Hi everyone!
I hope you're having a good week. I struggled with anxiety and insomnia earlier in the week and was super tired, but thanks to better sleep and some encouragement from my mum and partner, I'm feeling a lot better.
I want to get out for a short walk around the park at lunchtime so I'm setting my intention to do so here - and I invite you to join me virtually if you'd like to.
All you need to do is get moving for a few minutes (record it on EXI if you can) or comment on this thread - here are some ideas:
Post a comment with the intention to join in
Post a selfie on your walk (or a pic of the view or your shoes if you're shy!)
Post your steps/times/distance if you would like to share
Post a pic of your pets (always encouraged!)
Post some encouragement if you can't join in today or if walking's not your thing!
I hope you'll join me,
Sarah x