Just had my first fibroscan. 14.1! Scares the hell out of me. Dr. said I had NASH with unspecified cirrhosis. Not really sure what this means for my future?
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Hi April
Well, concern is appropriate but the most important thing to realize is that you can deal with this. It won't be life as you have known it but the first step is knowledge. You need to understand the situation and act accordingly. For what it is worth my first Fibroscan was 21.5. It is now 9.6. Serious stuff but not a death sentence. Here is a link which might help you get started.
I was told I had the worst liver a surgeon had ever seen 20 years ago only to find out I had NASH and back then they told me I had 6 years to live. That was in 2001. Now I have lost almost 100 pounds in 20 years. Drink very little alcohol , no red meat, I try to keep stress out of my life and I go to bed when tired. Listen to your body. If your liver is having a bad day, it works better when silent. I use to go through a lot of crashing spells ( as I called them) when I pushed myself to hard, now I have very few of those. I'm not cured, but doing to much better than 10 years ago. Like I said, learn to listen to your body. It will tell you enough is enough.
You can do this. Everyone's journey is different. Mine is also relatively new, but I've made the adjustments I needed to make. Don't look through the rearview mirror, only see the road ahead. I now eat to live as opposed to living to eat.