Since your diagnosis of Fibromyalgia,... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Since your diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, which of the following do you find you cannot tolerate anymore?
artificial sweeteners and anything with strong artifical food colours
Banana kiwi avocado latex xx
Banana kiwi avocado and latex :-// xx
Foods aren’t truly the trouble, it is more the smell. Ex. I want poached eggs on toast. In the process, my stomach seizes up and meal is eaten by someone else. I have only been eating plain yogurt and bread w real butter. I’m also become overweight with drugs and bad diet.
Refined white flour
I have loved coffee all my life but since first becoming overtaken by this horrid condition I have been unable to stomache caffeine.
I get funny taste now with coffee
Have you tried decaffeinated
Latex for me too
Same Hidden
I really don't eat well have to really want something to eat. Live on chocolate which I realize is doing me no good. The smell of food turns my stomach.
The alcohol intolerance preceeded the FM diagnosis. Alcohol contributes to migraines but it's not the only thing
More strong artificial smells eg cleaning fluids, they give me a migraine
I had all these problems years before being diagnosed last year.
Other: large quantities of caffeine
Since I started on lyrica, bread sticks in my throat. Back to riyevita. Keeps my weight down.

Oh god yes!!! I can only wear the soft ones that go over your head, real bras kill me.
Same here I had too buy some soft ones like that.there So much better.

I ha e been absent from work for 8 months and live in my pjs all the time unless i have to go to aopointments. Oh my, when i get home in almost crying as my bra straps dig in and there's a big Dent were the straps have been.
have lymphedema and fibromyalgia I've just had a disc out and I also have mild cognitive impairment in other words some days I can't remember where I live. I have had three meeting with the pip teams as mad diagnosis changes.
I cannot tell you how fed up I am with the constant touching and prodding excetera you get the Drift
I have also just finished my SSP at work I'm hoping to go back in January but until then I have to claim ESA.
I have spoken remember of the ESA team and have more form filling to do the claim could take longer then my doctor's sick note which is the end of January runs out.
Why all this form filling when it takes me all my time to remember everyday tasks .
You won't believe how long it took me to get this note together even though it doesn't say very much I just wondered if anyone else has had similar dealings with the pip and ESA teams?

Me too - Miss Mary of Sweden has been a life (boob?) saver!
Meat tastes sour,worn silver all my life,now come up with allergic rash all round my neck and wrists.lots of foods give me gut ache and upset stomache,always fat and bloated now.
Sounds like you habe is now too. It is a common condition that fibro suffers get. There are medicines for it. The best thing for me is really strongly brewed peppermint tea. Really helps with bloating and frames. Tastes horrible but you get used to it. The taste is worth it due to how much it helps the bloating.
Bright light.
I haven’t found problems with anything, no intolerances at all. Aren’t I lucky!
Lol indiewales good answer😀
That is a very reassuring stat. I had thought that I was just getting old and boring but to see that it is yet another aspect of Fibromyalgia is kind of a relief.

Certain dairy products, especially fresh cream
Salt, caffeine drinks, chocolate, no coffee, MSG, additives, convenience foods, artificial sweeteners
I really miss alcohol but just can not handle how sick it makes me feel !!!
I can no longer drink coffee but have no problems with coffee flavoured cakes or desserts. I often just go off food for no apparent reason and even the smell of foods I like make me feel sick. After my meals, I get bloated and have started to get more and more tummy problems.
Men !!!
Lol me too,didn't realise it was the fibro😉
I have become intolerant to E nos, sulphites, and citric acid, as well as numerous other food additives.
I am unsure if I am intolerant to anything other than alcohol, I find drinking can occasionally make me feel sick so I tend not to do it very often but I get very bloated to the point of looking pregnant! I also swell up from my scalp to my toes! I am now wondering if any of these items could be the cause?
Caffeinated Coffee
Caffeinated coffee plus a lot of times I have no appetite because i feel nauseas or get sick after food . White bread gives me terrible pains. Only thing that I could eat all day is chocolate Which was my lunch and dinner today
A few years ago when first diagnosed I went off most foods but recently slowly getting to tolerate more varied foods but not that interested and it is quite an effort to find any enthusiasm most days
Also milk and spicy food
I have developed an intolerance to people... (The 'healthy' ones who haven't a clue what it's like to live with an 'invisible' illness & a life of constant pain & fatigue... )
I don’t drink so the alcohol doesn’t apply
I find that refined sugar seems to intensify and prolong chronic pain in hips in particular
I have over indulged with salt all my life & find I cannot tolerate it anymore which I suppose is a good thing also vinegar and alcohol and bright lights really hurt my eyes. I cannot stand noise either.
Whatever is in ‘no added sugar’ squash (aspartame/aspartamine)?
And ...Salt. Bread. Pasta. Wheat. Pastry.
Where does it all stop, I have no appetite but when I eat I over do it and it goes down the toilet...
Interesting poll. I'm in the camp that is not affected by any of those things, thankfully!
Latex allergy as well seem to find something else everyday. Perfume and toiletries as well
Things in the list don't bother me, it's smells, lights, noises, loud TV / music, having to leave my home. Peck
Genuine question: Do you think you could be slightly Autistic?
I suffer from the same symptoms as Peck. Never gave autism a thought. Why do you ask? X
I always have too. certain lights make me sick and give me a migraine. Just curiosity, I have heard autism effects girls differently. I'm trying to get my not typically Autistic son tested on Autistic spectrum and am finding he has sensory issues, I didn't know that about Autism. Then watching Chris Packham's story & never really fitting in etc etc. I dont make eye contact, or have to force myself to unless im really engaged & see things rather differently to most people. I walk straight past friends and family in the street as I quite litterally don't see them. I put all this down to having a learning difference (Dyscalculia statement) but since watching my son I'm starting to wonder if all of this is something else. That Fybromyalgia could be a symptom didn't even cross my mind. I also have ahlers danlos & have had stomach problems on and off since my teens & more. x
im autistic have Asperger's it has all sorts of effects on life!
Funny one is temps with Fibro we are often too hot yet Asperger's i don't feel/sense im cold yet are really cold if you touch my chest say but Raynauds if there is a breeze/draft im freezing and can't get warm no matter.
there is a few Autism sections on HU.

It is interesting and strange how we all work
Milk in tea or coffee make's me want to vomit.
alcohol increases my pain especially in my legs and i fall asleep after 2 drinks

I had a few drinks last night and today I can't weight bare at all. My legs feel so bloated like they're about to burst, even though they're not even swollen. Think I'm gonna have to go teetotal x
Banana, tomatoes and soya.
I'm fine with the above list, albeit it doesn't take much alcohol to knock me off anymore but I think that's more to do with the painkillers. The main things that I can't tolerate now are noise and bright lights.
Lactose already a problem long before fibro. Wine I don't like the taste any more but spirits are fine. My nightly dram is very beneficial
As with many of us, bright lights, loud or sudden noises, crowds and people who want me to pretend I'm well so that they don't have to deal with their own fear of illness.
Coriander seed
Noise bright light stress spices late nights
I need to wear soft clothing or irritates me terribly
Even a shandy blinds me with bad head
I've been lactose intolerant for quite a while now but I'm now also intolerant of citric acid which is in practically everything, either naturally or added as flavouring, preservative, acidity regulator etc. I have to read ingredients of all foods and drinks and have a saved list on my phone with hidden surprises like E331 - actually Sodium dihydrogen citrate or Pectin which is orange peel, E322 Soy Lecithin - yep citric acid is in all soya products. Did you know practically all commercial breads have soya flour in? So I even have to be limited with bread!
Its difficult to eat let alone eat healthily! My diet is very plain and repetitive.
I also have other chemical sensitivities such as SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) and MI (methylisothiazolinone), both used in cleansing products such as shampoo, soap, detergent, toothpaste and industrial cleansing products. SLS is used to add foam and MI is used as a preservative to give the product a longer shelf life. Both are known irritants.
It's no wonder my eyes are rubbish having to continually look at the small print of everything I buy!
Alsi, aspartame
Animal fat, artificial additives & preservatives and some white fish. Sx
I do find things from time to time cause issues but the main one is alcohol if have any next day i wake up shivering it upsets my stomach and feel lousy so leave it well alone but that was just a small amount anyway as never a drinker.
mind funny one years back had to see rent a quack(temp GP)had on a budweiser T shirt cotton trader one when they was a good company! was really nice embroidered etc(pity about budweiser toilet water yuk)
Anyway oh wise Renta Quack said you need to cut the drinking down? i said is that the tea or the coffee mind i should have said water as keeps making me pee!
Dumb Cluck as i don't drink!
My proper GP who was really a good one laughed next time saw her said you don't drink!
I dread eating full stop!
I have not noticed intolerances to any of these. I am more sensitive to smells such as perfume though, and cannot wear it any more.
I was like that with perfume, found the smell to much BUT i spray a small amount on the back of my hair problem solved. X😁
Im no longer able to eat oranges as they affect my stomach. This week I have been feeling really sick after having anything dairy its early days for this problem but hope Im not becoming intolerant of this. Although I have little appetite much of the time.
Ive not been able to consume coffee, chocolate or cheese since I was 12 years old because I started getting migraines then and these foods trigger them.
Air fresheners!!! Make me nauseous and give me a headache from hell!!
waking up, i am so nauseous all day, everyday for months..worse in the morning. Anyone else have this problem?
Me! I've spent the last decade in 'teenager mode'... being called lazy or putting it down to not liking mornings.
Can't speak or eat for a couple of hours after waking naturally. Much, much worse if I wake up suddenly rather than naturally. Being woken with an alarms triggers nausea (often vomiting) and IBS. Mine normally goes within 4 hours.
I used to like garlic and chillies. I can't stand them anymore!
The pain used to be so bad that everything (except water) was affecting me. However, since I was put on very heavy anti-biotics for chronic prostatitis, the symptoms have significantly abated.
Alcohol and salt. I don’t drink anymore, if I have takeaway I can taste salt for days.
Forgot latex.
hello all, its alcohol and some dairy products for me
I cannot tolerate more than a forceful of meat or pork. And I really prefer my veg uncooked, I seem to live on fruit mainly. Almost any strong smell rather like when I was pregnant!
Eating difficulty. Desire for food can change so rapidly. For a while a little vanilla ice cream at night. But I ditched ice cream and went to eggs.
So many of you mention latex,wow! I thought that was just a new one to add to my long list of bad allergies, but maybe its fibro related then....Really,really wish some great scientist would do more research into fibro....Is it caused by some sort of over activity of histamines or similar? Sorry am not a scientist
Bright light, Surround sound, Fumes from frying , alchohol, Lots of people talking , Car fumes
Has anyone suffered with bad constipation?
I was regular before but I just can't go no matter what I take, any suggestions?
I have high intolerance to noise, crowds and my guts in general!
Onion, garlic, blossom fruits, all acidic food eg citrus, tomatoes etc.
I find red meat is hard to digest now x
Fizzy drinks. One mouthful and my body doesnt like it. Pain wise, bowel wise.
Cant tolerate many veg or eggs. Already was intolerant to gluten wheat and dairy.
Eggs. Nuts. Many veg. I was already intolerant to gluten and dairy
Tomatoes make my mouth burn