In your opinion,to what degree (1-10 ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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In your opinion,to what degree (1-10 lesser to greater) has Fibromyalgia affected your sleep? & any or all of last 3, please add comments.

hamble99b profile imagehamble99b456 Voters

Please select all that apply:

84 Replies
lovelyredhead profile image

I'm awake all night till 4am ,then sleep till 8am,then asleep at 10.30 till 12.30,if I'm lucky ,or awake all night then sleep all day till

Babs1620 profile image
Babs1620 in reply to lovelyredhead

I have a similar pattern

TheAuthor profile image

I have throughout most of my adult life been an insomniac and I cannot truthfully say that Fibro has affected my sleep pattern to any noticeable degree. I think it may be a little worse or it could be that as I have got older I notice it a little more? I do not really know? So I have only scored it as 0 - 2 in the poll.

Thanks for the poll it is really a brilliant choice as I have read so many posts from members who have had their sleep patterns thrown out of the window because of Fibro.

Vicster52 profile image
Vicster52 in reply to TheAuthor

I too have always been an insomniac, for me there is a big difference having had FIBRO for the last 11 yrs. I take a long time to drop off naturally, but find that the pain and twitching legs keeps waking me up during the nite/morning. before i got it, there weren't any of them symptoms. I wake with dead arms and legs, every which way i lay causes pressure point pain, which is very much like tooth ache(throbbing,hot and really feels stiff) it wakes me up every hr or so, if i do go into a deep sleep, i know i have still been tossing and turning, because the state of my quilt tells me so , it actually looks like 'ive been fighting with it......... now i know its not funny, but i still laugh about it.....My MOTO is; "Laughter is the best medicine". if you dont laugh about it, no-one else will. Dont get me wrong, it took a long time before i could even accept this Terrible illness never mind laugh about the things it makes me do. I just hope 1 day there will be better help for all of you. xx

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to Vicster52

I can completely understand your trouble with constantly being woken up by symptoms of this nature, and I thoroughly sympathise with you as they sound awful. I want to genuinely wish you all the best of luck. x

Annie123456 profile image
Annie123456 in reply to TheAuthor

Do you jump when being woke up my son say a I jump like when some one making me jump

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to Annie123456

I am so genuinely sorry to read that and I do not personally jump when woken up. My wife does and it really is a big jump that is quite startling. She has MS and is quite severely disabled. I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck with this issue.

All my hopes and dreams for you


hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to Annie123456

hi Annie, I often jump and wake myself up.

Have always had a problem with sleep since a child. Haven't noticed change in sleep pattern, however I now have the pain of fibro to deal with as well.

Hartleyhare2 profile image

Difficult one this because it is so fluctuating and has changed over the years. I never used to lay in or go to bed early about 6 hours was good but that was a long time ago then along came Insominia which happens to be one of my favourite dance tracks all time by Faithless the beat takes over my body! I would be up for days on end until crashed then the same cycle again and again. I didn't know reality from dreams and thought I was truly losing my mind. I stopped all alcohol, don't smoke and tried to cut down on caffeine none after 6pm. Chatted to DRs, sleep apnoea tests, CBT to see if underlying issues involved. Self medicating with booze was covering up my spinal and muscular problems from army and civy life.

Now I am a duvet hog, if I don't sleep I will between three and ten with Ambien, mint tea and less stress. But one of the key things was simply earplugs tuned into calming tunes recorded or 181 FM really relaxes me, loads of free stations out there just watch out for ones with too many adverts. This is so unbelievably calming and they say that music is the only thing to use the whole brain, maybe something in that. Sleep is so essential for thought processes, happiness and tons of stuff. I never reject the idea of a cat nap and if my body thinks it's a good idea I'm for it too

Patrick ☺️

ngin profile image

Awake mist nights vut during fkare ups drift on and off to skeep and in bed for a couple of days, too tired and in pIn to get up and di anything.

Taking a bath is a hugh effort and after leaves me drained of all energy.

I just cant to get any sort of routine in my life sonce the past 4 years and fibro serms to have stripped any quality of life from me.

an a nerv5 wreck and am constantly worried about my future.

Peatop profile image

Only seem to feel any benefit from sleep when I have few hrs after 3pm'ish, even then not always. A constant daze with awful headache is becoming a permanent way of life 😔 All makes me a very non happy person!!

honor1a profile image
honor1a in reply to Peatop

Hi peatop,

do you have a constant dry mouth & itchy eyes feeling cold when hot outside? Along with the excessive tiredness, sleeping but get no refreshed feeling after sleep? 😞 x

bex71 profile image
bex71 in reply to honor1a

Hi pea top yes I get them too amongst others. I can have trouble sleeping but when I do sleep I'm still tired and have to give myself a kick up the jacksie to motivate myself x

RaeJ70 profile image
RaeJ70 in reply to honor1a

I have those symptoms totally! 😢😢

Annie123456 profile image
Annie123456 in reply to honor1a

I suffer with a dry mouth swollen thoat and sticky dry eyes and now my face is hurting

sylvi profile image

I can't remember the last time i had a good 7 hours uninterupted sleep.

BaffledKaffy profile image

Never had trouble sleeping until 1) after FMS diagnosis ~ and 2) I weaned off heavy dose of morphine. Then pain Doc said my "brain probably had to re-learn to sleep on its own." However, it's been a long while now, and I still can't sleep thru a week's worth of nights, so that reason's not working for me any longer! My sleep is disrupted at least 3 to 4 nights a week ~ and then I'm up all night. I try not to nap so I won't totally mix up my days & nights, but at times I really need a little rest ... so I sleep just a couple hours during the day, hoping the next full night is better.

Thanks for the interesting poll question!

Wishing less insomnia and more "good nights" of restful sleep for us all ... !!! bk

harryjames profile image

i never go to bed til 4 am as if i do i cannot sleep when i do get to bed i tend to wake up every 2 hours

Ginsing profile image

I go to bed at 11.00 sleep till 2.00 then I am awake!! I have tried staying up later but I still wake at 2.00.

Then I either lie for a couple of hours trying to sleep (which is deadly) or like today I came down for cup of herbs; Tea.

I usually have a power nap from 2.00 till 3.00 and have been known to sleep through what ever is on tv at 9.oo -- this is highly annoying!

Crazypain54 profile image

As I sitting up its 4 10 am checking my emails and drinking Coco

Mmmmm yes it IS and does effect my sleep....l'm so tired.

clare_hart profile image

I put down 5-6 because some nights I am fine. Some nights are useless: pain, agitation, insomnia, anxiety, any number of things disturb my sleep. Some days I am so exhausted, I have to sleep during the day. Yet I hit the bed and sleep some more, often 9 or ten hours. That makes me feel like a lump on a log. So, maybe 5-6 is too conservative, but I know for many, nights are much worse than they are for me.

0224 profile image


I am awake it seems like all night at least until 2-3am . I get up most mornings with my husband at 4 then go back to bed but can't sleep for hrs. Finally fall asleep , if I have an appt. I get go come home completely exhausted. Or if I stay up to try and do something I get so exhausted I have to go lay down and sleep a few hrs. Then there are days I sleep almost all day. If I have a flair up then I am in bed for days sometimes and all I do is sleep.

Thank you and pray everyone gets more rest.


I have a Microsoft band and since 3rd June I have basically had low restoration with my sleep. I wake up up to 10 times a night and often have less than 3 hours sleep in total. The sleep graphs tell the whole story and explain why I feel so awful all the time. I have never had a good night's sleep in years and now the band is explaining why and how the fms affects me.

glochessum profile image

Lucky to get six hours a night.

reikiluce66 profile image

I'm awake about hourly and sometimes it takes an hour to go back to sleep. Not good as a single parent with fms and me/cfs.

fenbadger profile image

Like many it's really variable and hard to pin down. I was already an insomniac, but did my fibro start earlier and was not painful until a couple of years ago? Did my propensity to not sleep herald or indicate fibro? Sometimes I get a decent night, even 6 or 7 hours, but I get annoyed listening to or watching a program, then realise I missed it. Last night was a case in point. Jim Al Kalili was talking to a foremost bat expert and I missed most of it. I player is not always an option for me.

Sometimes I'm just up all night, despite being tired.

Newbigginboy profile image

When I first started on Amytriptyline - I was zonked out - but now the pain gets through & I usually get up between 2-4 times a night. I never feel refreshed & I can sleep for 12-14 hours no problem. I also struggle with temperature regulation so end up either too hot or too cold.

alexander120 profile image

I do some nights still wake up even with amytriptiline even if I do have a good nights sleep I always wake tired with aches and pain

ninjananna profile image

When I was first diagnosed, I was given amytriptiline and thought it wonderful!! But after a year I noticed that I was missing half a day, not getting up until 11-12 noon. After seeing the pain consultant I was changed to duloxytine and although it messed me up for a while I got used to it. After 6 months I noticed the change in my daily life was brighter and my brain started to work properly! I was a zombie on amytriptiline and wouldn't go back to it now!

I voted 7-8 because although I have nights where I'm up 4/5 times, mostly I sleep ok in the early hours of the morning 3-8am....♥♥

Hi. I never used to have problems sleeping. I got what I needed and had energy. NOW. My sleep pattern is all over the place. I never feel refreshed and always always need more. I have zero energy and zero motivation. I hate this illness

LaraH profile image

I do not sleep well have not done for 10 years I never feel refreshed I so long to go to bed and sleep soundly for 8 hours and get up feeling like a spring lamb 😳

Spaniel22 profile image

unable to go to sleep until 12.00 pm - 1.00am. Then in morning do not feel refreshed. I now take 300mg Gabapentin at night which has really helped. Actually feel refreshed in the morning.

Memories profile image

I either sleep all night and on and off all day or I can't get to sleep till about 4am then wake up about 10.30, I then go to bed at night hoping I'll sleep and its the same thing I'm still awake till after 3am?

lisap85 profile image

Had sleep problems before I got this and they say that it can come on due to stress or a trauma! It certainly got a lot worse, I can't get to sleep at night without meds and then I'm awake throughout the night and in the morning I feel half dead so have to go back to sleep late morning or lunchtime if I can stretch it out! Then I get up and feel awful like I haven't slept again and am shattered by 10! As soon as my head hits the pillow I can't sleep either through pain or just not getting comfy and brain decides to think of everything I should have done :-(

digger1 profile image

Don't sleep well and if I do sleep never feel refreshed

punsipu profile image

I take amytryptaline to help but I fall asleep quickly and wake up at least 10 tens during the night. I find it very difficult to go to sleep once I wake up. I also have very strange dreams which I never had trouble with before.. I always feel tired.

lb003 profile image

I have very poor sleep these days, however I am unsure to what extent it's Fibromyalgia, under medicated thyroid(as I get better sleep when my T3 levels are ok) or the menopause. I also find magnesium levels affect the quality of my sleep too. I have recently had a bad bout of insomnia so I went back on chelated magnesium which I had stopped and also started rubbing magnesium oil in my legs every day. Both helped but not enough, so I have now increased my NDT my half a grain. FINALLY I am getting sleep :-)

Lunacy69 profile image

I wake up every hour, 2 hours if I'm lucky, wide awake by 4am, then cannot wake up at 6.30am. If I did sleep through though, I would not be able to move the next morning as my body would have seized up.

I get up every 2/3 hours and walk around the house.

paulineeileen profile image

I can never get comfortable, have to sit up to turn round, go to the loo several times and never feel totally asleep but anyone who is on this site is already in the same boat, right?

For years before my diagnoses I would be up at night unable to sleep. Then suddenly I am back in to my usual sleep period. With Fibro the pains woke me and then kept me awake, Amitriptyline has helped me sleep. I now go to bed around 11 and get up again at 7.30 but only because I have to for work, I find it easier to get up around 9 - 10 but even then I do not feel as though I am refreshed.

i wake up frequently during the night with fright feeling muscle spasms and hip ache knee pains leg pains and need to go to theloo often dry eyes so i need to lub myeyes every hr or so dry mouth so i need to sip water drives me made when i go to bed im so tired i feel ill and wake up in the morning feel similar .

when i had me years ago i felt the same all the time

magnetta profile image

I am extremely fortunate that is hasn't affected me much at all. I could sleep 24/7! I would way 2/10.

Midori profile image

I have a strange sleep pattern; I used to be a lark, up at 6 asleep by 10, but nowadays I rarely fall asleep before 3am, toss and turn because of pain. Am usually up around 7 or 8, make breakfast the often go back to bed.

Appointments can be tough, especially if they are early; often I get so worried about being late for them that I don't sleep at all the night before. I have been known to read 2 books a night!

Iona467 profile image

in so much pain when I lie down, after taking sleeping tablets, Lyrica, pain killers and amitriptyline, I take ages to fall asleep, normally at least 2 then wake up 2 hours later, a pattern repeated throughout the night. Wake up tired and can't function for a good 2 hours later.

loraine12 profile image

For me the sleep issue is worse than the sin, the pain can be reduced by meds, at least for awhile but the lack of sleep is turning me into a depressed miserable person. I used to say I could sleep on a wash line ,now I haven't had 3hrs in one night for past three years. Drs don't like the use of sleeping tablets but surely its better than no sleep however addictive they are.

Moon3000 profile image

It has taken my energy robbed me of sleeping most nites living with a pain at level between 7-10 everyday is horrific My dr. finally has put me on a long acting med a pain patch (fentynal) and now I feel a lot better. I don't wake up in am feeling sick like I had the flu x 10 and couldn't get out of bed for 3hrs. With the patch I wake up pain free and not sick. I still have trouble sleeping so I'm working on that!

Great poll Ham Solo :)

My sleep has always been pretty erratic so it's difficult to gauge.

Star Wars is a fab theme for a sleep based poll....

.... night skies, starry, starry bright :D

xxx OB sian Kenobe :D

hillson profile image

Every night can only go to bed for two hours as my pains are much worse when lying down.I then try to sleep in my chair supported with cushions to alleviate the pains in the top of my arms and hlps but I never manage more than a couple of hours at a time.So tired all the time and never without pain to some degree. I doze throughout the day ,but am not very active because of the pain.I wish there was a tablet you could take to enable a good night's sleep, my co_codomel tablets don't do very much really. Thanks for the survey its nice to know I'm not on my own.

I find I don't sleep at night, and tend to be nodding when my family are getting up & ready for work - between 5:00 to 8:30am.

This can happen for 3-4 nights, and then I can sleep for England, not able to get out of bed.

Still not feeling refreshed............and the cycle starts again!!!! 😴😴

anne12345 profile image

my sleep pattern is terrible only get a couple of hours a night but some times im awake for 2 or 3 days and nights just cant get to sleep ,which makes me so irratable

NWG23 profile image

Without medication I just can't sleep for more than 2 hours then toss and turn all night. I feel very exhausted in the morning and the pain and fatigue is just awful.Now on meds I sleep really well,pain and fatigue much improved.

000Linda1964 profile image

I take melatonin which helps me get to sleep . I usually wake once or twice a night and am able to go back to sleep ok, but when I get up for work I feel like I haven't been to sleep.

lizashfield profile image

Voted 9 - 10 but very rarely feel refreshed after sleep. However have just spent two nights away at Cardiff Travelodge by myself and slept through two night without waking. That's the first time that's happened for years.

lilian68 profile image

i take trazadone which helps me sleep but i do not wake refreshed and some days i am barely awake

charlie_2 profile image

For as long as I remember, I have always had problems falling asleep and or staying asleep. This would reinforce what the doctors have told me all along. The docs think I have had fibro for most of my life.

When I was in grade school I averaged about 4 hrs a night. When I joined the work force, in my early 20's this pattern stayed the same. Starting in my 30's it got worse, about 3.5 hrs.

On the rare(and I do mean RARE) occasion that I got six or more hours of sleep, I was so stiff and sore when I woke up that it wasn't worth it to me the extra down time.

Now that I'm in my 50's, my average has increased to about 5.5 hrs a night which means most mornings I have gotten used to crying when I wake up because the pain is so intense. I'm so stiff and always feel like I'm in a daze. It really sucks...

Damn I hate fibro


mattoid-mags profile image

Fibro has definitely affected my sleeping pattern. I am awake most nights and am exhausted in the morning. I end up laying down for a few hours in the early afternoon which really isn't ideal.

TIDDLYF profile image

I know how you feel. I have been awake since 2.30 and now that the birds have started singing I know I wont get back to sleep. What have they got to be so happy about!

wissey profile image

Take medication at night to relax my muscles but still awake every hour it takes a few hours to come round

dvjohns profile image

Fibro is the most horrible condition. Turned my whole life upside down.

rag276 profile image

I did not sleep well for quite a while but he pills knock me out now and I cant wake up cos of the 'fog'. cant win. if you take the pills the day is lost if you don't the nights are long and painful.

not put much on here before, but enjoy reading your posts when I have a few mins . I am in complete understanding with all your symptoms, problems and sufferings. I have coped for many years with these problems.

Tracy45 profile image

Some nights I am awake about every 2hours on the dot and then when it comes to the time to get up I am so tired that my body just seems to want to sleep. I try and make myself stay in a normal pattern and then sometimes I have a little sleep in the day

Sleep is a hot topic with Fibro I wonder if its like the chicken and egg conundrum. I go to sleep between 12 and 1am. Any earlier and I can't sleep. I always wake up around 2.30am, then at 6am and perhaps once or twice in between. Fortunately I fall back asleep quickly. Unfortunately I don't wake refreshed ever, and if I get up too early I'm groggy the whole day.

During the day I get easily tired and need to lie down on the sofa or bed to recover after any activity. I have not had a full nights sleep since having FM but today I learned that these are also symptoms of Diabetes. In my case it could be pre-diabetes and or FM that's causing the sleep problems.

Most of my life I had 8 hours of excellent sleep- which affects everything. My metabolism was great I was very slim and my weight never changed; my brain was not foggy, and I had oodles of energy. Alas those days are gone.

bex71 profile image

I have periods of just not being able to sleep at all! Just totally awake all night. still awake/up when daughter gets up for work then I get ready myself (wash/dress etc) you'd think I'd be falling asleep through the day to make up for it like most ppl do but no it doesn't work like that for me either I just can't sleep!! It can go on like this for up to 5 nights in a row or random 2 off 3 on or drives me crazy at times. Been like this since I started with fibro years ago. Begged for help off a number ofGPs over the years and there's only been one who I see now that's been willing to help me and give me something that actually works god bless her she's an angel (still up now at 4:20am)

secondhandrose2 profile image

I think that for me fibro and sleep disturbance are two separate but related symptoms of the same thing which is a body that is demonstrating signs of extreme stress. Mine is from long term trauma then the stress of reliving that in therapy only to have it repeated, then finding a therapist who did not repeat it and so my having to grieve for the past which was in itself traumatic. I then had a psychologically traumatic and physically damaging 7ft head first fall and I think all my symptoms were triggered by that.

fedupme profile image

woudnt wish fibro on my worst enenmy love to you all

security profile image

Never had a full nights sleep for years now, Try'd everything from herbal sleeping tablets to milky drinks before bed....... waken 5-6 times every night and now have to rest in bed in the afternoon...... I take Amytriptyline before bed but waken with a really bad headache and feel rough the following day..... Like I was partying all night..... I WISH.... :(

tulips123 profile image

Fatigue and rubbish sleep patterns that change all the time. I often fall asleep in the middle of a conversation. fortunately, my family/friends are used to it! They dont take it personally and it has become a family joke. :) Sometimes I have a day of short naps, never really with it. Other times I can sleep round the clock. At the moment, I'm having decent nights and up beat days, which I enjoy day by day. Tulip :)

cas1975 profile image
cas1975 in reply to tulips123

Yes! This is how I am. Most of these posts are about not being able to sleep..... but I want to sleep all of the time!!! I am like an alcoholic...... wanting/waiting for my next nap. Are there any strategies that have worked for anyone???

lou1065 profile image

I do try to keep to a regular bed time but rarely sleep well, I spend most of the night doing my colouring in books or watching local wildlife. Never sleep during the day but I am getting very good at meditation which is helpful to me. x

sweetthing profile image

this FIBRO is awful keep waking early hours for no reason but does anyone else have the most vivid dreams?it seems that I'm too busy dreaming to get much sleep and a lot of the dreams are really frightening and stay on my mind a lot of the day.i have to have afternoon nap of about 3 hrs just to function but am always sooo tired.

Hannah79 profile image

I purposely save the more serious pain killers so I can take them at night to knock me out.

Its difficult to pin down as there are so many different things that wake me up or keep me awake. Some nights its heartburn waking me every couple of hours, other times its GORD thats when i wake chocking due to stomach contents getting into my lungs.

the worst is what i have had the last 2 nights and thats RLS. with the others or even if i just cant nod off at least i can sit down and read or crochet for a time. but with restless legs all i can do to get at least some relief is to keep walking. Sometimes for two or three hours at a time. A bath or shower sometimes works but not always and of course keep walking make the pain worse and that makes the RLS worse, its a circle that usually ends when i fall asleep due to sheer exhaustion.

Dont get me wrong i am very grateful for Ropinerole at least now i do get some sleep most nights. For at least 3 years before i went onto Ropinerole i suffered 24 hrs a day, something that the medics find hard to accept.

sue :)

Eggcustard profile image

My sleep is severely affected and since it has got worse my fibro symptoms have also got worse. I have been reading about delayed sleep phase syndrome and that is exactly how I am. I can't sleep until between 2 and 4 and would naturally wake up between 10 and 12. Unfortunately becuase I have an lung daughter I have to be up at 6.15 when my partner goes to work so mostly by then I have had 2-4 hours sleep. It is this that is making me ill. My Gp said I can't take herbal sleep remedies with my pain meds so I dont know what to do next. When I am on holiday and don't have to get up so early I can cope better with my symptoms, but becuase of the sleep problems I am progressively getting worse and worse.

I know others with fibro who don't have this problem (they do have unrefreshed sleep) but they can function in the daytime, I can't do anything at the moment until 3 in the afternoon. Anyone with any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!!

I believe sleep problems due to a separate chronic pain issue caused my fibro x

Hopey profile image

Seem to sleep ok i think wake sometimes a couple of times a night some times wake more often but still feel tired in the morning somedays worse than others but hey thats life 😄

very much affected my sleep,cannot get comftable

eli2a profile image

ive always had sleep problems, way too many and boring too say, but i also have periodic limb movement at night severly, torture is the only way to describe it, and hypnic jerks but all over not just small jerks either, definatly got worse with fibro and amytryptyline made it worse at 150mg daily my neurologist got me off hem i now take 1.5mg of clonazapam which cant help me sleep other than im not tying myself up at night anymore (really i was), but as for a good refreshing sleep id give anything...

i could get a part as a zombie i guess ;)

grannysilver profile image

i do know the feelings the pain is bad but the itching at night is terrible it is now 5.36a.m and i still cant sleep

Newquay profile image

Had this for pasted 10 years. Managed to work part time at first.

Just had to give up to tired and making mistakes at work when I was there about 4 hours a week in the end.

My boss was great go in when I wanted go home when I wanted but there taking the mic and takin ing the mic.

So I gave up all together but will never forget that day. I cryed and he cryed. You see we got very close I helped him through his fathers death and then his sons murder !

Ran. His business when he couldn't.

I lost a load of wieght and an operation which we had to pay for hoping it would help a little in some way . But no I still suffer really badly at time.

So I just keep trying to carry on best I can.

simonstones profile image

Waking up to a unrefreshing night of sleep is the worst, and you just have to keep on carrying on!

Jen2908 profile image

My sleep patterns fluctuate something chronic. Some nights I can't get to sleep, other nights I toss and turn all night, sometimes I sleep but I am very restless and some days I sleep all day. I never feel truly refreshed after sleep, no matter how much I get. It affects my pain levels too. The worse the night sleep or the lengthy periods of sleep, I have more pain.

dizzylynn profile image

I'm on tablets to help me get some sleep so guess if didn't take them would have NO sleep.

Bacaloca profile image

I am awake most of the night. I have bought a Fitbit Flex which logs how much I sleep and the quality of my sleep. It gives me ideas of ways to improve my sleep. I will let you know if it helps.

FFC1 profile image

I cant remember the last time I slept more than 3-4 hrs without waking up. Either due to pain/muscle spasms or just not sleeping. Also have difficulty getting to sleep. I often stay up later than I should watching TV as I at least manage to cat nap then and get some sleep. Most days I feel like a zombie first thing, my sons inform me I often look like one too :), I still manage to do a more than full days work but I have been known to doze of at my computer around 4pm.