Hi, new to this site but really need some advice. I have been having IVF the past couple of months (due to stage 4 endo) and nearly 2 weeks ago had a 5 day blastocyst transferred. I waited until 11 days later and took a home pregnancy test and to my amazement and happiness it came up positive! Over the next 36 hours I took six more, all showing positive, 2 of these were Clear Blue digital tests which actually showed "Pregnant 1-2 weeks". So as you can imagine I went off to the IVF clinic this morning for my official test expecting a positive, but the nurse came back after doing my urine test and told me it was negative!?!
I left the hospital gutted, and a few hours later decided to do one more "first response" test at home, and it showed up as positive! What on earth is going on?? Has anyone had this happen to them before, I have no idea what to think!