How long and what is the process to establish... - FASD Support

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How long and what is the process to establish a diagnosis of FASD ? Thank You

Tracie1 profile image
3 Replies
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3 Replies
Joygirl profile image

Go to your GP and ask for a referral to Community Paediatrics or, if you think your child has facial features, then ask for a referral to Clinical Genetics.

Often you will go to Community Paeds first and they will do a battery of blood test, often, to rule out other obvious syndromes. You may also be offered an assessment by CAMHS (children's mental health services). Paeds are becoming more aware and more confident about giving a clear diagnosis.

It really helps if the child is adopted or fostered if you have some evidence of the birth mother's consuming alcohol in the pregnancy, especially if there are no facial features. It is easier, of course, if it is your own child as you know yourself what you - or your partner - were consuming during the pregnancy.

The length of time depends on local waiting lists and the process depends on the clinical judgement of the doctors involved. But, it helps if you are clear from the first referral that this is what you suspect and want investigated.

Also, the doctors involved can get support from Dr Raja Mukherjee who runs the National FASD clinic and if your child is aged over 6, you have exhausted local services and your local NHS authority is willing to pay, then your child can be referred to Dr Mukherjee.

Tracie1 profile image
Tracie1 in reply to Joygirl

Thank you vey much for your promt reply.

I am a Foster Carer and this child is a new placement.

Not sure about mothers history but alcohol abuse is there.

I didn't know anything about FASD and only started to research it a couple of weeks ago. I feel he has got strong facial and behavioural features of the syndrome.

He is eight and from what I have researched the earlier the diagnosis the better.

Social Services don't seem to have done much as he has been I care for sometime I feel he should have had some help sometime ago

Thanks a lot for your advice


Joygirl profile image

If a child is in Care, the other helpful person is the Designated Looked After Nurse and also your health visitor at your GP surgery. The DLAC Nurse in some areas can refer children to other medics.

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