What other conditions do you have alo... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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What other conditions do you have alongside Fibro?

436 Voters

Please select one:

130 Replies
hugabunny profile image

Vitamin D deficiency, IBS and hiatus hernia- something else too but not sure what that is yet

RuthieUK profile image

Adult Onset Stills Disease.

Rach1977 profile image

I could only click on one.....so I also need to add spinal injury, occipital neuralgia, IBS, anxiety, depression!!

missmonroe profile image

Sjogrens syndrome,vitamin B12 deficiency,anemia and suspected carpol tunnel.All from having Rheumatoid arthritis.

lillylouise profile image

Coeliac disease.

in reply to lillylouise

Hi lily. I have CD too!

ducky profile image

I wonder how many of you have mental illness as well which is why it took too many years for my fibro to be diagnosed - i have borderline personality disorder bi polar aggorophobia ibs and arthritis of the neck

in reply to ducky

Hi sucky. My daughter has BPD also. She struggles terribly at te moment!! She is agoraphobic too!!

trekster22 profile image
trekster22 in reply to ducky

Hi due to my autism, my pain was expressed differently to expected. I was diagnosed with fibro 12 years after becoming ill. My mental illness of complex post traumatic stress disorder was diagnosed only 2 years ago 20 years after I became unwell. I am only just starting art therapy. However my fibro began during my childhood trauma and I know the 2 can be linked fibro and complex ptsd.

Ruth14 profile image

ME, IBS, Depression. Don't know what some of the given illnesses are.

clarkey profile image

I have allsorts of problems with the fibro , ibs , bladder problems , but just been diagnosed with loeys - dietz , now they dont know if its the fibro or the other condition ,

mathiesonphilip profile image

Fybromyalgia/ME/Cfs, Osteoarthritis, IBS, Depression, Migraines 5/7 days pw, HIV

Kinda peeved off with life not a good existence I took Morphine sulphate which zombified me so swapped over to Tramadol

nadine1974 profile image

bipolar/depression, ibs, gastric reflux, bulging disc and degenerative spine, overactive/hypersensitive bladder, double vision and tinnitus x

Ballerina profile image

Much the same as other people above, Depression, IBS, gastric reflux, bulging disc and osteoperosis. Frequent water infections and food intolerance - god help us when we get old and infirm too!

Harmony profile image

FM, RSI, Depression, Fatigue, Anxiety, COPD, Indigestion, Reflux, IBS. Prescribed Tramadol but do not wish to take drugs which affect the bowels because of IBS and Tramadol and such painkillers can affect this.

FionaP profile image
FionaP in reply to Harmony

I take Tramadol also and don't notice it affecting my IBS, but codeine does, badly.

Abbeystead profile image





Hiatus Hernia

Dilated Bile Duct

Cervical Spondylitis.

Will think of more later but I'm beginning to bore myself now!!

I also have CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. I also have Osteoarthritis and Migraines.

in reply to

Forgot to mention I also have Tennis and Golfer's Elbow in both arms and have had three steroid injections in each arm to no avail.

in reply to

I've also been diagnosed with RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome)

in reply to

Hi Liberty - pardon my ignorance, but if you have CFS & ME & Fibro - how do they differentiate between what symptoms are from what disorder as some of the symptoms are the same for all three (althought I know they're not the same disorders). I've just not spoken to anyone yet (apart from you!) who has all three so I'm just being nosy, because a lot of doctors are really reluctant to diagnose any of those.

shelliebabes profile image

ceoliacs, ibs and at the moment i am under a digestive diseases specialist due to extreme thickening and nerve damage to the small intestine awaiting for a full diagnosis as to cause and a sucessful treatment (fingers crossed) to at least give me some quality of life. x

Diabetes 2 which is a real pain as I can't cheer myself up with cake and chox, lol!!!! And I need to keep an eye on my weight. *sigh* x

Mammagee profile image

I have FMS and CFS & Osteoporosis in my feet!!!

I have had

burst appendix


abcess in the pelvis that burst

numerous ovarian cysts

endometriosis leading to

full hysterectomy which involved emergency bowel surgery due to adhesions

5 hour adhesiology

incarcerated hernia

both knee caps removed - not replaced

part of shin bone sawn off

blood clot and septicaemia

bone spur in foot removed

I have injections in my knuckles and shoulder for arthritis

degenerative disk disease

Am having endoscopy on Monday as three blood tests have proved positive for coeliac.

to top it all, i fell down the stairs at Christmas and damaged the ligaments in my knee, which is still killing me! Hello Tramadol.

Apart from that......I'm fine. and I am told I am fit to work by DWP!!!!

Pamc profile image

I also have Osteoarthritis, ME, IBS, Asthma, Migraine, and a medicaly diagnosed condition that I can never remember the name of, it causes chest pains that scarily mimic a heart attack but are caused by the tissues and ligaments in your chest cavity becoming inflamed. The biggest problem I face is that once you get a Fibro diagnosis from the Rheumatologist you can't get anyone in the medical proffesion to consider any other problems you suffer with, all you get is " oh it's your Fibro, learn to live with it ". My sister has Rheumatoid Arthritis and although ALL my symptoms are the same and the problems caused are a mirror no one will entertain that I have the same thing as blood tests have all come back negative but a locum Gp I saw has said this does n ot mean you don't have it, but once a consultant has said no there is no arguement......

Pamc profile image

sorry, forgot to add the depression to the list and the appalling memory.....lol

washerupper profile image

Spondylilosthesis (spine out of place, vertebra slipped forward)

Possible ulna nerve damage



Like others I wanted to enter more than one condition, especially as it asks what 'conditions', which is a plural term.

GailD profile image


Trochanteric Burstitis

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome



Anxiety & Panic attacks

vivs71 profile image


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Sleep apnoea

kazzie profile image


kazzie profile image

sorry including fibromyalgia and depression.

Pat16 profile image

I was also amazed that only one box could be ticked. Besides Fibromyalgia I have 3 badly worn discs - dry eyes = high pressure in eyes - high blood pressure. I also keep having recurring Polymyalgia Rheumatica which causes much more pain and loss of sleep. I don,t know either what some of the other conditions mentioned are. Using just initials for conditions are only meaningful to the people who have them

ozzie profile image

complex post traumatic stress disorder

carpel tunnel(both hands operated on)

IBS(irritable bowel syndrome)

generalised osteoarthritis


head to toe pain(especially in my feet and muscles)

lack of apetite(use athletes nutritional supplements to boost calorie intake)

cramp in muscles

dry eyes

tennis elbow and the same in my achilles heal

chemical hypersensitivity

alcohol intolerance

still smiling(trying)

dweezer profile image

Hypermobility syndrome, arthritis, hemiplegic migraine

jessielou profile image

I have fibro, Hughes syndrome, lupus, degenerative disc disease, hiatus hernia, allergies, raynauds, asthma etc......

Gentle hugs love jessielou xxxxxxx :-) :-) :-)

ClareWales52 profile image

Fibro, agoraphobia, panic disorder, anxiety and depression, arthritis, chronic IBS, lichen ruber planus, insomnia, I have multiple fibroids and adhesions which cause no end of problems when the IBS flares up, cant even pee and the pain is chronic. I`m finally getting PROPER help for my physciatric problems and am being listened to, although I had a breakdown due to trauma some years ago I took the pills and carried on. I suffered a physcotic break, full blown nervous and mental breakdown in january, (just need to mention that I`m not dangerous, I`ve suffered severe traumas including violence and abuse throughout my life and was very badly let down in December. the only way I can describe what has happened to me is thats its like a big bag filled with all the bad things over the years, no more could fit in and the thing exploded and now I have to finally deal with all of it in order to move on and live MY life as best I can ) I`m fighting to get the physical help I need , but am not strong enough physically and emotionally to deal with all that just now. Thank god for my family who have stuck by me and support me, people like me need help support and understanding , not judging, I`m learning to say its not my fault and its difficult! Please forgive me for writing so much, I hope I didnt upset anyone xxx

OuchOuch profile image
OuchOuch in reply to ClareWales52

Hi Clare, no not in the leest bit too much my love. Understand depression and what it does to us, morbid fear, morbit sleeplessness, morbid bl--dy eveything. what did the turtle do when she got to the end of her rope? Tied a knot and hung on. Not very useful, sorry. I burst into overwhelming tears at my dr's quite unintensionally I must say and he immediately refered me to our Mental Health Unit. I am bi-polar, have arthritis and IBS, but oh golly you are in need of a big gentle hug. Imagine I am sending you one via my P.C. I hate being this ill. Go thump a tree, love. Trees don't mind, tough things trees. And it may help to talk to it too. I talk incessantly to my silver birch and she is very nice about it!

anjie profile image
anjie in reply to OuchOuch

what a wonderful idea!

kavqc profile image

as well as fibro I have postural hypotension, hypermobility dislocating knee caps as well as now being tested for MS and Lupus

As well as fibro I have lots of other illness that come with fibro also tennis elbow but 1 dr says its fibro,COPD also.

jayjay profile image

Hi i have Fibromyalgia, COPD (chronic obstructional pulmonary diease) Asthma, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks,constant re- accureing kidney infections, Incontinence, Cronic cramps and and CFS (cronic fatigue syndrome) and pain throughout my body,and i have been a wheelchair user for just over 3 yrs now and classed disabled, i think thats about it lol but i do try to stay positive and keep smileing :)

jayjay profile image

ohhh also forgot to mention Gastric Reflux ...... :)

Betty67 profile image

Agree wanted to tick on more than one box.

paddyandlin profile image

Fibro? Lupus, raynaurds, Hughes,

KomodoDragon profile image

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome




Poor circulation/cramp/inability to control temperature

General Bloody Mindedness!!

Deebee17 profile image

Aside from the Fibro I have Sleep Apnoea, Chronic Sinusitis, High Blood Pressure and IBS.

OuchOuch profile image

IBS, burning eyes, itchy skin, migrains, icey feet, ddepressions, asthma, epilipsy, arthritis, and Diabetes 2. Lost the use of how to spell or laugh or even breathe when my chest and ribs tighten up. Apart from that I am quite well, thanks.

msp14 profile image

I have Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,Depression,Anxiety attacks,

Bad memory,Asthma,Non Alcoholic Liver disease,IBS,High blood pressure,

Gastric reflux,alcohol intolerance.

I take 6 tablets per day without the Tramadol.

Buzzysmum profile image
Buzzysmum in reply to msp14

My list is very similar to yours,. I can add Diabetes, carpal tunnel (operated on years ago but to no avail!), Osteoarthritis in both knees hands and neck and general fedupness lol. The tablets I take are not strong enough to cope with the pain but because of the Liver cirrosis (transplant on the cards but not till I'm in final stage, helpful eh?). My daughter has Cerebral palsy so will be fighting for wheelchair soon!! Chin up everyone xxx

Nance profile image

We all have such long lists, if we went to the vets we'd get a jag in the neck , lol ! (it would be kinder)

I have Fibromyalgia




An old spinal injury



I suffer from bouts of depression & Costrochonditus too.

anjie profile image

Depression, Anxiety, IBS, RLS and Menorrhagia

anjie profile image
anjie in reply to anjie

possibly have Reynauds too, but I've never brought it up...

wanita2k profile image

depression, ibs

deana profile image

hi i have ostereoarthritis, chronic widespread pain, depression, migraines, inlarged heart and my right knee cap is on the side of my knee and now can not stand very well. hyper mobility. i have no disks in my lower back and have fractured it in the past but was never picked up till 2011. got diagonosed with all complaints in one go and have been left to deal with them on my own. i have a wheelchair that i have to use when i go out. the DWP say im fit for work. Big gentle hugs to everyone. it is nice to find a place where i can share as i have no one to listen as none of family have ever had anything like this. sorry rambling lol xx

FionaGFG profile image

Hi this is very interesting. For anyone here with low Vit D, iron, B12 or 'IBS' do ask your GP to test you for coeliac disease. It's often missed and as it is an auto-immune disease the symptoms (tiredness and stomach problems, weight loss or gain) can be dismissed as just stress. Often people have been told they have CFS then coeliac has been diagnosed and they feel better on a gluten free diet.

ShazzaN profile image

Hi All

I have the following:-

Hidradenitis Suppurativa




Hyperflexible joints

Compressed discs in lumbar


Gall stones


yawn, bored now lol, none of it is going to stop me though, having just watched and nursed a very close beloved young relative pass (in terrible pain) due to pancreatic cancer, I intend to live my life whilst I still have one

Big healing hugs to everyone

Shazza N

katl profile image

i have:



hidradenitis suppurativa



chronic cystitis


repeated quinsey but no tonsilitis


and allergies to pretty much everything which i blatantly ignore and have more pets than bristol zoo lol

gypsycrafter profile image
gypsycrafter in reply to katl

my mum used to get that quinsey thing with no tonsils!

katl profile image

oh and depression keeps trying to sneak in but i am kicking its ass:)

fibrojude profile image


chronic fatigue

fibromyalgia saw 62 symtoms listed on web i had all but 3

otosclerosis middle ear prob loss of hearing

Lichen Sclerosis severe ,get checked every 6 months incase turns to cancer

Yes i do get depressed mainly do to increased weight in 2 years and not on meds:-( just due to be so slowed down i guess

kasp767982 profile image

Fibromyalgia, Ankylosing Spondylosis, Associated Depression, IBS (controlled by one of my anti inflammitary drugs) Anxiety, Panic Attacks & susspected Tinnitus

But, I have these conditions, they DONT have me :)

It's life we have right now, so we need to make the best out of what we have ;)

Mellmerle profile image

Hi new here. I am diagnosed with Fibro, Asthma, Srojens, TMJ, arthritis, depression, panic disorder,Hashimotos thyroid, IBS,autoimmune issues, causing swelling, Now ?CFS, ME. I work 4 hours to keep brain going. Now on WRAG and can't work and attend their job seeking activities, so may have to leave work which i am qualified for to find other work, probably the work i am doing, (have i lost you) i've lost me!!!

cobweb profile image

Too many ailments to remember, must be the fibrofog. Great isn't it !!!

jazher profile image

Hi i have,




underactive thyroid,

asthma, and allergies.

I think thats enough and i dont want any more lol.

kel xx

jazher profile image
jazher in reply to jazher

I now have low vitamin d and calcium,

hashimotos disease,

And maybe gastric paretial cell antibodies (cant absorb vitaminb12)

rosieb profile image

hi i have dermatomyoistis.(autoimune diease).fibromaylgia,hiatus hernia,raynards,depression,arthritis,eye problems oh yes and now b12 defishency injections aghhhhhhhhhhhh cant have no more as i wont cope with it .

Waff profile image

I have Osteoarthritis, Sarcoid Arthritis, Hypothyroid, Chronic Venous Insufficiency (Lipodermatosclerosis), High Blood Pressure, Non- alcoholic Steato Hepatitis (a liver 'anomaly'??) & possible Allodynia, Bursitis which is attributed to the Fibro...but is it?

Lavender profile image

As we have all said only one button ,but then our list begins but feels as it never ends, Fibromyalgia,Osteoarthritis,Cervical Spondylossis,Epilepsy

Raynauds,Carpel tunnel,IBS,Asthma,Severe memory loss,then i could add the effects of the main ones,and that would be a shopping list,and my spelling tends to go crazy like me!

Karlor95 profile image

hi, saw new gp at the practice who referred me to a rheumatologist, a few blood tests and a couple of consultations i was diagnosed with FM. I have herniated discs in my spine (years of nursing & big boobs!), 2 cardiac stents and Angina. the Rheuma doc told me that apart from being a heriditary condition, it could be due to me going undiagnosed and treated for the FM for quite a number of years.

I cope well with the pain and refuse to let it dominate my life, i tend to pace myself with long periods of rest at the weekend.

the symptom i find very difficult to cope with is Foggy brain and when im really tired i can hardly string a sentence together or finish it !!

if anyone has any ideas how i can deal with this ii would be really grateful.

many thnaks


Buzzysmum profile image
Buzzysmum in reply to Karlor95

Know the feeling, i just look at hubby and he finishes sentences for me....36 years of marriage and we knowwhat each other are saying. lol big gentle hugs x

gypsycrafter profile image

underactive thyroid

Atrial fibrillation


panic attacks

spondilosis in neck and lumbar area





intolerant to foods and allergies


had stomach ulcer

acid reflux

fractured lower spine leaving nerve damage

clinical depression

short term memory loss

other mental health issues

gypsycrafter profile image
gypsycrafter in reply to gypsycrafter

thought i was hyperchondriac till i read other peoples!

all the above,


compression on flexation of cervical spine,


TIDDLYF profile image

I have psoriasis, carpal tunnel syndrome, raynauds phenomenon, osteo arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, cervical spondylosis, irritable bowel syndrome, migraine and fibromyalgia.

melissaVonD profile image

i have narcolepsy/cataplexy, epilepsy, intercranial hypertension, alopecia areata, psorisis, ibs, multiple allergies to hair dyes, fake tans, foods and drinks, medications etc.. ,im due to be sent to papworth hospital in cambridge all the way from nothern ireland as i appear to be a medical mystery!! i may also have ms, and recent bloods show high b12 and low folate.

melissaVonD profile image

ooo and i remembered i have tjm, and jaw problems too. god i have wayyy too many. if someone would like to take some id be overjoyed.

Buzzysmum profile image

It's really weird but when I read other peoples problems, I can assosiate with tooo many but didn't think they could all be related. I had a mystery jaw problem three years ago, no-one seemed to know what it was or what to do to rememdy it. I could only bite on two teeth and my jaw had moved, the experts were talking about resetting my jaw and braces (at 55yrs!!) but mysteriously it righted itself. I also had crpal tunnel in one hand operated on sooo painful I wouldn't have it done again. I had a severe reaction to hair shampoo and looked like the elephant man, have to stick to one brand now.

Oh and my blood platelets are dropping too.... pass the gun someone lol xxxx

circuitrunner profile image

Ditto Lyn

April414 profile image

WOW ! I see a pattern here folks ! I'm a new girl on the block, recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia but I also have :


Vit D deficency

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Hashimoto Thyroid disease

Opthalmic Herpes

Ulcerative Colitis


I thought I was going mad as I found myself forgetting things always tired, in pain finding it hard to get up and then not able to sleep! Now I feel "Normal" lol

Rosamond profile image

I am also new to this site. I use to see a specialist at Salisbury Hospital. It was there I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis in majority of my joints. It was also at this hospital I was introduced to two wonderful ladies, Sue Williams (Nurse) and Pat Hurst sufferer of Fibromyalgia. They had written a book in 2004 called " Getting to Grips with Fibromyalgia. A D.I.Y. manual" published by Amesbury Printing co Ltd. This book explains everything in plain English, it has tips and lots of helpful advice. Not sure if it is still in print I hope it is. This book has been a huge help to me and others.

Rubberman profile image

I also have Asthma Hypothondalism

five buldging discs

guardianangel666 profile image

recurrent depressive disorder, IBS, underactive thyroid, cluster headaches - hi I have a few conditions that run alongside the fibro... xxx

helmc74 profile image

As well as arthritis I have CFS, IBS, FND and well of course fibro. I am currently in hospital for my recent diagnosis, arthritis and am getting to grip with walking with a Tri Walker. Yesterday I just had a terrible day. If I was not sleeping I was crying. But today Im far more positive and happy! :)

trekster22 profile image

hmm where to start (?)

IBS-C, ocd, cptsd, autism, depression, anxiety, hms, dyslexia, insomnia, fallen arches, total gluten and milk intolerance, astigmatism,

my family are starting to think it's just a bad attitude and mum wont support either my fibro or my hms diagnoses.

trekster22 profile image
trekster22 in reply to trekster22

BPV, raynauds, possible dyspraxia, SID,

lonchani profile image
lonchani in reply to trekster22

Hi, I'm have dyspraxia and raynaulds and a LOT of joint pains and problems, so a friend mentioned last week the link betwen dyspraxia and fibromyalgia, and I have now discovered there is a link between reynaulds and fibromalgia. Looking at the list of symptoms for fibro I seem to have a lot of them, including pain in many different places, restless legs, light sensitivity, random exhaustion and collapse, anxiety and propensity for depressive patches. Do you know any other people with all 3 - dyspraxia, fibro and raynaulds?.... thanks!

EngGirl profile image
EngGirl in reply to lonchani

I also have dyspraxia, fibro and raynauds.

For that matter, I also have inappropriate sinus tachycardia.

flowerfairy profile image

I have Menieres disease.

HeatherSwiegers profile image

Endometriosis, ulcers, migraines, Pelvic organ Prolapse, Fibro, insomnia, constipation, muscle spasms, prone to fractures(currently waiting on a bone density scan, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, runs in my family)... the list goes on

Butterfly54 profile image

I have scoliosis,degenerative discs,osteo arthritis,hypothyroid,reynouds,vit D deficiency,Sjogrens syndrome and possible lupus.

Think thats about it,OH I know ibs,restless legs and migraines.:-)

marzipanknickers profile image



osteoarthritis of cervical spine



and arthritis in feet

kathgary41 profile image

I have Osteoarthritis. BPD, mild cerebal pulsey and half a knee cap on the left leg.

jodie0615 profile image

when people ask me what is wrong what have i got i feel embarassed teling them as there is so much but reading this i relaise i am not mad i am not a hypercondriac (sorry cant spell) i am me and this is my lot and there is people out there with same list of problems. i have:



chronic ibs

bad back

hiatus hernia

sjogrens syndrome

neck problems,


bladder problems



on top i also have asthma, pcos, endromitrious, my spellingis bad i can not remember how spell my name at mo brian fog bad i have few more but i have board my self so i going stop,

happycroc profile image
happycroc in reply to jodie0615

thats how I get.. but the id do try to stay as pos as i can... gentle hugs x

hamble99b profile image


Wegener's Granulomatosis

hiatus hernia


Underactive thyroid

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Arthritis R & O


Anxiety & Panic attacks


roserogers profile image

Chronic Pain Syndrome with Fibromyalgia,

Sleep Paralysis,

Idiopathic Hypersomnia,


dizzyduck profile image

Osteoarthritis, ankolysing spondilytis, chronic sleep apneia, hypermobility, IBS, weight gain,

andreafm profile image

I have more than 1 of these + other autoimmune disorders

soxtinker profile image

the question was do you have any conditions other than fibro It would only let me fill one box

grannieree profile image

has anyone had simple fall but traumatic injuries i only tripped but broke bone in back in feb 12 then april missed a step and had compartment syndrome but no one seems to know why these are happening just get pushed from one doctor to another..........

Malwimmy27 profile image

I also have pernicious anaemia. I'm being investigated for RA too.

happycroc profile image

Hi have IBS, Irriable bladder, mfd, cervical arthitic spondilosis, light, noise and smell senitivity... Vit D diff. candida

Ok, things I have apart from fibro (but some of which fall within the symptoms of fibro):

very long standing depression & anxiety

IBS (had for a long time before I started having lots of other fibro symptoms


always had chronically tight/painful shoulders & neck

allergic rhinitis (allergic to pollen & dust amongst other things)


overactive bladder

always had really bad sleep patterns (doesn't matter whether I sleep for an hour or ten hours, still wake up exhausted; go through periods of insomnia)

acid reflux

Herpes simplex virus type one (the strain that gives you cold sores, but I have it thoughout my body)

problems regulating body temperature

"fibro fog" - sometimes try and say things and I just can't get the word out even if it's something really simple - or I completely lose my train of thought when I'm speaking.

Restless legs.

oh, and plantar fasciitis (basically means the tendon between the ball of your foot and your heel stretches too much and gets irritated - it means that even walking short distances can be excrutiatingly painful).

AliBar profile image


Sjogren's Syndrome



VItamin b12 deficiency

Vitamin d deficiency

calcium deficiency


bladder problems

michaelb62 profile image

It is interesting to read the pattern of things that everyone has surely these dr's we see should be bale to link somewhere all these symptoms as it cannot be a coincidence that we all suffer from so many other things alongside the fibro. I have suffered with severe depression for years I was diagnosed with fibro about 26 years ago and was told i had it and to go home and deal with it. since then i have had surgery on my shoulder, gall bladder removed but still have to take meds to stop acid reflux, I have osteoarthritis in both knees, hips and hands had a knee replacement but could only get it done privately as i was seen to be too young it failed and now i don't have private they won't even consider redoing it even though it drops me down the stairs and has worked loose and my recent xrays show the arthritis has got worse. I had surgery on one hand for the arthritis which worked for about a year but is now back with a vengeance and in the other hand which means its difficult to lift things without pain, I attempted suicide years ago five times as i had had enough and my mind swings from those thoughts everytime something goes wrong and this year has to have been the worst in my life anything and everything that could go wrong has. I don't sleep at night i lie awake until about 6 then drop off then feel guilty as i am still in bed at 11. The pain is unbearable most of the time and i have got to the stage where i really have to push myself to go out of the house if i don't have to i won't i will make up excuses to myself. I thought i was going to be homeless as from today but have managed to find a nice ground floor flat to rent my only concern is any noise from above or the students that live in the area mainly because of my sleep problems and i have very acute hearing about the only thing that works well. I do try and stay positive as much as possible but there are days when your feet just get knocked out from under you and then i have anxiety and panic attacks and bad thoughts the only thing that now stops me is what it did to my children. Everyone be gentle to themselves hugs to all.

torrytalent profile image

I am a insulin controlled diabetic, also have nuropathy in my legs and feet. Depression too. Oh the joys. Had to give up work ......

summer13 profile image

i have fibromyalgia , Osteoarthritis in spine, hands, elbows and knees, phseudogout secondary to OA in my knees, overactive thyroid, Carpel tunnel, plantar faciitis , IBS, Depression

AFineLass profile image

Along with the Fibromyalgia there is :

Osteo Arthritis


Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Raynaurds Syndrome

So, I am kept busy with these other inconvenient health mattters and there are days when it all gets too much to deal with.

kawasakimick profile image

Ibs,hypertension,insomnia,chest pains,depression,stress,ect the cold plays up my joints,asthma,headaches,worst thing ever it's hell my family suffers as mutch as I do as you carnt lead a normal life,I'd love to work an provided for them,carnt move some days.

Lizzie573 profile image

I developed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome after carpel tunnel surgery. Not sure if there is a link but this is now the straw that broke the camel's back as regards pain levels. Had this for four months with no end in sight.

ehlers profile image

hjm since birth plus chronic fatique/ insomnia, migraines , chronic pain , carpel tunnel, IBS, joint and muscle pain with inflammed skin over joint but (negative rheumatoid bloods) I also had endometriosis and poly cystic ovaries had a hysterectomy at 23 years old .

Hi I'm new to this site and this is my first post :) so here goes I have Cervical and Lumber Spondylitis , mild Spina Bifida, Scoliosis, Newly diognosed with Polycythemia Rubra Vera- jak2 and of course Fibromyalgia.Having liver and kidney function tests and a possible enlarged spleen.

fatigue, head to toe pain, Indigestion, reflux, Frequent water infections and other frequent infections. Food intolerance, ichy all over, dumbness to my fingers and lower back down to my toes, dry eyes, light sensitivity, double vision tinnitus

cramp and muscle spasms loss of concentration foggy brain, cannot remember things

Poor circulation/cramp/inability to control temperature

dyslexia, insomnia, night sweats, too many red bood cells and sticky plasma nose bleeds and mouth sores....

Any way that's me :)

Smudge91 profile image

Raynaud's, hypermobility, Degenerative disc disease and a prolapsed disc, dyslexia, dyspraxia and Tinnitus ...plus the Fibro :D

lonchani profile image
lonchani in reply to Smudge91

Hi, I also have dyspraxia and raynaulds. Plus a LOT of joint pains and problems, so a friend mentioned last week the link betwen dyspraxia and fibromyalgia, and I have now discovered there is a link between reynaulds and fibromalgia. Looking at the list of symptoms for fibro I seem to have a lot of them, including pain in many different places, restless legs, light sensitivity, random exhaustion and collapse, anxiety and propensity for depressive patches. Do you know any other people with all 3 - dyspraxia, fibro and raynaulds?.... ....also have you heard of any nutrient supplements (such as fish oils or chondroitin) helping the joint pain? thanks! :-)

ladyt62 profile image

i have polycystic kidneys and liver chonic deppression anxiety panick attacks under active thyroids carpal tunnel acid reflux high blood pressure that cos my kidney r almost at there worse i have restless arms and legs chonic fatigue c.o.p.d arthriris in my back arms hands neck and in hypermobility double jointed i sleep to much but i never feel rested chonic pain from head to toe and my weight keeps going up

Vallet profile image

Degenerative disc, hips etc: Osteoarthritis, IBS, depression, tinnitus, insomnia, restless legs, terrible pins and needles in both arms and I tend to drop things all the time and of course Fibro, Is there anything other than tramadol to ease all the aches and chronic pain.

unio06 profile image
unio06 in reply to Vallet

have you been assessed for dyspraxia. I only found out about it when my mum was diagnosed. that can cause clumsiness and also pain is linked with it. im trying to get my daughters assessd as my mum , me and my youngest are dyslexic but my oldest shows strong signs of dyspraxia

unio06 profile image

Depression and Type 2 diabetes

I get ringing in my ears on and off and have suffered with restless legs from a child.

Vallet profile image

No I have not been assessed for Dyspraxia, I will mention this to my GP, she is very good and helps me with all that she can with referrals ext: We are trying to distinguish as to whether I could have Thyroid problems, getting no where with the blood tests, she is very persistent though. This fibro though does get me down.

lemonzilla profile image

I have IBS, polycyctic ovaries, clinical depression, anxiety: ptsd and DID.

paintbluecat profile image

OA, Osteoporosis, Cervical Spondylosis, depression/anxiety, TMJ.

lonchani profile image

Hi, I have dyspraxia and raynaulds. Also a LOT of joint pains and problems, so a friend mentioned last week the link betwen dyspraxia and fibromyalgia, and I have now discovered there is a link between reynaulds and fibromalgia. Looking at the list of symptoms for fibro I seem to have a lot of them, including pain in many different places, restless legs, light sensitivity, random exhaustion and collapse, anxiety and propensity for depressive patches. Do you know any other people with all 3 - dyspraxia, fibro and raynaulds?.... Also has anyone heard of good results for the joint pains from using anu supplement (such as fish oils or chondroitin - although I suppose if fibro is a function of nervous system and pain signals rather than actually joint damage theseight not be effective???)? Any experiences on this? Thanks!!! :-D

crysbis profile image
crysbis in reply to lonchani

get thee to a Rheumatologist! Seriously, sounds a lot like a Spondyloarthropathy spectrum... Your join pain may NOT be your joints and your tendons instead.

Bumblebee90 profile image

Pernicious anemia and endometriosis

Froglette profile image

I also have osteoarthritis in many areas, post-operative nerve damage, diverticulitis, social anxiety & depression, itching all over body & various skin problems which have started in the last 3 years.

crysbis profile image

In order of diagnosis

PCOS 16yo, IBS 22 yo, Diabetes 40 yo, Spondyloarthropathy 50 yo, Fibro 50 yo. AS and Fibro were diagnosed this year, but I've likely had them for many many many years. Huge flares in the past few years that drove me to the Dr and it took them a year and a referral to Rheumatology (that I insisted on) to diagnose.

crysbis profile image
crysbis in reply to crysbis

OH! anemia and before I had my daughter, endometriosis

denisewilson13 profile image

Vitamin D through the floor, fibromyalgia chronic fatigue rhumertoid arthritis, diverticular disease depression and borderline personality disorder something to do with sodium in liver and kidneys, getting retested in 3 months, told to watch diet cut back alcohol but I think it's all the meds, I'm on 30 meds per day also had pco for over 20 yrs

Lindy71 profile image

Asthma, Migraines, PCOS, Osteoarthritis, Vitamin D and Folic Acid deficiency, IBS, Acne, High Blood Pressure, Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, Hayfever