What practical tips can you share wit... - Epilepsy South Af...
What practical tips can you share with other Epifriends to live positively with epilepsy?
I agree with Answers above, the medicine and the diet.
In addition I would be careful when you are doing something you like, not to over do it.
Tiredness can prövke seizure. Try to isolate any sensation that may come before a seizure.
This is very individual. Before a seizure all noise iaround me seemed to GO down.then I knew what I comming. I was lucky in the sense that it was seldom that I got grand mai while awake. They came at night, and I new nothing.
Find some hobby that you know that you will not hurt yourself in case a seizure would appear.
For me it has been preicless to have a friend who has a handicap. We talka lot and the good thing about it is you never have to explain any of your feelings,she understands me and I her.
All the best
Try not to stress and ensure medication is taken at the correct time. Do not miss a dose. Enough sleep is vital, as said above, tiredness can provoke a seizure. Hormonal imbalances can occur which can also provoke seizures at certain times of month. Ensure you remain as safe as possible. If you are employed, try not to be in a job working machinery or any other dangerous aspect. If seizures occur regularly, try not to drive. This can be a nuisance at times and one has to always rely on others, but it is worth it in the end, for the safety of both yourself and others on the road. Stay positive... go forwards, not backwards!
Yes,I firmly agree with the above.Don't let Epilepsy control you- rather you control it!
Stay well,