me.
I had these as well. It took them awhile to come to that conclusion. Also had "growing pains" all through my childhood and was cold alot of the time. Always felt rubbish, tired and rundown but if I ever said anything it was attention seeking or being melodramatic. Also had hip dysplasia which went unnoticed till I was 13. Also was told that my dentist thought I wouldn't grow any adult teeth due to calcium deficiency. I also had anemic as a child and am still borderline anemic now but my doctor doesn't think that is a problem.
I had what the doctor said what "muscular rheumatism" in my hands.
Pneumonia at 3mths old, maybe due to being premature. Appendicitis at 13yrs old and muscle pains and spasms throughout childhood and adolescence. I had infertility til diagnosed with PCOS. Bell's palsy at 21yr old. Diabetes (type2?) symptoms from as early as I can remember.
Had constant sore throats and coughs due to living with heavy smoking parents and extended family. Constantly on antibiotics even in error for thrush and water infections.
I had scarlet fever , shingles.
Like doxie1, when I was young I had persistent tonsillitis and ended up having my Tonsils (but not my addenoids) out at the age of 7, as I was missing so much school. I have often wondered what percentage of fibromyalgics had their tonsils and/or adenoids out - I wouldn't be surprised if it were to be a high percentage compared to the rest of the non-fibromyalgic population. (Every fibromyalgic that I have know personally has had their tonsils and/or adenoids out as a kid or as a young adult but, of course, I do know some people who had them removed who haven't wound up with fibro.)
I had constant sore throats and had tonsils removed. Had very bad migraines with flashing lights and always sick with them, missed lots of school because of them. Had "tartan" legs from always being cold and sitting on top of the fire as my mother would say. Also had lots of earache and every illness going it felt like. Measles - both, scarlet tina, chicken pox. I remember my mum being really worried as I couldn't keep any food down. I had to have stitches in a bad head wound when I was 7, because it was my head, loads of blood. I'd just had a new yellow blouse and it was covered in it. I remember crying as I couldn't understand why having been through such pain, that I had to have painful stitches too! I was so frantic. I'm not colour blind though, not even slightly, but my vision is kind of rubbish.
I also had tonsillitis a lot tonsils out at 6 also adenoids as I had a nasal drip and they think that's why I had a collapsed lung also all the usual chicken poxs mumps anything that was about I caught, my daughter is 14 and seems to have the same illness and I had had her tonsils and adenoids out 2 years ago pneumonia twice but she has a mild form of cystic fibrosis recurring chest infection constantly. Just recovered from glandular fever. So maybe doctors should start looking into our past illness
I suffered with my throat a lot and had glandular fever when I was 12. I suffered s fractured skull at 4 after falling down a flight of stairs. I had lots of pains in my legs and arms, which I was told was growing pains. I had a tumour removed from my throat when I was 30, had my first hip replaced at 39 and the second at 43 because of osteoporosis arthritis, have fibromyalgia and I also have under active thyroid lol I could go on but I am guessing you all have things to do today!
I had diphtheria as a baby
I also had asthma
I also used to have terrible pain in my legs and used to fall and dislocate and sprain my ankles and wrists. Found out a few years ago that I’d had a condition where all your joints dislocate easily
Is that Hypermobility? People with this do seem to have Fibromyalgia as a secondary condition.
Yes it is and I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia but my discs in my spine have herniated with it and the movement tore a hole in the cartilage in my knee. Found out I’d had PA since birth and it was only diagnosed in my late 40’s. Endometriosis, fibroids and ovarian cysts were also a problem from puberty before that my nose used to bleed very heavily. I still played tennis and enjoyed myself in between hospital visits!
I have suffered with endometriosis, ended up having thermo choice opp to have womb lining burnt away. Before that had treatment to bring on menopause - 3 times. Had fibroids and cysts on ovaries, the cyst had to be removed. Also ended up having appendix removed. I also had/ have a few cysts which keep recurring in breasts. And had constant nose bleeds when young, which started up again last year😢
Omg 😲 I’m hyper mobile as well and I have vitiligo!! This is bonkers as well as having my tonsils taken out and the 2 lots of glandular fever 🤒 There has to be a strong link between it all! I’d love to do a paper on this. It’s crap that I don’t have the energy to think it through let alone type something up!! Joys of fibro!! 👌
As a child I suffered from terrible pain in my legs. I would lie in bed and shake my legs all night for relief. I remember my Mum and Dad massaging my legs with oils/pain rubs, and giving me hot water bottles, checking on me, etc, just to get me to sleep. I would go to school exhausted. This continued into my teens. That, cold feet and the fatigue. And prolonged allergy head colds and sinus infections. There were periods when my energy levels dropped suddenly to the point where I would need a nap straight after a shower. When i went through these phases I would get dark circles around my eyes and teachers would ask 'you look ill. would you like to go home?' The GP put it all down to 'growing pains'. Surprisingly, I never had any of the things other kids got - no measles, mumps, tonsillitis, jaundice or chicken pox!!! We lived in a hot country and I did get malaria twice.
God that brought back memories, my mum was told to massage my legs with warm olive oil, seemed to have bad circulation in my.legs too
Glandular fever (and later ME) off school for a year.
Constant tonsillitis, high white blood cell count and unusually large red blood cells.
I also had Glandular Fever and persistent tonsillitis when I was a teenager. Apparently many people with thyroid issues (which I also have) have also had Glandular Fever. You would think more research would be done into connections between certain illnesses and issues like fibro and thyroid disease as I'm sure that's where our immune systems were probably compromised or damaged.
Scarlet fever
epilepsy from 11 to 27 then stopped !?!?
None of above.i was very healthy and fit. I had a car accident 18 years ago . That’s when I think my fybr started
Migraine headaches started when I was about 12, prior to that my mum said I had bilious attacks. Tonsils taken out when I was only five. Always spraining my left ankle and had pneumonia at thirteen.
I was fit & well as a child. I developed endometriosis when I was around 15. I also had some strange virus the dr thought was glandular fever but I tested negative. I was off school on & off for over 3 months. I was diagnosed with ME & Fibromyalgia when I was 21. It was triggered by my pregnancy at 20. I did have tonsils out at 15 & appendix out at 7yrs old.
I had exhaustion and panic attacks xxx
Had tonsils and adenoids out at the age of 7 due to getting tonsillitis every 2 weeks antibiotics had become resistant to infection. Had bad mumps when I was 9 it had affected my right ovary. Doctor's first thought it was appendicitis because I had severe pain on right side. I frightened the life out of my mum and dad because I passed out with the pain. So dad in slippers dressing gown went down the road to phone doctor but phone box was out of order some kind policemen offered to take him to make the call to the doctor and then dropped him back home. Would not get that today.
mumps in my twenties always tired
I had severe asthma as a child. I still have asthma
I can emphathise with all of this. When I was 5 diagnosed with severe asthma and allergies spending two weeks in an oxygen tent and another 4 weeks in hospital and then sent to a convalescent home away from our area for 6 weeks which was very traumatic. Often had terrible pains in my legs just as though someone had hit me with a baseball bat but they could never come to any conclusions on the cause. All I can remember from childhood was having one severe virus after another. I got my foot caught in a stirrup when my horse was stung by a wasp and dragged along. From the moment my periods started had severe pain and excessive bleeding. When I had a fall in early 20's asked whether I had been a clickety hip baby as I shouldn't have been able to rotate my hips as much as I could. I also was a very poor sleeper from babyhood onwards, nothing has changed on that front.x
I had endometriosis as a teen, had all my childhood diseases- measles, mumps, chicken pox all in 4th grade, German measles when I was under 2yrs old. Other than that I was a healthy child. My oldest brother and my twin sister where the ones who brought home the germs and bugs. My middle brother and I were the last to cath what the others brought home.
I had Crohns' Disease. Probably from birth, diagnosed when I was 11
I had glandular favour at 17/18 years old . bronchitis every 3/4 months from 12. Year old until 24 year old . often chronic lasting betwix four and six weeks .
Frequent episodes of bronchitis and tonsillitis, pleurisy, Asthma, airborne & food allergies, frequent stomachaches, sun sensitivity, sun stroke, overly sensitive to pain, migraines, Hong Kong flue, weak bladder, [childhood diseases incl.: German measles, measles, chicken pox, mumps, roseola ]
Compound fracture right arm
Appendectomy op
I also had whooping cough severely at four year old . begin to wonder if I ought to bring these to gp attention .
I had glandular fever at 5 and again later with low platelet count and enlarged liver and spleen.
Interesting you had it twice! I know you can get Chicken Pox twice I think. Wonder if it was latent then came out later again? I've had it too so not nice at all
I've had chicken pox 6!!!!! 😱😱😱 times..terrified of getting shingles, I was told you could only get it twice, " they lied"
Glandular Fever! Chicken Pox, Inner ear Infection/vertigo, mumps on one side. Tonsillitis
Other includes a lot of knee and ankle pain.
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (auto-generated disease which usually goes away at puberty).
Chronic migraine and sickness 4/7 days each week for many years(age 6-14).I had to be home schooled due to zero attendance. I consistently had minimal energy and great effort to motivate. In hind sight most symptoms of ME & Fibromyalgia, which was deemed the ‘yuppie flu’ back then.
I am convinced that glandular fever (which I had at 16) is connected to fibromyalgia. When I am very tired, my neck glands still swell up and I get a sore throat. I once met a small group of fellow fibromites and all of us had had it in our teens.
I had it too and believe it is connected to my Fibro and health issues but this might just be a subgroups and this might be where different people suffer more than others depending on the cause?? I don't know, just thinking out loud - no evidence of this just my ramblings!
exmama astama whooping cough car accident at 14 6 month long periods hormnal inbalances and food allergies enimia i think how thats spelt adoniods taken out at 3 cronic migrange syndrome and non epipeptic fits and light sensivity
I had glandular fever at9and m e at 18 which I now think may have already been fibrous not diagnosed till 2017
I had painful arms etc had poor circulation which made me very cold and I would be blue
Also had tonsils and adenovirus out at 5
I have hyper mobility of the joints and was always spraining my ankles or wrists. I had so much time off at primary school they sent round a social worker thinking my patents weren’t letting me go to school! 😹
I spent a lot of time at the hospital for ears nose and throat problems. I have hearing problems now and a deeper voice than expected for my gender as I didn’t have any real treatment and my throat has scarring 😕
Hi -I grew up in Singapore when it was a 3rd World country, so experienced quite a few tropical diseases.
I had problems with my tonsils .. continually having tonsillitis. Suffered with Quinsy ( throat swelling)
So far as I can remember, all the usual childhood illnesses, measles, German measles, mumps, chicken pox (3 times) Scarlet Ena, etc. I also developed eczema at the age of 9 & migraines from age of 11. Had endless unsuccessful treatments for both. Neither were put down to hormonal issues, but much improved since going through menopause.
Often had pains in my legs which were worse in the colder months, and everything was blamed from 'Growing Pains' to Rheumatism, later told is was Fibrositis.
Oh, and in addition to the above, many, many inner ear infections during childhood, all of which were treated with antibiotics (30 years ago), scarlet fever, and chicken pox. Also a lot of emotional trauma during childhood.
I had pneumonia and glandular fever at the age of ~19, was attacked and sprayed with pepper spray in a bathroom the same year, had Lyme disease at 21, which went undiagnosed for 1.5 years and got into my central nervous system (but luckily was chased out by some hardcore antibiotics), H. flu in my throat at 25 (the med students were excited), and gallbladder disease requiring emergency gallbladder removal at 26.
I burned the candle at both ends throughout my 20's, partially so I didn't have to think about my traumatic memories. I never realised that my constant exciting illnesses might be a warning sign from my body to slow down.
My body eventually got desperate. Bad herniated disc, spinal surgery, scar tissue overgrowth, chronic pain, at age of 32. That slowed me down, almost to a stop.
Wish I'd listened...
I had measles and rheumatic fever before I was 6yrs old and glandular fever when I was in my early teens.
Severe migraine attacks, light sensitivity also.
persistent bronchitis and allergies
I had glandular fever in my mid 30s and have never been right since. Got fibromyalgia about 10 yrs later.
I had appendix issues early in life(under 10). Joint pain was put down to simple wrong footwear when in 1950/60's we did not have trainers etc just gym/tennis shoes for everything.
I have had 'septic arthritis' twice in my life, once aged eight and once aged fifteen. I also had what the doctors referred to as 'girls emotional problems!' in as much as I would suddenly fee; as though I'd had every ounce of energy drained out of me and would shake and have to sit down and preferably sleep a while. At least things have advance somewhat from 'girly' problems! hope this helps. Megan K.
Suffered badly with growing pains in shin bones.Also had persistent tonsillitis,removed in my twenties had Asian flu at four years,very ill. Also had Glandular fever at forty,and health went downhill after that.Interesting to see quite a few sufferers have had glandular fever.
Hye, its me again, Lyzzie, I would just like to say that despite all the pain and yes, the suffering in the above posts that I have been reading above, I cant help feeling a bit relieved that I'm not the only one out there with these problems, good luck and the best of health to you all, take care.
Lyzzie x
I had repeated glandular fever (EBV).
I had glandular fever - tested positive for EBV three time in my teens / early 20's.
I had German measles at 5 and growing pains in legs, my parents said I was lazy because I was always tired, as an adult I found out I had endometriosis and glandular fever which left me susceptible to chest infections. My health was never the same after glandular fever. 🙏
Tonsilitis from quite young, until age 22ish. Regular anti-biotics of course!
I had TB lung aged 2 & glandular fever aged 16
I had what was described as rheumatism in my shoulders when I was around 8/9 years old. My Mum just put deep heat on it and told me people get this I had to put up with it. It kept me awake at night but I was never taken to the doctors to find out what it was. I had measles aged 4 and migraines from age 12.
Others : Glandular Fever, Shingles
Meningitis when I was very young <5
Mumps and Measle quite bad. Always constipated. Seasonal Rhinitis.
All the usual, mumps, measles, g-measles, chicken pox, plus lots of earache. Diagnosed with Scarlet Fever at 13 (first case in 7 years seen) but later found out it was allergy to penecillin, growing pains in legs for as long as I could remember and also 'twitch legs' as night. Got run over at 13 and broke tib & fib and smashed ankle completely (pinned), asthma, migraine, started getting 'water on the knee when got a saturday job at 14 (stacking shelves in Tesco) and shingles at 24. Then I became extremely healthy for years and nothing fazed me. Started getting very fatigued for no reason in my thirties, and other than eventually being diagnosed with arthritis and fibro, everything fine! (oh yeah... missed out on a couple of pulmorary embolisms in the last 10 years),,, ;-p
Lots of aches when I went to bed - assumed to be 'growing pains'. Eczema. Glandular fever at 16. A car accident at 18 with resulting pain in my neck that lasted for years. I think that was the start of my aches and pains, as the neck/shoulder pain has been present to a greater or lesser extent ever since then.
Have to guys heard of the ACE Study? Major study done on the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (parents divorcing, abuse, family member in prison, etc.) on a variety of things later in life, including disability.
Check it out by searching for acestoohigh, all one word. Warning, people who might be triggered my mention of childhood abuse/neglect, you probably don't want to go there.
Thanks for the info., things we all forget happened. My parents divorced when I was very young, can't remember my father, I spent a lot of my time with grandparents. Having a step father became difficult as I was never adopted by my stepfather. When my mother died, before my step father, I found myself without a family except for my son. My stepfather had a partner who was often asking why I called my stepfather Dad! Enjoyed telling me he was not my father, not a nice person! I drifted away from my stepfather and his partner, was never told when my step father died.
I often think there must be a lot of elderly people in my position, with no families, due to the high divorce rate after the war. Step children were seldom adopted by step parents and birth parents were often resentful of the children from a previous marriage. The world was a different place then. I was lucky in having a grandmother and great aunt who often took care of me. I think there were many step children like me and wonder what happened to them. It is likely they too have no family now and are living alone. A good reason to get in touch with one another, we could be brothers and sisters together! :0)
I have trouble with blues and greens and purples, had horrible sore throats when I was a kid and used to pray they would tell me I needed to have my tonsils removed even though I was terrified of doctors. I was obese and wore out my spine and knees and hips. I was told I have unusually large white blood cells too! Had migraines, depression and fibroids. When I was 12 I had keloids removed from getting my ears. I developed osteoporosis arthritis, had "weak" ankles I was constantly spraining or twisting. Also have an unusual condition called convergence insufficiency that I had to have a visual specialist confirm. I was always exhausted as a kid but I put it down to being overweight. Now I'm wondering. This was a really great question to ask Mdaisy, thanks!!
I had granular fever collapsed lung enlarged liver and blood disorder which was later diagnosed as Gilbert's disease recurring chest infection ages between 5-13
I had asthma, persistent nose bleeds, and was always falling over when my legs would just give way (still happens now) I had rheumatism and was in hospital for weeks with it, and not allowed to get out of bed. When I was allowed, I had to learn to walk again haha. I also had the usual chicken pox, measles, mumps and septic tonsillitis. I was always very cold as a child, and was always being told off for standing in front of the fire, and keeping the heat off everybody else, although my brothers and sister were never as cold as I was. I was also allergic to eggs and penicillin. Xx
Constant tonsillitis, removed along with adenoids when I was 11
Also, very painful periods, endometriosis, total hysterectomy and BSO in my late 30s. Thank goodness.
Suffered yellow jaundice a couple of times
I had joint hyper mobility (or as we called it then double jointed). also right hip kept locking , and less frequently my right knee locked
I also had glandular fever twice at 17 and again at 28
Also just reading these other replies I had tonsillitis a lot but was when they decided not to remove them. Also had endometriosis fibroidso ovarian cyst and total hysterectomy plus car accident 18 months later
I used to suffer with very painful periods as a teenager.
Hi, very interesting pol. I had asthma as a child. Would be interested in seeing the pol with age groups! Don't remember many on your list as being relevant when I was a child. Grew up in the 1940's and 50's.
Children use to have calipers and rubber , in figure of eight to hold their shoulders back. Had deficient diets which caused problems, knock knees and bandy legs! Children were later developing. Interesting to read the comments, starts me reminiscing! lol
I had lots of growing pains, always cold, persistent tonsilitis, sore throats, run over at 15 fracturing my arm. Everything seemed to be blamed on me being a vegetarian and B12 deficiency (back then I was very much a minority). From my 20's the list then grew and I'm now diagnosed with fibro and Hypermobilty Spectrum Disorder. Still have persistent sore throats...never seemed to outgrow that.
nowhere to comment but specialist says from glandular fever as a child and then flu etc can set off illnesses off again like fatigue etc
Persistent tonsillitis
I was always a 'chesty' child, persistent viruses and colds. I missed most of my first year in school, due to first Whooping Cough, second Measles and third Scarlet Fever, between Easter and November of 1953.
They weakened my chest and eyes, making life difficult as I couldn't keep up with the other kids. In my 30s I was diagnose as having a long seated but low grade of Asthma, which was a family trait, but totally missed by my doctor.
Painful periods I had to live with, as I was allergic to the belladonna alkaloids used to treat it.
Growing pains were my doctor's answer to fairly obvious hypermobility in my knees, and I could always sleep for England!
I had glandular fever & viral meningitis when I was 17.
Hi Emma, I had repeated throat infections after having my tonsils removed at 3. Also 'growing pains' on and off for years, I remember the pain so well in my shins and now get the same pain, only it lasts longer, with fibro. Interesting study, will be keen to see the results later. Take care x
I had measles and german measles all in the same month, looked like bod at the end of it, lost so much weight, head looked massive!! Also had lots of ear infections and tonsillitis and kidney infections. And the growing pains, legs would go blue in the winter. And as I've said earlier, what the docs called migraine of the stomach. Used to get lots of migraines too. Looking back it all adds up, the pain and tiredness, just early signs
Hi all don't know if this has anything to do with it when I was 7/8 I had a massive nose bleed that had 2 be packed and then when I was 17 I lost 6 pints of blood through a period which was massive blood clots and had 2 have a blood transfusion
Also had tonsillitus a lot as a child and adult and my ankle gives way a lot which sometimes makes me fall over
Measles at 3. Persistent tonsillitis - removed with adenoids at 10. Childhood migraine with visual disturbance and light sensitivity. Eczema, asthma undiagnosed until 22, treated for bronchitis throughout childhood. Now living with Addison's disease, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, arthritis, asthma and chronic sinusitis. In you face Dr Simpson, said it was all in my head and just a ploy to get out of school! Amaking how much has changed, for the better,in the medical world in my 52 years ☺
Lived in a very stressful environment with an alcoholic parent
I had and still have extreme sensory sensitivity. sound, light and touch were all issues. I would beg for noises to stop and become very distressed. any kind of flashing or flickering light would provoke nausea and dizziness. I hated the feeling of some fabrics and found seams on clothing uncomfortable. my Mum would make things for me without seems.
I also had meningitis when I was twelve in a coma for 3 days.I was always a verysickly child but when I was well I was a very strong and active child.
I had persistant ear infections and glandular fever when I was 17. I suffered from terrible tiredness after the glandular fever, and my glands recurrently swelled for a long time afterwards. My older sister has Crohn's disease.
Persistent ear-ache which I grew out of at about 10yrs. Persistent tonsillitis until tonsils were removed at age 18. My earliest memories are of the dreadful leg-ache in the shins which I still get if I’m cold and tired.
Had 3 spells in hospital with expected appendicitis at 3, 9 and 14 with a long spell off from work at 17 with pain walking and 19 had trauma of spinal injury and subsequent surgery
I had chronic tonsillitis but caught cold so often the doctor would not remove my tonsils ( thank you Dr). I also had problems with dental caries and boils on my gums.
I had recurrent tonsillitis, glandular fever twice, scarlet fever, developed an allergy to penicillin, asthma.
I had scarlet fever age 12
I had scarlet fever age 12
I had childhood migraines.I would not have a headache But I would throw up for days at a time and get mildly jaundiced. when I was 18 I developed Migraines proper. I had growing pains in my legs as a child ( This is where my Fibro pain is worst).I also suffered fro severe Panic disorder as a child and in later life depression too. As a student nurse I had Tonsillitis on every new ward I went on ending up with Glandular fever.
no wonder I ended up with Fibro/M.E!
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I have had the ordinary measles 6 times and the German measles 8. The last time I had measles I was 44 and my gp was amazed and had thought it impossible.
I had glandular fever at 18, also had mumps quite bad which led to loss of hearing in my left ear when I was 3, and got tonsillitis often, I get migraines badly now especially when subjected to white or bright light, they started when I was about 15..am now 55
As a young child i had the usual Chicken pox but i also had a bad case of measles when i was 6. I lived in a household that was physically violent and mentally abusive and due to neglect and being severely malnourished was taken into care aged 8. I had agonizing growing pains, particularly in my legs and cried with the pain, which is quite funny as i'm barely 5ft tall now. I had really bad Whooping Cough when i was 12 (spent 6 months ill in bed with it) and all my life constant Tonsilitis up until i was 18 when i had tonsils removed.
( I developed Raynaud's and IBS in my early 20's, Asthma aged 40, Menopause at 45, Mumps 47, Hypothyroid and Fibromyalgia at 48, High Cholesterol at 50. I'm now 52 and hoping that nothing else is going to appear! ☺)
IBS , aberfan disaster surviver , alcoholic abusive father
Was constantly cold unless it was very hot. Unlike other kids never played out on the snow
If I tried I'd turn blue and be back inside within minutes
Glandular fever age 13/14 and migraines.
Mumps, Chickenpox and the occasional runny nose,, just the usual childhood ilnesses but quite healthy.