Society has been taught to get fat by... - Living with Fatty...
Society has been taught to get fat by the government. This video history of official food advice is worth your time to watch #fattyliver

Loved the video. Thanks for posting. So glad I’m on low carb high good fat diet!
Interesting video. I see the point they are making but most people didnt follow the good pyramid anyway. Marketing sure grabbed hold of the low fat aspect to deceive and sell false security. A a Physical Education Teacher I will say I emphasized whole grains during this time and pointed out "bad fats" Unfortunately many people disregarded the details of the food pyramid and still ate processed, fat and sugar ladden fast convenience food and children raised on it continued to eat that way. Fresh whole foods have been ignored. How food is prepared is as important as the food. A potato isnt bad for you but french fried is another matter.
Thanks for sharing the video!
Hi Bonnie, human nature is the hardest thing to change but better information is important as it can be helpful to some and accurate "official" information can affect policy.