Are You Making Any New Year Resolutio... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Are You Making Any New Year Resolutions To Help Fight Your Fibro? Multiple Choice Poll:

TheAuthor profile imageTheAuthor282 Voters
I Am Planning To Get Out More / Take More Exercise:
I Am Planning To Go On A Diet:
I Do Not Make Resolutions
I Am Planning To Ask My GP To Look At Changes To My Medications:
I Am Planning To Ask My GP For Referrals i.e. Physio / Hydro / CBT etc:
Any Other Please Comment?
I Am Planning To Give Up Smoking / Drinking Alcohol etc:
I Am Planning To Finish Working & / Or Start New Employment:
105 Replies
TheAuthor profile image

I could do with losing a few pounds as my medications have helped me gain a bit of weight!

Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply toTheAuthor

No more blamange for you then 😂😂😂🍧🍧🍧

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply toShadows-walker

Arrrr! I like blancmange! x :)

Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply toTheAuthor

Glad you realised what I meant 😋 My spelling is interesting 😂🤣

fenbadger profile image
fenbadger in reply toTheAuthor

or bourbons, or cake :P

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply tofenbadger

Nooooooooooooooooooooo! Not my bikkies? :)

kerrys-counselling profile image
kerrys-counselling in reply toTheAuthor

so do i but have not had it in ages!

kerrys-counselling profile image
kerrys-counselling in reply toTheAuthor

i am doing some nutritional therapy for myself. I have a lot of conditions but have some know how to sort out some of the conditions but i am having to go back to the doctors because i think i have the arthritis now in my legs!! I have been in so much pain since the last 3/4 weeks and i don't normally take painkillers and the last day or so i have not been able to cope and so i am back getting painkillers.

Shadows-walker profile image

I hopefully get my new powered wheelchair in time for my birthday so the plan is to get out with my dogs 😊 My fingers are crossed xx

in reply toShadows-walker

Hope you enjoy your chair,had mine about 5-6 months and it does feel nice when I am shopping with my daughters just to be able to stop and look without getting pushed straight past everything,not safe to go out on my own though as my neck has been stuck for over two years and I can't look left so can't cross roads on my own as I can't look for traffic

Matrix profile image
Matrix in reply toShadows-walker

Shadows-walker that sounds wonderful and I wish you well with that ,hope you get it sooner than you think xx

Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply toMatrix

Thank you 😀 It's being supplied by the Welsh assembly for me as I live in rural Wales and have a car on pip because public transport is rare and you can't get taxis for gp visits etc and I can't have both on pip been waiting nearly a year since the original social worker visit . But nearly there it's been ordered 😀😃😁

Matrix profile image
Matrix in reply toShadows-walker

Its so gratifying to hear someone having some good news for once and I really hope that it comes sooner than later .wishing you all the best for this coming year ,it sounds as if you have a lot to cope with .Bless you xx

naturagirl profile image

I will try a controversial alternative method, as nothing, beside prayers, has made a big difference so far. I have lost my confidence in every other treatment prescribed and recommended by doctors.

kerrys-counselling profile image
kerrys-counselling in reply tonaturagirl

try reiki

naturagirl profile image
naturagirl in reply tokerrys-counselling

Too painful, but thank's! Best wishes from Tess-Naturagirl.

kerrys-counselling profile image
kerrys-counselling in reply tonaturagirl

Reiki isn't painful. They don't even have to touch you. Reiki can be done off the body. I do it. Hope that helps. If you have had that experience then someone is doing something very wrong. I am a Reiki Practitioner myself and there should be no pain sweetie.

naturagirl profile image
naturagirl in reply tokerrys-counselling

Sorry Hun, I got it mixed up with Tai Chi. Haha, silly me. I will look into Reiki.

I just read up on Reiki and it sounds intriguing. I will check out if there is anyone here who can do it.

Kind regards from Tess

kerrys-counselling profile image
kerrys-counselling in reply tonaturagirl

That's ok. Where abouts are you in the uk? is a good place to find therapists.

naturagirl profile image
naturagirl in reply tokerrys-counselling

I am in middle of nowhere in Australia

Snowy87978 profile image

Finally gave Keiser the boot-new insurance plan! Hope it works...if not I'll fire them and research a new Doctor!

For over two years now I haven't been able to talk properly or eat properly,everything has to be puréed and I hate the taste so only been eating soup and according to the dietitian I am making my health worse by not having all the vitamins,minerals,calcium etc that my body needs and will make fibro worse so my New Years resolution has to be to start eating the puréed food even if I don't like the taste or the pains I get afterwards

taffy1958 profile image

I have put on weight due to being less active and hope to loose at least 2 stone during the year.

This is the first time in my life i have been over weight. Feeling sluggish and out of breath just going upstairs.

First i will start giving up sweet things.

For example - biscuits, chocolate, sweets and my favourite cake.

Firstly i get to finish what is left! Cant leave these items can i be rude not to ha ha.

Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply totaffy1958

I have been prescribed oristate from GP I had lost a half stone after 1 month I have put on 5 stone all together and have definitely dropped down 1 size in clothes . I only take 1 tablet a day with one meal , you can take 1 with each meal but I decided that I didn't want any nasty side effects. Good luck X

cezzie5 profile image
cezzie5 in reply totaffy1958

I know how the weight gain feels Taffy 1958. I've put on 3 stone for temple arteritis and it's the first time I've been this overweight. So body image and confidence takes a bashing. Good luck with the healthy eating xx

taffy1958 profile image
taffy1958 in reply tocezzie5

Hi cezzie 5, Happy New Year, Thank you i will have to make a plan. Google healthy foods ☺ The exercise will be a bit of a problem but i will do my best. I never make resolutions but this year i must do it. Any advise on healthy meals will be welcome xxAnnxx

cezzie5 profile image
cezzie5 in reply totaffy1958

I am making the same resolutions and hopefully after knee replacement i can get walking my dog again. plus reduce my steroids. Interesting programme on ch 4 tonight, Food Unwrapped Diet Special about diet and weight loss. You should be able to get it on catch up.

maidar profile image
maidar in reply totaffy1958

How much is a stone compared to pounds?

Lou1062 profile image
Lou1062 in reply tomaidar

14 pounds to a stone, I have several stone to lose xx

Tray51 profile image

I was diagnosed with fibro last year by my r.a specialist. ..I am not currently having any treatment for it. I am on tramodol and methotrexate injections to name a few! Who do I need to see to get the right help? ?? I really want to start the year by tackling this issue as I don't think I can handle being bed ridden for half the week when it's good and not being able to keep appointments is really getting to me now :(

in reply toTray51

Ask your GP if you can get a referral to a CFS specialist in your area. Might be a bit of a wait but they can suggest a lot of things to try. I too sometimes miss appointments either cos I fall asleep or completely forget!!

Tray51 profile image
Tray51 in reply to

Thank you soo much and a happy new year to you 👍x

Paulaw22 profile image
Paulaw22 in reply toTray51

Does Tramadol work? Do anti inflammatories work? I'm so jealous people I'm not allowed to use anything like that for my fibro, AS or arthritis because I'm asthmatic and tramadol stops my heart . Got a o take a mixture of paracetamol, dehyrocodeine ( being careful) and amytriptyllin makes me feel like a zombie

dinahdabble profile image
dinahdabble in reply toPaulaw22

Are you allowed Tegretol or Lyrica? I take tegretol. I am also asthmatic. It helps some people - me included, since it is a neural blocker. Lyrica leaves me too confused and forgetfull to do anything except spend money on ebay. Had to stop that! Lol. It doesn't do that with everyone though, I beleive it helps some very much indeed. It depends on the person for the best intervention.

Mine is a mix of Amitriptolin, Tegretol, 30/500 co-codamol when needed, Mirtazipine for depression, and long acting indegestion tablets to deal with all the chemicals I take - other wise I worry that I would fizz up and go pop!

I use Naproxin - an anti-inflamatory - if I have an injury that is swolen or hot. I use it only if I really have to because of the Asthma, but it helps to stop viciouse circles starting with mucles tensing around the injured area that can trigger other pains and long-term pain from the Fibromyalgia. You might find that you could use it in the same way - only when you have a bad Arthritus flair up.

Paulaw22 profile image
Paulaw22 in reply todinahdabble

I've not heard of Tegretol? I can't take co-codamol can't breath, that's how I ended up on dehyrocodeine I'm supposed to take four doses a day but I'd have to be climbing the walls. I've been told I have a very high pain threshold which works against me because my body reacts before I do. I pass out with pain and vomit.

I was given Nexium years ago but it made my asthma worse. I've been given Pregbalin by my pain specialist but I felt drunk! Lol not a nice drunk either.

I use arnica, chamomile and lavender which eases my fibro after a bath and a tens machine for my AS in my spine. I think nerve pain is the worse as it is so sharp and I lose the use of my legs and arms.

I have Pernicious Aneamia too which also cause pain and spasms and a tumour below my knee which is really agrivating the arthritis in my knee. That causes burning and the shivering I can't abide my legs. Last time it happened Istopped breathing and my go said my temperature was through the roof! He thinks there's something else going on , which I don't need . I think I was just in too much pain! They always tend to panic where I'm concerned.

dinahdabble profile image
dinahdabble in reply toPaulaw22

Tegretol is a trade name for Carbamazepine. Have you tried it? It does not affect my asthma at all. If you have lots of nerve-pain symptoms it might well help you. I take it for my Trigeminal Neuralgia as well as the firbro, and it gets to it, when nothing else does. It works well especially over a week or so, when the nerve element of the pain seems to begin to settle down. It is also significantly helping with tremmor and shudders. Give it a go. I have long suspected that there are sub-groups in the fibro set, and that similar things help similar people.

Yes, pregabalin made me drunk! That is the very word I used when I tried to explain this to my husband, but he thought I was just playing up. I think (may be wrong) that people who are used to alcahol find it easier to handle because they are used to the similar effect. Not me, I'd be on the floor gurgling and gasping after a small glass of wine, and am sick if I have any more. My asthma is agrovated most by hydrocarbon emmisions, especially deisle fumes. I think alcohol intolerence may be linked to that sensitivity - as my Asthma is worse if I have the smallest drink.

I mentioned in another message about Vitamine D. Make sure you are getting enough if you are house bound. It really made me ill when I was difficient. You sound quite badly incapacitated. Sunlight is the very best, but diet supliaments help too, and anything that aleviates symptoms a little is better than nothing.

Paulaw22 profile image
Paulaw22 in reply todinahdabble

I'm allergic to everything but petrol fumes have always caused me issues, even as a child. Cats, dust, pollen, feathers you name it! I've recently been put on Monteleucast by my lung specialist to help with that. I have to take a drug for very bad migraine which I have been found to have auras which affect my sight badly. I'm given Sumatriptan which is so strong it mocks me out. I have to leave a gap between the amitriptylin and those are I could hurt myself but they work. They gave me another drug can't remember the name which is used for epilepsy and OMG ! Thought I'd gone to hell lol!

To be honest I really try to do things as I get really bad pain if I sit too long or stay in bed. I have to be ready for dropping or my legs don't work at all before I keep still. My family go mad at me cos I fall, burn myself, feel faint but insist that I do it. I don't want to put on weight cos that will make everything worse so I miss meals and only eat if I'm hungry.

I do take a special vitamins with vit D but no iron as I cannot absorb it and it makes me sick. Never been able to have it.

My daughter has PA and she has vit d prescribed by our GP but she buys it herself as it's cheaper than keep paying for prescription

I'm always keen on looking for Holistic answers to help my health. I'm a qualified aromatherapist and Holistic therapist had my own business and taught at a local college before all this. I even wrote a series for a sports magazine about the importance of exercise in healing! Look at me now eh .

Bye the way alcohol has the same affect on me, makes my ill, no pleasure in it at all. My husbands friend used to say I was a cheap date as I would only drink fruit juice when we all went out. I was only in my early thirties too!

dinahdabble profile image
dinahdabble in reply toPaulaw22

First, I made a mistake and put Nexium instead of Naproxin which is the anti-inflamatory.

I am quite interested in what you have to say about allergies, as I used to suffer from multiple allergies. I know "used to" is an untrustworthy claim to make, but I found out by experience that one thing - the car fumes - was makeing me hyper-sensitive to all sorts of other things. The big life changer for me was to move to a place free from car fumes. I now live half way up a mountain, in a remote area, with only one road going through it. I also overlook the sea. It seemed like a huge risk to move so far out from ambulances and hospitals, and probably it didn't need to be quite so drastic, but the point is that I discovered - like many others have discovered - that mulitple allergies are often secondary to one big irritant, the automobile fumes. It took about 2 years for some allergies to subside, it took about 6 years for the worst to go, but go they did. Now I only have allergy to the underlieing irritant, the traffic fumes, carbon based fuel and similar derivertives when I am exposed to them for a prolonged period. I used to have cat and dog allergies, now I own a dog and have 13 cats, some of whom sleep on my pillow! The secondary allergies actually went away once I had identified the primary irritant. I have no idea how all this works, I am not medically trained. I do know that stress and trauma also play a part in sensertisation. However, I was stuned at what happened when I left the high traffic area I had lived in since childhood, and which had caused me to be in mortal danger many times with my asthma. All the children in the street where I lived as a young woman were using asthma sprays - I now realise that this is not just an inevitable part of life. I have thought about it long and hard, and I think that people are just not told about what traffic fumes can do because the economy is centered around automobiles and oil generally. I sound like I am preaching now so I'll leave it, but if you do live near to heavy traffic, move away from it if there is any way you can.

Sorry again for putting Nexium instead of Naproxin - I have edited it in the origional entry - I hope very much your health will improve soon. After you have worked to improve the health of others, it seems particularly sad that you should suffer poor health now.

Paulaw22 profile image
Paulaw22 in reply todinahdabble

Don't worry about it I have heard of Naproxen but I can't have it. I'm on a new inhaler that has a form of anti inflammatory in it but it goes straight to your lungs. My allergies are not just breathing. I have two non shedding dogs and I'm ok with them but they are showered regularly and they don't like getting dirty. The allergic reactions I get are that my eyes swell and I get swelling in the mucus membranes of my eyes , like a see through eyelid really. My skin swells and itches and my lips swell. Really horrible but the petrol and fumes from fires only affects my breathing. Limes and cranberry affects my breathing only too. Really strange how different things do it? I agree about cities and towns too. We live in a semi rural area now but when I was a child we were in the Channel Islands and I was fine. The couple of times we have been to Majorca and Tenerife after I few days my breathing is much better. I love the sea it makes me feel alive and the air is so good to breath!

I've been told that the reason I've developed all this is due to my Mum getting TB when she came to England. She had me in the middle of her treatment. She was being given high doses of antibiotics after surgery and got pregnant. Apparently I'm one of the only people born without hearing loss or still born. But I think it's due to having PA for so long without treatment. I remember having terrible pains in my arms and legs and falling over all the time. I used to limp badly and my father took me to the hospital because he was so worried and I was only five. The consultant told my father I had watched someone limp and thought I should do it. I'm not repeating what he said to the doctor! Lol

dinahdabble profile image
dinahdabble in reply toPaulaw22

Yes, I can identify with the swelling lips and eye irritation too. I think that there is a fungal spore that I used to be very sensitive to, my face went red as well.

I have heard of people developing multiple allergies because of glandular fever, malaria, lyme disease and, as you mentioned, heavy and recurrent anti-biotic treatments. I suppose it is what ever toxins you are bombarded with a hell of a lot of in some cases. You were so lucky to live in the Channel Islands. Have you thought of moving back to by the sea, or is it out of all possibility?

Paulaw22 profile image
Paulaw22 in reply todinahdabble

Not possible I'm afraid. No cash and my children still live at home and have jobs locally. The CIs are so expensive and I haven't been there since a child. We lost contact with my Mums family when she died many years ago. Her sister died a few months after she did. My sister and brother live in the next town to me but it's more built up and industrial than where I live. We only live 14 miles from the coast but due to my illness we could be cut off from everything.

dinahdabble profile image
dinahdabble in reply toPaulaw22

The coast would be good when the weather is a little better, just to get some of the good air once or twice a week. Do you think your GP would consider helping you to get a mobility grant for travel there? I am assuming you are in Britain now? It wouldn't hurt to ask if you don't already have one. 14 miles is a long way if you can't get out, family are busy, but if it would do your health good just to sit in a vehicle with the window open? We have done this in the past for both myself and my daughter-in-law (as I explained below, she has multiple alergy and fibro too). Mobility can be used to pay taxi fees, community transport, pay a family member or friend to drive you, or to get a motability car. I couldn't go for the last option because my medication affected my attempts to learn to drive - forgot to stear a few times and break and which way to look at a roundabout, and such like - oops!

Paulaw22 profile image
Paulaw22 in reply todinahdabble

We have a car, my husband drives most of the time because even those it's automatic I lose the use of my legs unexpectedly sonI have to be feeling pretty good to drive. We went to Devon with my son and daughter for a few days last summer. The place we stayed at was great all on one level but I really struggled with the bed and it took us hours to get back and we had to keep stopping so I could get out and move my legs! My poor hubby needs two new hips, due to hip diformity, two new knees and his ankles are gone too. I used to work and look after him after he had to take his pension early. I get so tired now and God love him he tries his best. But we have a nice garden to sit in and we do try to get out in the summer if the weathers ok.

Funnily enough I do have issues with bright sunlight, I have to wear dark lenses otherwise I get migraine and sight problems.

It's because I'm a vampire! Lol!!

dinahdabble profile image
dinahdabble in reply toPaulaw22

I think the bright sunlight thing goes with the teritory. All three members of my family who are affected have photosensitivity. If we are all out in the car, and suddenly turn toward the sun low in the sky, my husband is happily driving along and the rest of us are exclaiming, growning, putting hands up in front of our eyes and grabbing for sun glasses. It is really quite funny - ridiculouse even. I am sure he finds it incomprehensible at times. But it is very, very painfull, also triggering dreaded migrains, ice-pick headaches, and trigeminal neuralgia in my own case. I don't think much research has been done into it and I don't find much information online. Sun glasses are great, but if you have limited vision anyway from allergies, well, you know only too well that they are frustrating.

Paulaw22 profile image
Paulaw22 in reply todinahdabble

I have glasses anyway so I have prescription sunglasses. Been told to wear them all the time outdoors. I've had sight issues ever since the issues caused by the tumour in my thyroid. Apparently it had grown through the vagus nerve and the main artery to my brain. It caused scaring in the left side of my brain in the Serra which affects sight. I see weird images in my left eye; black dots, icicles which are eye shaped. Really weird called auras. But sunlight is like someone is shining a laser into my eyes. It's the same at the optiticians the letters in the red or green lights. Can't see either but the green hurts more than the red for some reason.

Think I'm an alien don't belong on this planet lol!

Vampire alien that should be my name on here ! What do you think?

dinahdabble profile image
dinahdabble in reply toPaulaw22

I think you have more health problems than anyone should have to deal with. It happens when a person has more than one illness, each complicates the treatment for the next, and sadly, if it doesn't fit into the tick boxes people sometimes fail to understand how challenging life can be. You are not alone, you are neither allien nor vampire, the only sence in which you are allienated in this world is when the world fails to accomodate your various needs properly, dispite the fact that it easily could. You are very, very brave, and you deserve better. You know your health challanges well. You are doing something very important by helping other people to understand their own needs and to articulate them, and helping other people to understand needs that they may yet develop or encounter, all by being open about them. This is the stuff that comunities are made of. Basically, by comunicating. you are being a useful and valuable member of society - so no more alliens or vampires. Me too, though perhaps to a lesser degree. Could that be our New Year's resolution?

Paulaw22 profile image
Paulaw22 in reply todinahdabble

That's quite strange that you say that. My Mother told me that when she found out she was pregnant with me, she was advised to have a termination because she was so ill. She was told I had no chance of survival. She said she spoke with my father and they decided that there was no way that they could do that and if I survived it would mean that I was saved for a purpose. I am the youngest of five and have always looked after my siblings even though I am a lot younger than them. My father died when I was fourteen, and I organised my fathers funeral with my sister and sorted out my Mums widows pension and even went to work with my Mum in the school holidays to help out. I was the first in the family to get good grades in school and have a career. Then got a degree which my father said I would. My daughter is a superb Nurse and my son has a good job and bothe went to university. My great niece is a teacher and told everyone that I inspired her to do it and what's strange is that she is my twin! My job as an Holistic therapist meant that I could help even quadriplegic patients to feel, cry and believe, but when I spoke to people in the treatment room I felt that I was doing more good by just 'talking' about how they felt, their fears and aspirations that's what made me want to be a counsellor. Even when I was recovering from my kidney tumour I finished a certificate in Education with the Open University so that I could be a counsellor but the last year has brought more issues, to prevent me doing that.

So thank you for your kind words and yes maybe my new year resolution should be to acknowledge my issues and find ways to accommodate them to have a future, and not think I'm weak or a failure. Thank you x

dinahdabble profile image
dinahdabble in reply toPaulaw22

Sometimes, when I was a gardener, I'd be digging, and find beautiful things in the ground. Your last message was a veritable fountain of wonderful stuff. I think I might have a look at my packets of seed, right now, see what is still waiting to be planted. Thank you x

Paulaw22 profile image
Paulaw22 in reply todinahdabble

I'm glad you thought that and not, 'OMG what a weirdo!'

Strange, you being a gardener as before I trained as a therapist and took my degree I was a florist, had my own shop, then was a tutor at a college and doing community work. I really enjoyed going to deprived areas helping people in an informal setting get back into work. Some of the people had never done anything or taken a qualification. I was so proud of them when they were presented with their qualifications! I love flowers but have really bad hay fever Stargazer lollies used to kill me haha! My daughter says I'm wasting my talents but my fingers struggle to work now and my neck freezes. I was a floral designer too. My claim to fame was doing the funeral of a Queen of the gypsies and the things we had to make was amazing and it was so appreciated by the families that came from all over the world.

I think plants are therapeutic; colour, design, and perfume. Wonderful stuff

dinahdabble profile image
dinahdabble in reply toPaulaw22

Gosh no! not a weirdo what ever that is, a creative and compassionate person, from a creative and compassionate family - doing your own thing and helping other people to do theirs. Creativity (in the big sense) for some people is their life's blood. I love to see it in people, it often manifests in a love of knowledge, and a desire to pass it on. If that is what some people call weird, then weird is what I want to be when I grow up.

Tray51 profile image
Tray51 in reply toPaulaw22

Tramadol takes the edge of my rheumatoid arthritis but it's not helping the fibro...I've been on it over a decade now 😨😩x

security profile image

I plan to diet and eat more healthy meals try and lose a few pounds, try and get out more and exercise this will help the weight too.......No more chocolate is what I need to remember...🙄

Bertiedette profile image

Well getting out more is going to be easy.

Finding the time for more exersise is harder.

Whilst walking I Ned someone with me .They are busy too!

As for diet it's that bed that makes me eat. Xxx

Jan101 profile image

I am a very determined person and I am more determined to get well. I think if you are determined person and also determined and strong in your mind it helps a lot. I am determined this year I will get better and stronger. 2016 was the worst year of my life. This is my New Year resolution. Jan101

Paulaw22 profile image
Paulaw22 in reply toJan101

Best way to think Jan101! No one can do it for you you have to do it yourself

cezzie5 profile image
cezzie5 in reply toJan101

2016 has definitely been my worst year since my 20's, I'm now 57. So i have really got the bit between my teeth to come off some of my drugs, lose weight that i've gained with steroids and get mobilising again.

Sniffer8 profile image

I don't plan or have anything I mind. Take it day by day.

Firman profile image

Intend to try and lose the weight I have put on over the winter months due to having chest infection for over a month, low white blood cells due to meds and infection and not being a b me to do much. Slowly does it though.

Sorry author as I already do most of these I couldn't tick them. Hope you and your wife had a lovely evening. Take care 😘🤗

CuddlyMum profile image

I have failed on so many resolutions that I decided to give them up

Midori profile image

I always make the same resolution; one I always keep. It is Never to make a New Year Resolution!

annacruachan profile image

Despite the expense I am determined to buy an electric scooter somehow. If I don't manage to get out around the village - or even around the island! - and have some social contact on a regular basis then 2017 can only be as bad, or worse, than 2016. The lovely peeps on the forum keep me going. Thank you all xxx

cezzie5 profile image
cezzie5 in reply toannacruachan

Hi Anna I've got an electric scooter and it's been my lifeline. It means I can meet friends for coffee, take my dog for a wlong walk shopping etc. I could only manage to walk small distances b4 being wiped out and in considerable pain so would only b able to stay out for short periods. I' like many of you have multiple problems unrelated to fibro so enjoy a stroll with friends on your scooter. If it gets you up and out that can only be a good thing xx

annacruachan profile image
annacruachan in reply tocezzie5

Thank you cezzie for your encouragement :) I have been housebound for 9 months now and find myself getting more and more unsociable, which is just not me. I woke up this morning and my first thought was '2017, what is there to look forward to? More of the same?' So I gave myself a good talking to and then found Ken's survey which settled the matter xxx

inagony profile image

ive just gave up x

had it too long x

Maggiet profile image

I have been referred to a new pain clinic with a dedicated physio so I'll see how that goes.

SummerGarden profile image

I've had both hips replaced in the last 6 months. I'm determined to walk again without assistance, and start going to yoqua (combo of yoga and some aerobics ) in a pool classes again.

I am going to see a Nutritional Therapist.

sueysue profile image

Yea medications have made me gain weight too. So need to loose it xxx

maypel76 profile image

Is there any group you know if could help mood

DogMamma profile image

My resolution is to take one day at a time . In doing that, make ever minute count with a smile in my heart. To bring happiness where possible with love. Happy New Year's! Mary

angelfishhome profile image

I'm hoping to try using mindfulness and meditation. Hope it will help with pacing and enhance mood

marialang1 profile image

I am going to listen to myself instead of others to my well bean and not worry what others think or say any more think about me HAPPY NEW YEAR to all and thank you for all your hard work on here xx

No point making a new year's resolution that I can't keep :)

Apmcoy profile image

Hello my friends good luck with n.y.r I dedo need to gt out more so that's n.y.r happy new year my friends xx

pixiewixie profile image

Do what the body permits!!

dinahdabble profile image

I am planning to try to get the person who I care for full time to get more support for his health problems, so that I can relax and be less stressed. Also, I am planning to try to get him to a sleep disorder clinic, so that I am not up all night.

lizashfield profile image

I am going to try and accept that I've got this horrible illness and that I have to accept that I cannot do what I used to be able. I need to learn that it is alright to accept that I just feel bad and need to rest.

MariLiz profile image

I know I need to take more exercise, but a bad back and painful foot have ruined that last year. I also need to take control of my eating. I know I comfort eat when I feel low.

Chrisbel profile image

I will continue to try to find things to make myself better.

Paulaw22 profile image

I've never smoked, and only have half a glass of Buck's Fizz at Christmas. Used to go the gym three times a week and hate fried food and still ended up like this!! OMG I really wish I'd have had a good time first!! Lol

dinahdabble profile image

Oh, just to remind everyone that Vitamine D levels can drop low if you are indoors most of the time - and especially in winter. Eat eggs, or get Ultraviolet light now and then, or if you already test low, get a megga-vitamine D suppliament from the doctor. Lots of people drop low on VitD if they are housebound, and uptaking it becomes harder as you get older. I had problems, and was so, so ill consiquently, with everything including the fibroM. getting much worse. After a months treatment I felt so, so much better.

Paulaw22 profile image

My doctor would only give it if my levels came back stupidly low. Guess what I can't have egg either!! I can't be given the flu jab because they use egg albumin in the injection makes me really ill!

dinahdabble profile image
dinahdabble in reply toPaulaw22

Are you ultraviolet hyper-sensitive? It doesn't take a long holiday in the sun to build levels up, but just enough to pink your skin a bit helps. I can't be out for very long in the sun as I burn easily, and get a rash, so I depend on eating eggs now. The flu jab also has tiny amounts of toxic metal in it. I think it is supposed to help speed up the activation of the imune system. My son is hypersensitive to the alluminium in it, I think because he has an all out auto-imune disorder with recurrent glandular fever ( and probably the very heavy doses of car fumes he had as a child). I'll ask my son about the possibility of egg allergy too, I don't think they have ever looked into that, but he gets really ill after the flu jab. He has to have it though, because flu sets off his glands. He is really ill acutally, liver problems, all his endochrine system and tissue regection. I feel bad that we didn't move away from germs and fumes and the effects of the city soon enough. He spends most of his time online, since he can do little else. Luckiely he always had an interest in Artificial Intelligence, doing very well at Uni with it until he became so ill that he couldn't do it any more, so he is a real computer geek. My daughter-in-law had malaria as a child, and has the kind of spread of allergies that you have - really, it is funny because they met online, met and got together for mutual support. I could cry looking at her sometimes when her allergies are in full swing, and wish that they could both come and live up here with us - but they have lives and other interests and commitments. She has fibro-myalgia too, but it is not afecting her so badly - I hope it never does. You will understand my deep interest in the multiple allergy thing from all this.

123098 profile image

I am planning to learn the piano and to learn a, New activity every year. It's not a bucket list it's a life wish.

LMF1960 profile image

Hopefully 2017 is going to be a better year for me

LMF1960 profile image


Hel52 profile image

I need to change what the eat since losing my Dad I had no interest in the gym hubby kept nagging me the more I was nagged the more I won't go I have kept myself distracted I rescued an other Burmese cat she's 18 months old I lost my little cat Cleo 3 weeks after losing my Dad she was my little soul mate it's hard to describe why she was a Burmese we adopted August last year I will start my new plan today good luck everyone and Happy new year let's hope it's less painful and we get a people to understand this condition a lot more I think life would be better if it's believe that it's a proper disability by the government sorry ranting as well. 🤗

dinahdabble profile image
dinahdabble in reply toHel52

I have found that it is much easiear to set myself meaningful tasks that help keep me active than to go to the gym. Putting some bulbs in a pot, germinating seeds that I've ordered online - anything that has a productive or creative outcome, and keeps me moving - bending down breifly, lifting something light, carrying a tray outside, normal things but filling my active hours with them. Looking after my cats keeps me busy too, and it is great therapy. I am sorry to hear you lost both your Dad and Cleo, I understand the soul mate thing, we have one called Satalite. Burmese cats are good companions, they are so cleaver and have such individual personalities. If you are making sure that each cat you have has a full life and is loved you are already keeping active. I think enjoying a variety of creative activities is so much better excercise than repetative tasks in the gym. I hope you have a much better 2017.

Tracey_Everton profile image

My tablets caused weight gain, now I have a broken ankle. So not moving about much, so lacking exercise as well

dinahdabble profile image
dinahdabble in reply toTracey_Everton

Don't worry about weight gain while your ankle mends. Healing up is work in itself, and all your movement is affected trying to accomodate the injury, it is hard work. Just get your ankle better, and then start thinking about other things. I hope it mends soon.

fenbadger profile image

Some of those shoudlnt be subject to resolutions. They're important enough to aspire to at any time simply for the sake of general health.

There was a piece on local news recently about cold water swimming. It first came to my attention when Dr Chris Van Tulliken did it on TV as part of a "reduce or stop my drugs" experiment. Any thoughts anyone?

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply tofenbadger

They have done a cold water swim on New Years Day in a pool in Derbyshire for the last two years. I really do not fancy it myself though? :)

fenbadger profile image
fenbadger in reply toTheAuthor

tbh, me neither :P

Lydia200 profile image

I have recently been to a health adviser who tested me for food intolerances. So I'm really going for my new eating plan. I think I will a little lose weight but more importantly I'll be in less pain and have bit more energy especially if I keep walking my dog and keep pacing myself.

Take good care of yourselves


I am planning to learn a new skill and develop my French, sufficiently, that will enable me to speak to my daughter-in-laws parents in their own language :)

skit profile image

I am going to do more reading as distraction and stop the TV dominating my sit down time!

Macberts profile image

I am going to join slimming world ! I love walking but haven't been able to do quite as much as working flat out! Also want to ask doc if I can take something else on top of what I normally take when I am crying with pain !!

JustAv profile image

I at minute have been having a really bad time,I've inflammation in my blood,I've to get a back scan,my legs,bum,hips are excruciating with pain,I can't stand for more than a minute , shoes I've put on weight,as not very mobile, and the rest of what I want will have to wait a bit,happy new year to all xxx

pinksally profile image

I have started to exclude gluten from my diet. I have seen lots of research (mainly from the US) that shows that 'leaky gut' caused by gluten can be a factor in fibro - wish me luck! :) Here's wishing you all a healthier and happier year x

rosewine profile image

Ian planning (but we know these plans don't always work out) to actually try and pace myself more. I tell all newbies to do that and don't take my own flipping advice.😵x

ainep profile image

I am planning to learn a language with duolingo to help improve concentration

pudd profile image

I'm planning on regaining my life

catphilpott profile image

i am taking swimming lessons after trying to swim for 46 years

Hartleyhare2 profile image

I ticked the box that I am going on a diet but it's not a diet in following a particular meal plan but more a radical change in the food I eat and I'm already a vegetarian!

No processed food, nothing with refined sugars in etc.

Breakfast- a bowl of Scottish porridge oats made up with oat milk or water,with a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of organic virgin coconut oil and four chopped dates with a glass of fresh orange juice and a cup off lemon and ginger tea.

Lunch - a bowl of home made vegetable soup. Whatever veg I have in house, herb and spices to taste, lentils, beans and legumes for protein and some small pasta or rice for texture and a bit of carbohydrate. Tasty, filing and freezable.

Dinner - a vegetable Sir fry with tofu or an Indian vegetable curry minus starters! Roasted vegetables with cous cous, mushroom stroganoff, a Sunday roast of Quorn roast instead of chicken, sausage casserole..... you get the idea.

I haven't had any chocolate for six weeks and haven't had the cravings I was expecting. A homeopathic friend told me this was because I m taking magnesium which reduces craving. I also have a handful of almonds occasionally for the same reason.

Filtered water on the go all day. Snacking kept to nuts and seeds, fruit and homemade tray bakes like a healthy flap jack.

Lots of juicing too the basic being carrot,apple and celery. Then any combination that tastes good but watching out for high natural sugars in smaller fruit.

Early days but feeling better and on less pain Meds. Good thing is as wife and son are vegetarians and pretty health conscious and well it slots fairly easily into family meals. We will still have the odd Pizza or pastry as I believe most things in moderation are ok! Not caffeine, alcohol or smoking though I'm afraid!

I'm also knocking out medical prescriptions where I can find a natural alternative. I believe the study and legalisation of medical Cannabis would lead to a lot of us not needing so many pain killers, muscle relaxants, anxiety/ depression Meds, sleeping tablets etc.

I'm sure many have trod this route before me and would be very grateful for any tips, advice or pitfalls!

Bright Blessings of love and health to all.

Patrick x

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