Severe pain
I am having severe RUQ (right upper q... - Living with Fatty...
I am having severe RUQ (right upper quadrant pain) pain . Does anyone else with NASH experience the same thing?

I use to have that a lot, especially if I ate wrong, like red meat. I still have very strong stabbing pains once in a while, but since I've lost 50 pounds I don't have it near as much. Watch what you eat and get lots of rest. It's easier for the liver to digest things in a quiet state rather than an on the go stressful state is what I have found. Learn to listen to your body. If it's tired or in pain, rest.. Don't overdue. I've had this for 20 years and have learned to listen. Otherwise I would not be here.
Thank you . Is there a specific diet you followed? Fasting? Etc ? Trying to figure out the best way to lose weight and reduce inflammation .
They have recommendations on this site, but I have been on the Optavia program. I'm now coaching with this program and my Dr. is thinking of me starting a group for NASH out of OSU. So many people just don't know what to do when they are diagnosed. Stay away from Red Meat. I love Salmon and chicken and they are my go too. I have learned to cook with fresh veggies. With Optavia, I eat 6 times a day.