Do You Live With Any Secondary Condit... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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Do You Live With Any Secondary Conditions Alongside Your Fibro?

TheAuthor profile imageTheAuthor789 Voters

Please select all that apply:

246 Replies
TheAuthor profile image

Hi my friends

I sincerely hope that everyone is feeling as well as they possibly can be today? For my final poll I have chosen a couple of suggestions by members again, (and mixed) them together.

I live with Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Migraines and recently diagnosed CFS. I am on medication for these such as Alendronic Acid and Acrette D3 for bone thinning and Sumatriptan for Migraines.

I want to sincerely wish everyone all the best of luck, and please take care my friends.

All my hopes and dreams for all of you

Ken x

PS: I suppose I should also add that I am a type 1 diabetic and have associated illnesses .i.e. neuropathy, glaucoma and cataracts. I am an asthmatic with COPD. I also live with other medical conditions as well.

Koomaroo2 profile image
Koomaroo2 in reply toTheAuthor

Hi,suffering tonight so much pain and fear,done your poll ,I have fibo/cfs/Me.So I understand what your going though too,hope tomorrow is a better day for all of us.Sandy. :-)x

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply toKoomaroo2

I am so truly sorry to read that you are in pain tonight Koomaroo2 my friend and I sincerely hope that your pain eases soon for you. Please take care of yourself x

Koomaroo2 profile image
Koomaroo2 in reply toTheAuthor

Thank you x

in reply toTheAuthor






hiatus hernia

Pagets symptoms not yet diagnosed

Dorothee profile image
Dorothee in reply toTheAuthor

Hi my illnesses given Osteoarthritis Reynaud glaucoma Erythroma Hypertension

Cataracts removed now hypercholesterlemia . Do any one of these illnesses belong

Together or is one perhaps secondary illness to each other. I just like to parcel them

Into just one. I keep Hoping that so many MEDS given could also cancel out some

Of the illness. I l I 've in hope

Trish4426 profile image
Trish4426 in reply toTheAuthor

I too have COPD and type 2 diabetes, glaucoma and cataracts forming now as well as headaches. Stay strong everyone

in reply toTheAuthor

Sorry to see that you have so much to cope with. I have diabetes too , on insulin, I wonder if that is widespread?


PAD1 profile image
PAD1 in reply toTheAuthor

Lots of women like myself appear to have developed fibromyalgia since having polypropylene TVT mesh implanted for incontinence issues. I am not sure what the connection is but it could be chemicals leaching from the polypropylene. We weren't informed that it was made of plastic when it was offered as a simple 20 minute fix. Thousands of women worldwide are now suffering from auto immune conditions, pain, can't have sex etc, the mesh erodes through other organs and women are losing their bladders, urethras and bowels thanks to it. Thought it might shed some light on what causes fibromyalgia. I also have underactive thyroid, fibrous dysplasia and Menieres disease.

Cape_Cod_Sharon profile image
Cape_Cod_Sharon in reply toPAD1

Dear PAD1

It has been shown that many cases of fibromyalgia begin after an accident or other trauma, by illness {such as the flu} emotional injury {death of a loved one}

My mother had mesh "hammock" to hold her bladder up where it's supposed to be. She was 77, or 78. It caused her so many problems and a lot of pain.


ANGEL991 profile image
ANGEL991 in reply toTheAuthor

I have voted and just wanted to wish you all the very best. Please take care of yourself too. One day at a time. Stay positive. Sending you loads of healing thoughts.

Annunnaki profile image
Annunnaki in reply toTheAuthor

You sees to collect condition ok, poor you.

How did they diagnosed you with CFS SEPERATLY to and AFTER Fibro please? I suspect I E had it for over 1. 5 yrs now. Ta. 💗

Cape_Cod_Sharon profile image
Cape_Cod_Sharon in reply toTheAuthor

Dear Ken,

We are {practically} like two peas in a pod, you and I. {except I have type 2 diabetes} and no glaucoma {silently thanking the eye Gods}

My neuropathy is off the charts as it has been compromised by my liver disease {originally caused by undiagnosed/untreated Lyme Disease and complicated by diabetes} UGH! The list is never ending, often changing and I am so sick & tired of being sick & tired. :(

I don't want to ask "What's next?" because I really do not want to know the answer.


All my hopes and dreams for you as well. You are already on my prayer list {which keeps getting longer every day...} ;)

love, peace & joy


Huff35 profile image
Huff35 in reply toTheAuthor

Sorry to hear of all your complications. My son is type 1 diabetic it's so scary he's only 14. So I can't imagine how you feel with everything on top. Sending you healing light and love.

I also have interstitial cystitis.

Hopeful_in_Michigan profile image
Hopeful_in_Michigan in reply toHopeful_in_Michigan

I take Elmiron for my IC and it helps keep it under control. How do you handle it?

permanentgrowingpain profile image
permanentgrowingpain in reply toHopeful_in_Michigan

hi have you tried d- mannose. for your cystitis ? its the active thing in cranberry i found this to be my life saver ..i also us tea tree cream topically to kill of any bugs externally . after youve had a dose of anitbiotics use all this all the time .

the d-mannose comes in tablet or power form .i even used it for my 21 year old cat .

Dolly1954 profile image

I have Sjorgrens Syndrome. Underactive thyroid. g.o.r.d. tinnitus. double vision. and recently high blood pressure.

Koomaroo2 profile image
Koomaroo2 in reply toDolly1954

Wow! I have double vision too! Since age 14 never knew the cause,now I'm thinking is it part of my condition? I'm 51 years old now. Sorry to hear of your health problems .Sandy.

Dolly1954 profile image
Dolly1954 in reply toKoomaroo2

Thanks. I! Lol that I also have Diverticular Disease asthma and copd. Its 3.30 am here so I will try to sleep! Sweet dreams to all!!

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply toDolly1954

Hi Dolly1954 I wish I could have fitted some extra conditions on as I am a type 1 diabetic with Asthma and COPD. I also live with Diverticular Disease. Please take care of yourself my friend.

Koomaroo2 profile image
Koomaroo2 in reply toDolly1954

Your so welcome. Hope you managed to get some sleep,I got a few hours and woke up with the usual pains from hell.So sorry you have all these other health problems as well.If I only just had the one to cope with I could try and manage but all 3 firing off at the same time I just can't do it.Ib got to try and seek out more help.

jacky57 profile image
jacky57 in reply toDolly1954

we are twins....isnt it forgot to mention insomnia..go well..

Koomaroo2 profile image
Koomaroo2 in reply tojacky57

Yep that too! Yes it's terrible seems we have a lot in common

Helloyou profile image

Diabetes type 2

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply toHelloyou

It is a shame that the amount of conditions I could list is limited as I am also a diabetic (type 1) and I owuld have loved to be able to fir this on alongside others such as Lupus etc. Take care Helloyou my friend

jacky57 profile image

I have hypothyroid illness and complex regional pain syndrome..CRPS..and athritus

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply tojacky57

Hi jacky57 thanks for that, both hypo & hyper thyroid conditions would have been good on the poll but it is limited for space as you can only have 8 lines. Please take care my friend. Ken

debik1857 profile image

Also: neuropathy in feet & hands & 1 thigh

peck profile image

I also have under active thyroid and have been recently diagnosed with narcolepsy.Hope your doing well TheAuthor , Ken.Take care my kind friend, Peck🐤

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply topeck

Thank you peck my friend. I truly hope that you are well? Please take care of yourself my friend :)

birdalone profile image

hypothyroid, ibs and sjordens

trekster22 profile image

Im also autistic, CPTSD, dyslexic and have EDS.

anneraham74 profile image

Sleep apnoea

Type 2 diabetes



Hyper mobility syndrome

Poly cystic ovaries



Carpal tunnel


Weak bladder

High blood pressure

And liver damage due to being told to take paracetamol every day for 9 years

And daily headache/migraine

_Paul_ profile image

My list:



Venous Eczema



Spinal/nerve damage

Take care all :)


Shadows-walker profile image

Lupus and sjorgrens,migraine,tinnitus , diverticulitis, raynaluds ,Gilbert's syndrome, Cfs and possibly osteoarthritis.

cuddly1973 profile image

osteoarthritis in both knees

cervical spondylosis


chronic fatigue syndrome ( CFS )

breathing difficulty IE : a juddery feeling on chest wall ( confirmed as not asthma )

Joshua3 profile image


Dolly1954 profile image

Oh bless you. Take care of yourself. The Diverticula Disease can be so painful.

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply toDolly1954

Thanks :)

JanineNZ profile image

Hi. Also have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Coeliac disease, Raynards, Acoustic neuroma (benign cranial tumour, causes tinnitus and balance issues), Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (autoimmune condition that gradually destroys liver), Peripheral neuropathy, and dry eyes. What a wreck!

mercer profile image

Fibromyalgia is akin to having severe flu randomly and for an unspecified amount of time, for which there is no palliative care and imagine having to function as best one can in the face of all the other symptons skin burning on the face and bodt being the most painful

rpt1952 profile image

Type 2 diabetes .COPD

2mitzyarnold profile image

I also have neuropathy. I have had my colon removed so I have an ielostomy. I'm not able to work because of all of my conditions. I'm looked down upon this. My family and husband do not understand my pain. My feet burn all day and night. I have had two Emgs scheduled for the third. The doctors keep passing me to other neurologist at specialty hospitals checking me for MS or something else. I also skin Lupus and rosacea.

ladyhm profile image

I'm a type 2 diabetic

Primary bilary chirosis

Kidney disease

I have to work the best way I can as I can't afford to give up and my doctor tells me I won't qualify for any benefits. His words "I look too well". But hey ho we keep going the best way we all can. Love to you all

Littlemole43 profile image

CRPS , skin cancer and lymphedema.

Sheila-Squirrel profile image
Sheila-Squirrel in reply toLittlemole43

Hello. I didn't know there was a fellow CRPS sufferer on this forum x

maccied profile image

I have diabetis type II, High blood pressure, irritable bowel, irritable bladder, sleep apnoea, blurred vision, insomnia at night but could sleep all day, a problem slowing food down to stay in the bowel due to low fecal elasticity with Creon capsules, acid reflux, trouble walking any distance and also standing for any time, sitting also hurts my hips but not to the same extent as standing or walking, lying down is the most comfortable for me. I need my food to be chopped up mainly as no pressure in hands to do it myself and also need smaller pieces to chew as it causes jaw pain, I also have a habit of dropping things, like my hands/arms just twitch and tea or kindle or glass or phone just jump out of my hands. I'm sure that I have forgotten quite a few oh yes memory problems. I hope this helps

Marie MacDonald

Lozzy30 profile image

I also have Primary Billary Chirosis and Hypothyroidism.(was under active now over active ).... I never know if the aching joints and fatigue is from that or the Fibro. I have lost nearly 4 stone over the last year and no longer have high blood pressure which is good. And am now exercising... but ache so badly for the rest of the day ........Was good to see some awareness being raised on morning T.V last week. Will fibromyalgia ever be recognised as a true disability?? Love to all xxx

nannybiscuit profile image


aristocat143 profile image

Hypermobility Ehlers-Danlos, lipoedema, hypothyroidism, IBS, reflux, fatty liver. These each cause issues all their own, of course.

For example: The hypermobility has caused me to have so many ankle inversion injuries, I now have an almost full thickness tear of my anterior talofibular ligament in my left ankle. Because of this and the way my feet naturally roll in, I wear orthotics in my shoes.

korculablue profile image

Hi everyone... am now 81 and since my diagnosis in 1989 of M.E. after over a year of trailing around various specialists I lost my teaching post so a loss of income and over the years have had added secondary complications all of which take at least two treatments each time they flare up. Kidney infections, stomach problems, IBS, constant ongoing muscle pain especially in my neck and shoulders, gastric enteritis, chest infections that have left me with a permanent irritating cough, depression, swollen aching legs, leaking lymph vessels in my legs, headaches, skin allergies, all over itching, falling asleep with no prior notice during the day, sleep problems, constant weakness and weariness, high blood pressure, arthritis in my back, and more recently in bith feet spreading to ankles. Peripheral neuropathy in my feet. I am given pain killers, diocalm, blood pressure tablets, stomach tablets. A few years ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The pain in my feet is so much worse during the night an I can only sleep for two hours before being woken with pain. Sleep patterns are all over the place. I have been given amitriptilene to help with arthritis but it doesn't help. I get so weary with the constant all over pain. A close friend with a severe form of this condition recently died in his sleep due to a cardiac incident after suffering years of pain and many secondary conditions. He was 43. He was refused DLA as it was then.

Cape_Cod_Sharon profile image
Cape_Cod_Sharon in reply tokorculablue

Hi korculablue,

I would like to suggest having your liver checked. Many of your symptoms can be associated with liver disease. I am so sorry you lost your friend, that was tragic.

I take gabapentin {Neurontin} for my foot pain caused by neuropathy and is soooo painful. I take the highest daily dose allowed by the Food & Drug Administration {FDA}

I don't know what the next step should be for the burning, aching foot pain. They make one drug for neuropathic pain {Lyrica} but the side effects are terrible. My DR will not prescribe it. The drug I mentioned above is actually anti-seizure medication used to treat epilepsy.

And amitriptyline is an anti-depressant, it should help you sleep BUT I firmly believe that fibromyalgia is, in part, a sleep disorder. So many of us have insomnia and fight day time fatigue.

I had a sleep study done several years ago and we found out that I completely skip the first two stages that are for restorative sleep, supposed to reset our inner workings so we are ready to face a new day. I go directly to REM which is the deep, dreamlike stage. After an hour or two my body signals my brain that I am recovered, rested and ready to start my day...even it's 1 AM or 4 AM.

~Sha {at the tone the time will be...1:29 AM EST}

Dolly1954 profile image
Dolly1954 in reply tokorculablue

My heart goes out to you..I can empathize with a lot of that. Sorry to hear about your friend.

pigsty profile image

I also have lupus and lichen plans

sylvi profile image

Asthma,high blood pressure,compressed disc.

sylvi profile image

Where are you going ? Best of luck

kayelane profile image

Joint Hypermobility syndrome

carol_pattinson profile image

I also have cancer and lymphedema everyday is an uphill struggle

nadine111 profile image

arthritis hyponatremia

mild lung problems hypotension


adrenal insuffinency



hiatus hernia rls

osteoperosis clubbed finger nails and starting at toenails

chronic fatigue depression

ibs insomnia

cervical stenosis and bulging discs melanoma. basel cell carsinoma(twice), other skin cancer so need 6 month check-ups

sleep apnea (two types) migraines

heart murmur with mildly leaking valves

know i'm forgetting some....wonder how many of us have a great many other health problems along with fibro. might help to have a breakdown or is there one that i haven't seen? (please excuse my spelling errors.)

agtf1 profile image

Also raynauds, chostochronditis, hyper mobility, irregular heartbeat, low blood pressure

Lanie_the_Lemon profile image

Familial Mediterranean Fever (a rare inherited inflammatory disease), lupus, costochondritis, osteo-arthritis, trigeminal neuralgia, persistent erythema nodosum, depression that comes and goes....

juliekaren profile image

collagenous colitis + IBS

Smith7 profile image

Sjorgens, myxodema

joeshe profile image

heart disease

andmikel profile image

Macular degeneration of eyes and cataracts.

Fra22-57 profile image

Also have Antiphosphilipid syndrome Acoustic Neuroma and diverticulitis Seem to keep collecting auto immune diseases

Phoenixy profile image

Osteo,. Had pains in hips for 18months,. Dr said it was all down to fibro, after I had enough of these pains and sitting or lying down was so painful I decided to speak to another dr at surgery. He sent me for x Ray, and low and behold both hips and pelvic were knackered,. Saw consultant two weeks later, now am waiting for hip replacement he said I should have come to him 6 12 months before. Waiting to see go to my go regarding this. I only went down that road, as at fibro meeting Christine said don't always think other pains are fibro pains, as they were not,. When I get fibro pains they are mainly on both legs. Same place on each leg. Hope this helps any one.

Dorima profile image


bevjane74 profile image

I also suffer from sjogrens, APS, raynauds, ibs, lupus and epilepsy

sooo profile image

I have PBC Sjorgans Syndrome and now Primary Progressive MS

Berninakate profile image

I have Crohn's disease - stage 2 liver fibrosis and investigations for possible MUltiple Sclerosis or other neurological condition and or Sjogrens

Birds profile image

Colonery heart disease and divaticulitus

WhyCee27 profile image

Raynaud's and Sjörgren's Syndrome

11caroline29 profile image

I also have Polymyalgia Giant Cell Arteritis and Diabetes which was steroid induced all diagnosed 3 years ago. Fibromyalgia for 10 years.

JKW1 profile image

Autoimmune hypothyroidism, tinnitus, glaucoma. . .

"But which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

All the best 💚 JKW

1499 profile image

GP says she feels I have arthritis going on as well as the fibromyalgia and IBS at times, also Hypertension. regards x

Fightingwithdad profile image

Sleep apnoea. Degenerative disc disease.

babyowl profile image


cswarner profile image


vivdk profile image

I also live with Diverticulitis/irritable bowel. Bladder & bowel urgency, NF (Neurofybromatosis), Poor Balance and co-ordination plus my brain seems to be full of fog!

Heidi1992 profile image

I also suffer from IBS.

Rudgie profile image


Whomovedmycoffee profile image


Bilateral paraesthesia in hands & feet (not confirmed as due to Fibro but no other cause identified)

Cervical spondylitis & cervical osteophytes

Chronic pain (not confirmed as all due to Fibro)



Raynaud's Phenomenon


Trigeminal neuralgia


Other conditions selected in the poll:

Inflammatory arthritis



Wingz26 profile image

I also have acid reflux and IBS. Yesterday I had an ultra sound guided injection for severe OA in my thumb (cmc joint) not the most comfortable procedure despite having a local first, but hoping for better relief as it will be a more precise placement of the steroid. Sometimes I Just feel so tired, I have to close my eyes and sleep, it's almost like I can't stop myself, the tiredness overwhelms me. Does anyone else ever experience this??

budgiefriend profile image
budgiefriend in reply toWingz26

Yes. Some types of whole body pain I get become worse and worse and then I literally can't keep myself from just losing consciousness. Also after long flare-ups of pain, I often can't stay awake the next day, or if I take a nap, I find I can't wake up, even with a loud alarm or phone call. I put it down to stress from the pain just taking all my energy until my body has to sleep to try to recover.

Maggiet profile image

Alopecia Universalis, tinnitus, small fibre neuropathy, hypothyroidism, lichen sclerosis. And I'm being investigated for Sjogrens!

Wingz26 profile image

Forgot to add I also have asthma, high blood pressure, allergies, raised cholesterol now, and low ferritin, being investigated at the moment.😢

DistressedDebby profile image

In addition to the fibro, CFS, hemeplegic migraine, anxiety & depression, standard migraine, & osteo arthritis I also have hyper mobile joints, Sjorgens syndrome, IBS, ectopic heart beats, raynauds syndrome, tinitus, fluid retention, bladder issues & Dercums disease plus moebic gland dysfunction in eyes. Blimey- we all have long lists don't we? Like everyone else I try so hard to keep happy and enjoy life. I've had fibro 15 years formally and a lot longer probably undiagnosed. I hate that its getting worse as I get older. Still hope in the back of my mind that I will get better, but I realise thats not going to happen in reality. I will Keep smiling & get on with it.😬😁

anit profile image


Dawn74 profile image

Hi there. Hope your as well as can be too!

My list is


Arthritis in back, knees, ankles.

Vit D deficiency


Dep & Anxiety



Take care everyone.

Jude666 profile image


Pamg profile image

Polymyalgia, Type 2 Diabetic and I have asthma.

Trina61 profile image

Hi everyone I also have diabetes with which tags along high blood pressure and raised cholesterol I also suffer with IBS but one of the worst symptoms is the fatigue wish you all better days hugs Trina

Marie56 profile image

I have type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and an undiagnosed stomach problems which is still being investigated.

Berninakate profile image

I have


Stage 2 Liver Fibrosis

Possible Multiple Sclerosis/ another neurological demyelinating (currently under investigation)

Also being investigated for Sjogrens

simonstones profile image

Also inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's)

Callred profile image

Also - underactive thyroid, asthma and hidrodentis supportiva.

ej71 profile image

Hi, I was primarily diagnosed with hypermobile ehlers-danlos syndrome (hEDS) and sleep apnoea hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS). With fibromyalgia/chronic widespread pain which exacerbates everything

Great poll. It's interesting to see how many other conditions co-exist with fibro

Ellie27 profile image

Spondylitis and my neck is crumbling deletes type 2 and hypertension

Sabberz_Yaqqerz profile image

Irritable Bowel Sydrome

Kitten-whiskers profile image

And Hashimoto's Thyroidus

Zita71 profile image

Under active thyroid

Moveonout profile image


Type 2 Brittle Asthma

Neurological symptoms


Cervical Spondylitis




Irritable bladder


Thank you for all you've done as head admin. I'm going to really miss you Ken, I'm so sad that your glaucoma and cataracts are affecting your vision so much on top of all your other problems. Look after yourself, I hope we see you on here from time to time. xx

Bennny profile image

Then there's Pustular Psoriasis and back pain and neck pain and a need for Viagra and High Blood Pressure and stuff you don't want to know about

ednu16 profile image

Also have sickle cell (HbSC which has behaved luckily as can be very very serious), spondyloarthritis and joint hypermobility syndrome. (4 chronic disorders! Life is fun hahahaha)

I have Raynauds also plus other things that not been confirmed etc could be?

With Autism/Asperger's that has a bearing on some of the things one being the depression type link but that also has effects on other things to.

lola1956 profile image

Hi I'm hypothyroid with cfs and polymyalgia and osteoarthritis knees and back... psoriasis ...leg probs but can't remember name ..

VonnyM profile image

I have alongside fibromyalgia, diabetes 2. Neuropathy, tendonitis, tinnitus, cognitive malfunction.

ukmsmi4 profile image

My main and most debilitating condition is in fact ME. For me fibromyalgia is secondary to that.

I'm not currently being treated for Vit deficiencies but have several times in the past had iron deficiency anaemia, vit B12 anaemia and vit d deficiency.

I don't get migraines but I do get a lot of headaches and shooting pains in my head.

I have osteo arthritis but so far it is fairly mild, at least in comparison to my other conditions.

I have been treated briefly for clinical depression and anxiety but although I do regularly get fed up and down, clinical depression or anxiety is not a particularly regular or debilitating part of my condition.

In addition to those mentioned (and the usual numerous other individual symptoms like major sleep disturbances, irritable bladder, brain fog, nausea, dizziness, dry eyes, blurry vision, difficulty focusing etc etc) I have

Restless Leg Syndrome, Functional Neurological Disorder, IBS, post nasal drip, acid reflux, mechanical degeneration of the lower spine, discs pressing on nerves in the lower spine, eczema, regular fungal and bacterial infections, orthastatic intolerance, tinnitus

Think that's pretty much it but you know what brain fog is like?! 😜

Lewisdonna profile image

Under active thyroid

Lydia200 profile image

Plus PCOS.

InLiverpool profile image

Graves Disease

M1br profile image

I also have psoriasis, lymphedema, vestiblopothy, raynaurds ,IBS, high BP, tinnitus and asthma.

JD57 profile image

Cardiac syndrome x,

sleep apnoea


marylegs11 profile image

COPD Costachondritis Diverticulitis cervical C5 De quervain's tenosynovitis

Claire133 profile image

I also have Joint Hyper mobility Syndrome, Bilateral Plantar Fasciitis, lateral epicondylitis, Chronic Erosive Gastritis, IBS, Patella Femoral Dysfunction, Facet Joint Degeneration LB, 2 bulging disks in neck, Cerebellar Tonsillar decent (hernia) and Aspergers Syndrome.

everlife profile image

My other condition is breast condition.

Mrspresley profile image

I have HS

ClareCrip profile image

I've only got a Fibromyalgia diagnosis, nothing else, how boring is that?!

Sg1474 profile image
Sg1474 in reply toClareCrip

I would take boring over my added ailments, lol. X

Koomaroo2 profile image
Koomaroo2 in reply toClareCrip

It's not boring it's hell! I have that too I have all over body pain it's unreal,iv also got Me/cfs ,id say the fibro is enough for anyone,It's changed my life for the worse.How do you manage your pain?

ClareCrip profile image
ClareCrip in reply toKoomaroo2

Gabapentin, pacing, 30+ years practice! I just accept being disabled and unable to live the same life I had in my youth. I do get ESA and DLA (just being switched to PIP now). Husband recently took early retirement so bow he can help me more about the house

Mackembabe profile image

Asthma, CKD, IBS, Reflux Acid, Border line Diabetes, Deafness & B.P

I also have multiple herniated discs... What fun 😂

kiltylyn profile image

MY any other is peripheral neuropathy. Arthritis, vitamin deficiencies,depression/anxiety, the pain trying to get up in morning is from head to toe. :( Once meds kick in do feel better..

Mackembabe profile image

for got Cholesterol, tinitus, TMJ

IBS, Sight loss, Costochondritis

Clarea profile image

You missed off one of the main co-conditions - myofascial pain syndrome

fluffyfluf profile image

It would be interesting to know who has relatives with autoimmune disease (mother has MS). I have never been tested for MS - but some symptoms are very similar.

Lolacan profile image

Gout, heart failure, sleep apnoea, kidney disease,

Lolacan profile image

Sorry I forgot diverticulitis, bursitis, frequent bouts of cystitis

Sg1474 profile image

Arthritis, raynauds, depression and anxiety, tinnitus, anemia, ibs, oesophagitus and gastritis,

St_Bridie profile image

Hypothyrodism, hypometablism, IBS, restless leg syndrome, tinnitus

Sillysarah profile image

Also eye problems and neck problems. Daily pain which shows up in different parts of the body and terrible cramping muscles

Bow08 profile image

Chronic back pain too

Silmarillion profile image

Intercranial hypertension, sub arachnoid haemorrage, diabetes, asthma, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, partially sighted, ibs, gord, type1.5 diabetes(recently rediagnosed)

IBS, Neuropathy, rosacia, tinnitus and yet unconfirmed interstitial cystitis - I have all the symptoms plus at times during a "flare", pain and increased temperature during urination.

Taliswood profile image

My list:

Spinal cord and nerves damaged (after needing two major back surgeries)

All over body pain and muscle spasms

Urine incontinence (have Botox which works a treat for me)

Facet joint disease

Degenerative disc disease


Spinal stenosis

Neuropathy (feet constantly vibrate, random leg pain, twitching and jumping)

Osteoarthritis in all major joints

Possible Ankylosing Spondilitis



Carpal Tunnel

Hiatus Hernia

Recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia so still learning what this brings.

Ambertabbycat profile image

Peripheral Neuropathy

Sleep apnea


+??? New diagnoses keep being made.

So far today's pain levels are much lower than yesterday...for no particular reason.

I hope this will be a good day for all !!!


enna profile image

Type 2 diabetes

Peter0793 profile image

Vertigo also

lilandles profile image

I also suffer from, non epileptic seizures, blackouts and high blood pressure and the normal restless legs

redridinghood profile image

Diabetis thyroid spondylitis

Midori profile image

I haven't been tested for Lyme, although for many years I have camped in Lyme infested areas.

I also have Oesophageal reflux, fluid buildup in my legs, compromised circulation in one leg, and failing eyesight.

dovetail profile image

I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.

aderynglas1 profile image

Asthma and thyroid

Lizzielizzie0 profile image

Like most of us, I have a number of additional conditions, including hypothyroidism, TMJ disorder, bipolar, degenerative disc disorder, a type of anxiety based dermatitis (can't remember the name) and gallstones and some more I can't bring to mind. I seem to get at least one new condition every year. It's wearing, to say the least.

Ms_Foggyfraggle profile image

I have multiple Co morbidities including asthma, hypertension, diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, anaemia, in fact to mao t

lonelyone profile image






M. Depression

Anxiety disorder



Chronic pain

Vitamin D deficiency


MEnotME profile image


MGUS - Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown specification



jude156 profile image

Chronic whiplash

Sheila-Squirrel profile image

CRPS, shoulder-hand syndrome and plantur faciitis with bone spur on one foot. Low blood pressure and insomnia. Also allodonia and gastric problems and increased hair and nail growth that's brittle and breaks easily. Upper limb restrictions although CRPS has spread to whole body now

ibs ..

sleep issues ie wake up every 3 mins first part of night then every hr the rest .

Horses940 profile image

Also have coeliacs and IBS

Maladjusted profile image

Also have IBS, Underactive thyroid, fatty liver, stage 3 kidney disease, duodenitis, plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia and frozen rotator cuff

Millbridge profile image

Apart from fibromyalgia and cfs/me I suffer from hypothyroidism. I always think there is a link between these illnesses.

FoggyMoggy profile image

I forgot to include Hyperhidrosis. Possible thyroid problems - due to see endo. Phobias, eg agoraphobia and social phobia. Irritable bladder. Probably more...

Furry profile image

sjogrens syndrome , costochondritis, IBS, TMJ, arthritis. There seems to be so many of us with the same or similar autoimmune things going on.

shooter1970 profile image

Strange that I too forgot my other conditions..

My list on top of the fibro is

osteoarthritis in my hands and feet

IInflammatory arthritis (auto-immune)(diagnosed 1st with Sero-negative RA IN 2012 then diagnosis changed to Psoriatic Arthritis when my Rhuemy left and a new one took over but he states Inflamatory Arthritis in letters to my GP)

Polymyalgia (Diagnosed end of 2011)

Hypermobile Joint Syndrome

underactive thyroid (secondary to thyroiditis in 2015)


Migraines and headaches

I believe that there may be a connection between all these conditions we live with.

I am currently sitting looking at the wonderful water fountain outside of the pain Management centre at St Thomas's hospital. Hoping and praying that they can help my pain...

Colleen x💖💖

budgiefriend profile image

Ehler's Danlos Syndrome, POTS, Osteoporosis, ME. Aside from the Osteoporosis, the others have a great deal of overlap of symptoms. Also, conditions such as POTS or other types of orthostatic intolerance, IBS, Gastric reflux disease symptoms are both symptoms of these ME, Fibromyalgia, and Ehler"s Danlos and stand alone illnesses. So it is hard to distinguish for the purpose of a list or a poll, which is the cause of what. There"s no easy Russian doll analogous or even history distinction, because much is gradual or has appeared off and on over several years. I had Glandular Fever as an adult working closely in small rooms with university singers--an obvious risk most adults wouldn't have. 10 years before that, I had viral meningitis. EDS is a genetic condition that can affect any system and cause more problems over time. Any of these three could have started the others or predisposed me to getting them. A big ball of tangled problems and pain I am sure many of you will identify with, and yet such a lot of the problems are thought by others to be insignificant. Put them together and we get an awful lot of suffering very many years. We are lucky to have access to information and to be able to support each other via social media.

Janet28 profile image

Hi my friend, hope you are as well as you can be today ☺ I have voted, I suffer with Polymyalgia, degenerative nerve damage in my back & feet, Aura Migraines & pick axe headaches. Osteoarthritis, TMJ. I also suffer with Ibs & acid reflux with throat problems. That's all I can think of for the moment lol.

Sending ❤ Jan xx

GillyGangGong profile image

Says it all arthritic xxx

Linjack profile image

I have cervical stenosis,hypothyroidism and high blood pressure along with migraines,osteoporosis,anxiety and fibromyalgia.

Quite a lot to deal with.

Joyia profile image

Mild asthma; underactive thyroid

Lily-s profile image

Degeneration of lower spine. COPD and cirroscis.

Lily-s profile image

COPD degeneration lower spine and cirroscis.

Shazza72 profile image

My gp thinks I may have raynauds because I am having most of the symptoms of it 😏

Joyia profile image

It would also be interesting to have a Poll on traumatic events as I believe these are triggers for many diseases. It doesn't have to be over-exposing but simplified i.e. Childhood trauma; Divorce; Loss/Death; Losing home; Nursing ill relative; for examples or anything else that may deem applicable.

FlopsyCleopatra profile image

Addison's Disease

Jules23 profile image

Could not leave a comment but SLE and APS.

kdhutch52 profile image

I also have MS

Ehlers Danlos syndrome and God knows what else they will find out the coming months. 🤔

64notout profile image

My "any other" is Lymphocytic Colitis. Great!!!!

I also have degenerated disc disease in lower back and bulging disc in neck and foot problems.

jacksprat92 profile image

Going to the memory clinic soon -so i`m sorry i cannot remember 1/2 of them just know i take 15 tablets for breakfast and 17 on a night, hey ho there we go x

MALKIS profile image

synus and nerve pain around ear and head

MALKIS profile image

nerve pain around ear and side of headone sideplus tinnitusone side

skit profile image

Asthma Dermatatis

Rainbow_Chaser profile image

It saddens me to list the additional ones but what it does show is that lots of us Fibro sufferers have similar problems! Much more research needed me thinks...

Ventricular Tachycardia with Broad Complex Tachycardia (Heart Arrhythmia)

TIA (Mini Stroke)



Multiple Allergies


Cervical Spondylosis

B12 Deficiency



Dodgy Lymph Node in neck due to inflammation!

...& currently under ENT Specialist for weird sores in my mouth - they have no idea what they are, so undiagnosed as yet!

Thank you for all our wonderful Polls Ken *gently claps*

Sending much Love <3

Debs x

Beakybird58 profile image

I suffer with sjorgens syndrome, interstitial cystitis ( painful bladder syndrome) IBS. DDD and neck pain following fusion ops x3

Beakybird58 profile image
Beakybird58 in reply toBeakybird58

And raynaulds syndrome!

janh profile image

i have a very rare autoimmune disease which include the ones mentioned in the poll but it contains more than 25 other diseases not included in your poll including, scoliosis, gastritis, lupus, behcets, vasculitis, costocondritis, copd (non smoker) ,relapsing costocondritis, serious allergies, etc. Best wishes janh.

BigV profile image

Diabetes type 2 and asthma

linnyh17 profile image

I have diabetes, osteoarthritis, vitamin deficiencies vit D and Vit B12, headaches, depression and diverticulitius, frozen shoulder and general fatigue. I am 63 years old and feel unable to work much longer but still three years away from my pension which stresses me out very much as on my own and scared to death of being treated badly again by the job centrex

jenbear profile image


jane1955 profile image

i have emphysema oxygen 24/7 2 when idle .3 when active.

suebeedoo profile image

I also have Hughes syndrome, asthma, blood pressure, trouble with my skin which they are looking into at the moment. Not having a good day today, pain and balance all over the place. Wishing everyone well x

suebeedoo profile image

Sorry also got endometriosis which is also showing its ugly head at the moment. Struggling at the moment. Thanks best wishes to you all

Jan1964 profile image

CRPS, cervical spine radiculopathy

clareboitelle profile image

Sjogrens syndrome

lou59 profile image

Asthma, allergies. GORD

lou59 profile image





Lumbar disc wear and tear increased

deezee profile image

i also suffer with fhh

lesjon profile image

Hormone replacement therapy.

sherrisix profile image

Medical professional/researcher really needs to look into these similarities.It can't be just tough luck, but I bet there is some sort of connection in how our bodies work or don't work.. Oh, myself I also have arthritis, cervical spondylosis, multiple allergies, asthma, Celiac Disease, IBS, depression, anxiety, BPD, hiatus hernia .

Tinitus, Restles leg syndrome carpal tunnel syndrome.

/im sure that there are some that i have missed.

TeddyC profile image

Restless leg syndrome


Essential Tremor

Chronic Fatigue


Pre symptomatic PBC

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

High Blood Pressure

Plantar Faciitis


I'm still not sick enough to qualify for ESA support group or my pension though. Apparently I may recover, despite the fact there is no 'cure' for any of my health conditions!

pollylill profile image


charlie1980 profile image


Moaty55 profile image

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Moaty55 profile image

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Pop64 profile image

I also have blood clots/ DVT, Had mini stroke, Hughes Syndrome, Raynaud's disease, under active thyroid, mieneres, IBS,

LorettaMaria profile image


SpinalPain profile image

Non alcoholic fatty liver disease

SpinalPain profile image

Also non alcoholic fatty liver disease. Caused by medication for my spinal pain. Which is severe nerve pain from 2 fractured vertebrae

LaurenBurton profile image

Joint Hypermobility Syndrome too x

Fibrojules profile image

I also have scholiosis (curvature of the spine) and early onset of Parkinsons Disease

Lou1054 profile image

In addition to fibro I have arthritis, hypothyroid, long term vit D deficient and severe nerve damage x

scrumie profile image

I have had fibro for over 10yrs. I also have ibs and fibro fog

shellykent profile image

Polymyalgia Rheumatica

Pbyllis profile image

Sciatica disc /severe back pain /IBS/

Suzypooh77 profile image

Type 1 Diabetes, IBS, Frozen Shoulder, Carpal Tunnel syndrome, Dupuytrens Contracture, Aspergers Syndrome, EUPD Diabetic Neuropathy and Diabetic Retinopathy

Featherduster profile image

Also hay fever & allergies, tremors, restless legs, sleep disorders, lack of appetite, back & pelvic injuries (4 herniated inoperable lumbar discs & sacro-iliac joint disorder), TMJ, IBS, falls, dizziness, & chronic thrush, chronic irritable bladder, & chronic minor infections ie. styes in eyes, ulcers up nostrils & eczema in my ears & thrush in my ears both causing hearing loss.

Featherduster profile image

Also forgot asthma & mild copd (since I stopped smoking a year ago).

rosewine profile image

As well as fibro I have IBS, Asthma, Costochondritis, Allergies, HBP, High Chlorestrol.x

falling2peices profile image

Hypothyroidism, APS ( Lupus anticoagulant positive waiting for 2nd test) bipolar 1 mixed rapid cycling w psychosis, torn rotary cuff, GERD, general anxiety disorder possible MCTD VERTIGO

domfan profile image

I meant to say I also have an under active thyroid.

Shibby89 profile image

Yes depression anxiety and borderline spit personality, asthma, arthritis in hands

phlebo123 profile image

Irritable bowel syndrome

Ang54 profile image

chronic kidney disease

liquer profile image

I have most of the problems you have all mentioned,but on top of that diagnosed with breast cancer last aug so meds take for that give you lots of side afects on top of the things i already have hard to get out of bed some days due to pain,but you have to stay positive and put a smile on your face.😁

Juliewulie profile image


Cape_Cod_Sharon profile image

WoW!! :0

Who knew this would be such a lengthy, provocative, enlightening and sometimes sad topic. Way to go Ken for your last polling question. Great job!!

korculablue profile image

Hi Sharon, thank you for your help and soorry to hear you have type 2 diabetes and other really serious illnesses alongside your fibromyalgia.

I have very recently had all sorts of blood tests including liver functions. The arthritis in both feet seems to be spreading into my ankles and lower legs I already have it in my lower back and both knees. Cellulitis broke out in lower legs, ankles and feet in recent weeks causing much soreness, weeping, and broken skin and difficulty in walking. I was given doxvcvcline to help with the infection but it has caused intense itching all over my body. The advice about not to scratch is almost impossible to comply with. Since my blood tests I have had a letter asking me to make an appointment to see the doctor. The waiting time for appointments can be up to a month or longer. I have made an appointment for the 21st of this month but will be seeing the nurse practitioner tomorrow . It is so difficult these days to get treatment quickly.

Take care of yourself

Korculablue. xx

Mistee71 profile image

I also have type 2 diabetes, neuropathy, tendinitis, hiatus hernia which is painful, sleep apnea caused by central neuropathy, insomnia, psoriasis

PennyUK profile image

atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia,neuropathy.lymphoedema,lipoedema,diabetes,

Bobby16 profile image

Raynaud's. Diverticular disease. Hietus hernia. Gastritis. Severe fatigue. Muscle spasms.

Bobby16 profile image

Also as quoted by my eye consultant a peculiar never behind my eye

Bobby16 profile image

High and low blood pressure. 70/30 to 200/120. They did adrenal tests they were ok.

Bobby16 profile image

Undiagnosed aneimia.

spzgirl51 profile image

I have sjogrens syndrome too.

Boyden1964 profile image

I also have Raynaud's urine retention due to bladder muscle's not working properly. Also arthralgia.

MKMale profile image

I also have Scoliosis Kyphosis (curviture of the spine), a frozen left shoulder and carpal tunnel

skybluepink profile image

My trigger points were all related to weak heart pumping & had to have a MI [ cardiac arrest to find this out. Last year pulmonary hypertension revealed itself .Realise the CFI fibromyalgia was heart failure symptoms & as Ds r said who did the angioplasty I was "lucky" ! Lucky I had been having acupunture all year.Now the lipo- lymphoedema is taking hold & with preventative heart meds don't feel so fatigued as once did even though can't stand for more than 10min..

skybluepink profile image

Looking at the replies I spot patterns & connections eg: spinal problems mine is spina bifida re : chronic utis acute 3 weekly & neurogenic bladder urgency & retentition from one ureter too many & IBS .There is low thyroid & hormonal imbalaces too .I wonder how much patient orientated research is actually happening or is it a broad term for the failure of the systems to to treat the autoimmune as is Alzheimers /multi infart dementia .

cathy1110 profile image

Lus. I.b.s. divculightues .asma. botton back pain . Athritues in my kness

Lanlala profile image

As well as fibromyalgia, dizziness, depression, heart disease, one stent in rca, and now possible slipped disc, been in pain for two weeks, tried acupuncture, only worked for a bit, now on so many tablets it's frightening.

I also have insulin dependent diabetes

Kat50 profile image







Raynaud sydrome


Bladder urgency


E_Coll24 profile image

Complex PTSD, Endometriosis, Eating Disorder among other things! Stomach problem, potentially an autoimmune disease but not diagnosed yet

audra112 profile image

Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, irritable bowel and new food intolerances

Looby101 profile image

I also have hashimotos thryroiditis, plantar faciatis, sleep apnea, insomnia and stomach priblems

Huff35 profile image

Thyroid problem. The bonus of having this is I sleep alot probably to much. But it intensifies my fibro. Due to symptoms been the same. I get a double whammy for free.

Bluelily profile image

As well as fibromyalgia, i have graves disease, Thyroid problems fluctuating from high to low with no medium balance. Sleep apnea, hiatus hernia which causes acid reflux, sciatica, depression,anxiety and vertigo. My immune system is low which means i pick up lots of viruses. I get headaches almost everyday, it probably doesnt help by feeling stressed all the time.

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Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Lynda_FMA_UK profile image
Sarah_fmauk profile image

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