Only two to three folclies big enough... - Fertility Network UK

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Only two to three folclies big enough after 14 day stims 😪

zolu profile image
7 Replies

My folicles have decreased in size desoite my dosage being increased and the clinic do not know why. Three have grown and I have one whopping 29 folie which is likley to be over mature... one 22 and one 19 rest below 10 😪

EC Wednesday - Blood levles at 2480 likley 2 to 3 eggs predicted to be collected.

Any success stories from such a low number collected at Ec. Im 24 and we have male factor infertility and in hind sight should have been on the short protocol not long 😥

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zolu profile image
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7 Replies
Hope76 profile image

Hi, which FSH drug were you on ? I was on Menopur, short protocol & had 1 leading follicle and 1 other measurable they were confident would get 2 so we went ahead. We only actually collected 1 and although it fertilised it was not deemed good enough quality to transfer. Was so disappointing as my previous 2 cycles I had got 5-8 eggs but that was with gonal f. I strongly believe I respond better to gonal f and was at a loss to why they changed. Am about to start over with gonal f.

Sorry I don’t have more positive news all I can say is 2-3 sounds better than 1. In my case I wish we cancelled as it was a very expensive disaster and I had a bad feeling about the drugs from the start. However it sounds like you have slightly better results so it may be worth a shot.

Wishing you all the luck in the world x

zolu profile image
zolu in reply to Hope76

Thank you so much for replying im on menopur at first I responded but then slowed down and now deteriorated. Its so awful to get this far after all of this to get to this is difficult. I said about abandoning however they have said due to my age they beleive it is worth going ahead so we will give it a shot and its our first attempt its long protocol so next time I will insist short protocol and discuss change of meds.

Best of luck to you to get your BFP soon xx

Hope76 profile image
Hope76 in reply to zolu

Lately I have been hearing of so many women including me having a poor response to Menopur but with a strong response to gonal f. I really do hope this is your time. If you did go again in the future it may be worth insisting on gonal f !?! Good luck x

Drives profile image

Oh hun, feel for you. That's a long time on stims. Hope you're not too uncomfortable.

Will be thinking of you Wednesday and keeping everything crossed for some good eggs x x

zolu profile image
zolu in reply to Drives

Thank you x I am more fed up then uncomfy and just hoping we get at least one egg fertilised and to be able to transfer x thank you.. best of luck for your transfer Wednesday fingers crossed all goes well and the embie stays on board nice and cosy xx

Drives profile image
Drives in reply to zolu

Aww I bet you are! 😔 stay strong lovely just 2 more sleeps.

Thank you for the well wishes. Don't think it's quite sunk in yet that we've got this far x x x

Kiedy84 profile image

2 or 3 but they are there and they are amazing💪 It's definitely worth trying, you have come such a long way already. I don't know much about protocols but I have seen few posts recently about protocols, it seems each clinic has a different ideas🤔

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