Hi all
I'm new to this community, having been diagnosed on 26/05/17 by Dr Ong, from Royal Free. I need to ask if anyone has lots of pain in legs & arms, not only during, but between flares.
My EM affects feet & legs, hands & wrist, & I'm starting to feel heat & stinging on ears, face & scalp....
My hands & feet flare multiple times daily & I can only sleep with Zopiclone, which my lovely GP has prescribed.
In between actual flares, I get deep, hot aches in my legs esp- like lactic acid pain, plus jolting in foot, knee joints
I have been seeing lots of consultants over the past year - Rheumy, Orthopaedics,Neuro. I have spinal degeneration in C spine & lumbar, severe Raynaud's & because of all my limb pain my neuro thinks fibromyalgia too!
I'm on so many meds I rattle, and the only pain relief that really helps is the Zopiclone, cos it knocks me out at night! I always wake up with either a flare, or a "post flare" sore tightness in hands & feet.
Here's a list of my meds: LEVOTHYROXINE 75mg, HRT (cos GP thought my pain might be menopausal...(that was before EM really kicked in - didn't help pain but stopped hot flashes)LANSOPRAZOLE for reflux, AMITRIPTYLINE 75 mg, MORPHINE slow release 15 mg x 2, PREGABALIN 60mg x 2,ZOPICLONE 7.5 & now, Dr Ong has suggested adding FLUOXETINE to the mix!!!
I feel like I'm swallowing all these powerful drugs & still in so much pain unless I'm unconscious with the Zopiclone.......not even safe to drive at least til early afternoon, can't work (for nearly a year)
Anyone else feeling like a pharmaceutical experiment that's failed??? Xxx