Hi I'm new here. My little boy is nearly 8 years old and have wet night nearly every day. We've been seeing the school nurse, which she has recommended to increase his intake of fluid during the day and aiming to stretch his bladder, and also have been given one of those alarm you use at the night time. He has been good and start drinking a lot more during the day but problem is that he wet himself every night between 2 to 3 in the morning. We didn't use the alarm during the week before he'll have a disturbing night and get very tired at school.
I'm going to try to give him the alarm during school holidays. My question is how long will it take to see any improvement on bedwetting? Also if this don't work, the nurse has suggested he go on medication. I'm two minded with this, I've done some research but still not too sure. Is there anyone there their little ones using it and is there any side effect at all? Also is it successful and can he come off it later on his life?
Sorry for a very long post but I'm hoping I'll get some support from her.