So anxious even after BFP.. - Fertility Network UK

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So anxious even after BFP..

Woody2019 profile image
18 Replies

So I got my bfp at 9dp5dt. Then 4+2 I got 2-3 weeks on clear blue.

I’m 5+1 today and it still says 2-3.. After chemicals I’m so worried. I know I should stop testing, but I still don’t have sore boobs or any symptoms really.

I know the anxiety during early pregnancy is tough but when you’ve done ivf i guess the worry is even greater, as it’s taken so long to get here.

I’m sure you’ll get it ladies♥️

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Woody2019 profile image
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18 Replies
sj482 profile image

hey, I completely understand, I had a chemical previously and so this time have been mad testing. I have viability scan on Tuesday, so can’t say for certain it’s not another chemical! But my understanding and having read comments on here don’t worry overly about the weeks you are literally just into your fifth week and 2-3 means 4-5 so that is ok!! Breathe and try and relax (I know how hard this is and how much I should listen to my own advice. I didn’t get 3+ but was closer to 6 weeks than 5 xxx

Woody2019 profile image
Woody2019 in reply to sj482

Best of luck for Tuesday hunni.

I’ve tested so many times, I’m driving myself mad looking at progression etc. This tough journey does that too you.

I’m petrified of something going wrong and tests getting lighter, although I know from previous times all this worry won’t change a thing.

Fingers crossed for happy healthy pregnancies♥️

sj482 profile image
sj482 in reply to Woody2019

thank you!

We have this! :) x

Mudra85 profile image

Completely understandable that you would be feeling this way! It's so much harder after IVF. Symptoms can definitely come and go, but it's only natural to question everything at this stage.

Woody2019 profile image
Woody2019 in reply to Mudra85

It’s so hard. You feel elated one minute and then crashing down knowing what could and has gone wrong.

I know I should just wait and see at 7 week scan ♥️

Please don’t worry about CB digital. I got myself in a right state because this happened to me. I finally got my 3+ at 5+4 and all was fine and when I had my scan at 7 weeks I was measuring 3 days ahead! Those tests just cause heaps of stress, I am sure all is fine. Congrats xx

Woody2019 profile image
Woody2019 in reply to

They do cause stress, I actually went down to 1-2 when I had my chemical.

My frer is quite dark! I’ll add pic, this was 16dp so 5 weeks! I guess after a loss you just don’t want to get you excited♥️

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Stephcal6 profile image

i know how you feel i got BFP on thursday at 8dp5dt OTD saturday which was also positive and darker however i feel sick at the thought of something going wrong. I done another test today only using a superdrug test and its sooo light when all others have been darker (first response) im trying not to test every day its driving me mad. I have a clear blue pack with digital which im not planning using until atleast the end of this week when i’ll be 5 weeks. This is not how i thought it would be getting my BFP after 5 years trying :(

Woody2019 profile image
Woody2019 in reply to Stephcal6

It so hard isn’t it. I’ve had such a wobble the last few days fearing the worst. Tests I guess don’t darken at bang on 48hrs like is serial testers wish haha. Mine was super dark today and I’ve said for my mental well being I’m done testing. I was so miserable yesterday.

Hope your pregnancy is a happy healthy one xxx

Claire_FNUK profile image

Hi Woody and congratulations on your BFP! I'm sorry you are feeling so anxious but rest assured this is so normal after a journey like yours. We have our online pregnancy group meeting this week at 8pm on Wednesday if you think it might help to talk to others who have shared a similar experience. Please email me if you'd like the zoom link, I found mindfulness really helped me to stay a little calmer during those horrible waiting times between tests and scans so please visit our wellbeing page on our website too if that may be helpful. or there is an app called mindful IVF which has sessions for the 1st trimester as well. Good luck and sending so much positivity for this stage of your journey.

Woody2019 profile image
Woody2019 in reply to Claire_FNUK

Thank you so much for all the info♥️

Savvy_teapot profile image

Come over to the pregnancy after fertility forum! Lots of people there feeling similarly anxious and it seems a while to wait until the scan. I don't think the anxiety stops really. Lessens for a bit after a scan. 💜

Woody2019 profile image
Woody2019 in reply to Savvy_teapot

What is it called? I’d love to join, I find these forums so supportive♥️

Claire_FNUK profile image
Claire_FNUKAdministrator in reply to Woody2019

flamingopher profile image

Totally understandable. I had 2 CPs so never really believed any of the tests, and even when I was finally told it was really happening I never believed it. I was super anxious before scans at 6 and 8 weeks because I was just waiting for reality to set it and you get so used to the crushing disappointment of failed cycles.

I’m now 26 weeks and only just starting to relax! I also found that all the feelings from ivf don’t just suddenly go away once you get pregnant, it’s quite a difficult transition to change that mindset.

What the counsellor told me which I found really helpful was to keep remembering that at this point in time there is no indication that anything is wrong, and no reason to think it will go wrong. Easier said than done but it’s a good little mantra to adopt.

Best of luck and remember you’re not alone xx

Woody2019 profile image
Woody2019 in reply to flamingopher

Its honestly the toughest journey and the bfp brings all sorts of new worries.

I’m staying positive and looking ahead. It’s easier said than done but all the worrying in the world unfortunately won’t change things good or bad. I’m done testing and finding nice distractions.

Congratulations on your pregnancy♥️

Gerbear22 profile image

Hi Woody!Throw those clear blue digital tests out!They only cause so much stress.I got a 2-3 weeks at 12dp3dt and also had hcg bloods taken the next day that came back at 853.I had another hcg blood test booked for 4 days later so took another test the morning of my next set of hcg bloods and was still reading 2-3 weeks. According to their website you should get 3+ from 2753 onwards.If my hcg was doubling it should have been 3412 so I was devastated and thought it was all over.Hcg bloods came back that evening at 4534!!So caused a lot of unnecessary upset.Currently nearly 10 weeks pregnant and have had 2 scans and all is well.x

Woody2019 profile image
Woody2019 in reply to Gerbear22

Oh god I’ve had so many people say they are inaccurate!!!

I’m not buying anymore and I feel it’s the best decision for my mental health.

Congratulations on your pregnancy, it’s nice to know I’m not the only one that panics and this forum is so lovely and supportive ♥️

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