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As a parent or carer what do you struggle wit... - FASD Support
As a parent or carer what do you struggle with the most?

Hi ,I struggle with my daughters sleep disturbances ,her short term memory difficulties and the limited support from school .She is 8years old from love2nag
School and homework definitely. Not bad enough for 1:1 support, but always struggling massively and needing a lot more than the 20 minutes he gets 3 times per week.
control issues. He's got good boundaries and will listen when I ask him to do things - that's not generally the problem. It is not being able to go with a suggestion, at home or in school - which is holding him back so much from becoming more involved with life generally. Any tiny thing I want him to do I have to into a vacuum with him somewhere around - he'll never come and join in. But if you do it often enough it becomes something he takes and does himself... looking at books, making a puzzle, building some bricks: each of them has been demo'd extensively before he'll actually try it himself!... and it's quite soul destroying to get no response. Cooking, art things, different games on the computer, sharing an activity of any sort.... a real struggle. And yet very loving and approaching for hugs etc - not completely isolated. Just can't trust anyone elses agenda!!... ooooohh.... it's tiring!
Hi I've thought of another ,it is not being believed by school.Despite being on school action plus since she was 4 ,it's all to do with home not the outside world. I'm on a bit of a roll now so it's over to you. Love2 nag
"the system" trying to get a diagnosis when the professionals change regularly. I am sure my YP has fasd but am getting nowhere. No facial features and no parental admission of alcohol abuse..... dont get me started!!!!!
When everything seems to be going so well that you start to question if there is anything wrong at all ........ THEN...... Your bubble bursts!
Meltdowns, j gets very frustrated when he cant do what he wants, major problems with authority, no cause and effect, short term memory, getting to school in the morning is a major nightmare as he doesnt want to go schhol just dont have a clue about how to help jordan which causes major issues, dont get me started. Rant over.
School, health, social care, listening and understanding Jordans condition and his needs and what helps him. when he gets his violent outburts ans lashes out becuase a noise a smell or lights flickering has triggered a meltdown and he cant cope with it.
I can relate to this. My daughter is 5 and has major meltdowns usually when she cant manage frustration and or transitions. This doesn't seem to happen in school now and she has a full time statement and is now on medication which helps a lot but its not the whole picture. She has learning diffs and sensory processing disorder. During her meltdowns we cant manage her at all. If I get too close she lashes out at me and has caused bruising. She destroys things, stamps on the floor until the light bulbs fall out in the room below. She screams so much she looses her voice which is now deeper due to this. Sometimes I can distract her when I see a meltdown down approaching but often this is not the case.
Does this sound like your child? What helps? I worried she will carry on like this and we wont be able to manage her by the time she is a teen ager and will end up in care.
This sounds like my girl,you sound tired,I know I am.What helps me is singing my instructions to her and I have a kisses pocket that she gets when she follows simple instructions like putting socks in basket.She also gets kisses/hugs when grumpy./sad.I don't always feel like singing but it does help.Good luck
No one understanding what the problems are.