Is it just because its red meat and not the fat content?
Is red meat bad even if it’s 97% lean? - Living with Fatty...
Is red meat bad even if it’s 97% lean?

Hi Andre
The answer is naturally that there are a lot of mixed signals. We start from the perspective that in general saturated fat tends to be inflammatory with steric acid being more so than others and that is higher in beef than other meats. There are also studies which link higher consumption of meat protein with higher all cause mortality which drives the vegan argument. So like all of these discussions it is a choice of many small things. Red meat isn't bad unless your goal is to remove as many challenges as you can from the work your liver must do. It is the challenge of 1,000 small insults. Each ounce of steak is a workload. Each pastry is a fructose load for your liver. All the things we eat must be processed by the liver and your capacity is unique to you so the answer is it depends.
Let's put it this way. Beef is one of the hardest things for your liver to digest, making it work overtime. Your liver doesn't like working overtime anymore than you do and it will give you consequences. When I first started this journey I didn't know not to eat beef and I had so many flu like systems, I was sick all the time. I was brought up on the farm with all you ate was beef. If you don't like sitting on the john alot, I would suggest not eating it. I've been on the journey for 21 years. I don't know when the last time I ate beef was. What ever you do, don't eat it if you under a lot of stress, the two don't work at all. Prime rib which I love is the very hardest to digest. I have eaten a 2 inch by 2 inch sliver and was ok. If not stressed I have had a hamburger when I knew I was going to be home, just because I wanted one, but I could not tell you when the last time I had a t-bone steak or any steak for that matter. At least 15-20 years. It might depend on how far along on this journey you are in, I've been bad since I was diagnosed. I was at stage 4 now at stage 3. You will learn the nicer you are to your liver the better you feel and the better your liver treats you. So if you want to eat beef that bad, it's totally up to you, but would not recommend it. Oh and it doesn't matter if it is better than 97% that is all I ever bought.
I eat pork a least once a week. You can have anything in moderation. Listen to ur body. Does it digest well. Everyone is different different parts of the liver can be worst then others. The liver oversees 500 different things. If u eat something and get nauseated off of it or end up in the bathroom a lot. I suggest don’t eat it. If ur body doesn’t do well don’t eat it. Learn to listen. Your liver will rebel if it doesn’t like what your doing to it. I eat turkey bacon almost everyday. Eggs every other day but just one beef about once a month if I’m not stressed chicken turkey and sea food otherwise. Liver your life just listen to ur body. I didn’t stop living 21 years ago and I’m still here. I’m on a cruise as we speak and in Belize. Keep living but do it moderately.
Does anybody know where pork comes in here? I'm not talking about ham or bacon etc, I'm talking about pork loins/chops etc.
My dietician mentioned that it is substantially easier on the liver than beef or lamb etc, but it is still classed as a red meat right?