Which artificial sugars do you use to ... - Fasting and Furious

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Which artificial sugars do you use to help control your weight? multiple choice poll and please say what other is.

34 Voters

Please select all that apply:

29 Replies
RaggedClown profile image

I don't use artificial sugars. There should be a NONE option.

Ashka9 profile image

I don't use artificial sweeteners

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs

None of these really belong in a real food diet. That doesn't mean people shouldn't do what they have to do, but the implicit assumption in the question that everyone uses one seems odd.

Personally, I will use sugar if I need to sweeten something. Hasn't happened yet, but I am lucky I don't seem to be missing sugar at all,despite liking it.

Bong1968 profile image


sunny369 profile image

I haven't bought any of those to date. However I do eat 'sugar free' polos sometimes, which on inspection contain sorbitol.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to sunny369

Oh! Be careful if you have too much sorbitol at once. Many years ago I had a nagging sore throat, and ate a packet of sugar free sorbitol lozenges. It's not a mistake I will make again. 😳

I think it's a common side effect of sugar alcohols. Xylitol might be the same.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to Subtle_badger

I doubt it. Xylitol is a natural sugar that comes from the bark of silver birch trees. Nature rocks :).

If anyone did experience problems from Xylitol then I would think it was fake Xylitol.

Be careful what you consume.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Matt2584

Sugar also is a natural sugar that comes from sugar cane and beets. It can cause T2DM.

And sorbitol is natural.

The reason sorbitol causes problems - let's just say it, diarrhoea - is the same reason it's not fattening. It passes through your stomach undigested, bringing water along with it. Xylitol also passes through your stomach undigested.

Hemlock and deadly nightshade are also natural. Natural doesn't mean edible. Also, natural doesn't mean it won't cause diarrhoea. I had more butter than I had eaten recently at a single sitting on Friday night, and suffered similarly, that doesn't mean butter isn't natural, it just means my body wasn't used to it.

Google suggests xylitol is not as bad as sorbitol, but until you experience what effect it has on you, exercise caution.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to Subtle_badger

The thing with sugar, when you see ‘sugar’ listed on most packets of food you have no idea what type of sugar you consume.

Yes, most of the time that sugar is from sugar cane or beets but also people need to know that those sugars from processed foods you get from the supermarket, and the like, is mostly refined sugar/refined cane sugar. When that natural cane sugar goes through the man-made refining process... that is when it is not good for you.

I didn’t say or mean that everything natural is good for you.

Potatoes are from the nightshade family and of course are edible. It’s the leaves that are poisonous.

I chew a chewing gum that is aspartame-free (cos that stuff is dangerous) and instead uses Xylitol to sweeten it plus also Xylitol is really good for clearing plaque and cleaning the teeth.

I chew a lot of this chewing gum and I haven’t had any problems with diarrhoea.

sunny369 profile image
sunny369Five2 in reply to Subtle_badger

thankfully I have never had any issues with that, I can eat half a tube of Polos without any effect on my bowels :) my husband worries that artificial sweeteners are carcinogenic though, a tells me off if he sees me eating them.

My brother once made ice cream using Xylitol and it had quite a disastrous effect on his stomach! :)

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to sunny369

I think your husband does the right thing in telling you off when he sees you consuming artificial sweeteners.

I used to have a terrible diet which consisted of lots and lots of refined sugar and artificial sweeteners and hardLy any fruit or veg.

In the 90s I had to go through recurring operations due to 2 brain tumours.

I know many people won’t agree but I would not be surprised one bit if my crap diet was a result of the growth of those tumours.

People may think that I am absolutely mad for thinking that. I think the people running this world (our so called “leaders”, corporations, authorities and so on) are the REAL mad ones out there.

sunny369 profile image
sunny369Five2 in reply to Matt2584

I am sure you are right, I used to be a terrible sugar addict and have improved greatly but still have a weakness for sweet things and can slip back into bad habits. My healthy eating is a work in progress :) and I have to be vigilant and get back on the wagon when necessary :)

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to sunny369

As I say “I try to limit my sugar consumption (refined sugar mainly)”.

So if people offer me cake or a biscuit I usually turn it down.... unless it was home made cake :).

On Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays I usually make a pudding using mainly avocado and banana and chuck in some other fruit and chia seeds, baobab extract powder and turmeric.

Now that is a healthy pudding. Although it is sugary it doesn’t have altered sugar in it like refined sugar.

RobbIt18 profile image
RobbIt18IF16 in reply to Subtle_badger

Xylitol also can cause diarrhea in larger doses.

Hi Jerry

I use stevia and no other artificial sweeteners.


Matt2584 profile image

I picked ‘other’ because I don’t believe any artificial sugars help control your weight and the way I see it, some arty sugars mentioned in the list aid you in becoming unhealthy.

This is my thought, other people may not agree with it but don’t start wondering why you can’t lose weight when you are consuming all kinds of arty sugars.

RobbIt18 profile image

I use honey more than any other sweetener. If there’s no honey available, stevia is my substitute.

RobbIt18 profile image

I’d love feedback from everyone about honey and other bee products. Sources, uses, research and anecdotes.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to RobbIt18

I've got a neighbour who is an amateur apiarist. It's fascinating to hear her talk about her hives. I will pick her brain in the future and come back.

I'm staying away from all of this for a while.

in reply to RobbIt18

Hi RobbIt18 we are going to do a poll on sugar alternatives soon which will include honey, I love buying local raw honey so share your passion and like the thought of keeping bees. 🐝

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to RobbIt18


I love honey, nature’s antibiotic.

I would prefer more to take honey when ill rather than pharmaceutical honey and I wouldn’t buy store-bought honey either.

A couple of years ago I went away for the weekend and on the last day of that weekend I didn’t feel well. I couldn’t actually go home right away and so I couldn’t get to dosing myself up with honey.

And because I had to stay out longer then I started to feel even worse.

But once I got home I was drinking drinks with Manuka honey in it and I went to bed for a while. I woke up shortly and was sick (but this is your bodies reaction of getting rid of the bad, not necessarily the honey drinks).

Went back to bed and when I woke up felt much better than I was.

I think honey is fantastic stuff, but I don’t use so much of it now. Only when ill. According to vegans, they won’t touch honey cos honey is food for the bees. It is like with cow’s milk, that milk is for the calves, not us.

I’m not a vegan but more of a flexitarian that leans more toward fruit and veg over meat.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to RobbIt18

By the way RobbIt, I just thought of something someone once told me about manuka honey.

They had a holiday in Australia and while they were there she burnt her leg very badly.

She went to the doctors and they wrapped her leg with a manuka honey-laced dressing. She was told to keep this on for a week and when she took it off her leg looked as good as new.

RobbIt18 profile image

Thanks Jerry! I look forward to those posts.

I like beepollenbuzz.com, a family owned Canadian company outside Toronto.

Cookie101 profile image

I don't use artificial sweeteners so I haven't voted. I know there are some 'natural' ones but many of these ones are still heavily processed. When I cook properly, i.e. from scratch, I don't do more than a bit of maple syrup in my satay sauce or some sugar in my tea.

Hi Hidden you are right its the poly-ols that can cause kidney problems and even though Stevia is a diuretic it appears to protect our kidneys. I did not know this but as you asked, please see:


Jerry 😊

I have seen Erythritol in recipes but can I use Stevia instead using the same quantity?

Happy Sunday Jerry

Megan23 profile image

I don’t take artificial sugars and I very rarely take sugar

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20

I don't use artificial sugars. There should be a "NONE" option.

Sewneat profile image

I haven’t been brave enough to try any of them. Generally I don’t like artificial sweeteners which (in my experience) have their own flavours and often an aftertaste. So I just try to avoid sweet things. Sometimes unsuccessfully.