Hi lovely ladies,
Just an update from me. So it turns out I have twins! Who knew that both poor quality embryos would make it this far! For those who don’t know, we were prepared for the worse by our clinic after one embryo looked like it had stopped growing and the other was progressing super slow. Hence both put back in on day three. It just goes to show that no matter how slim your chances look, there is still a chance! We didn’t have any other embryos left to freeze (only the two had survived out of the 8 collected from me!).
Baby 1 looks on track but baby 2 they could not see very well. But somehow the scanner managed to see both heart beats. I’m due back next week for another scan to check on baby 2. We are just hoping so hard both babies will be ok.
Don’t lose hope even if the odds don’t look great. If you’re still in it, you’re still in it no matter how poor the outcome looks. Sticky baby dust to all x