Hi I'm new here my 12 year old son is bedwetting what should I do
I think he has a weak bladder: Hi I'm new here my 1... - ERIC
I think he has a weak bladder
I would look at the advice on ERIC website.
Making sure he drinks plenty (6-8 drinks per day) actually helps as the bladder them stretches and is able to hold more. Most people think limiting drinks helps but it has the opposite affect.
Making sure he doesn’t use technology just before bed as screens stimulate him rather than going into a nighttime mode.
Limiting drinks after tea time.
Phone ERIC they’re helpful. See his GP. There are also bedwetting alarms and a medication called desmopressin which a GP might suggest.
Hope you get it sorted.
My son used to need a wee between 10:30 and 11pm every night and he’s only stopped wetting the bed as he’s often awake at 10pm now he’s older and wees then and it seems fine! I’m on this group because of my 5 year old daytime wetter rather than my son though.