Hi guys. I've been with this community for quite a while, yet it just doesn't help to write when I can't interact with people face to face. My own father had quite a go at me for letting other people know that I am epileptic - which I presume then that he is embarassed that his eldest son has a neurological disabillity. I'm alone most of the time, and have only my 2 Jack Russell doggies to interact with. If I can get friends living near me it will help a lot.
Nobody to talk or interact with face to fa... - Epilepsy Action
Nobody to talk or interact with face to face...

I know how you feel, I don't have many friends and those that I do have only chat to online. Most of those that I know I consider to be aquaintances instead friends.
Ditto, I was the same until I found a website myepilepsyteam.com
It's a good free social network for people living with epilepsy. You can find people like you based on location.
I found 5 people near me and we all meet up for coffee and chatting every week and we're friends who understand each others problems.
There's people from the uk and u.s aus and n.z
You can have so many friends here too.
Have a look and see what you think,
Hi Im an Ambassador on myepilepsyteam.com. Its a great site... Come join us!

Dear BoytjieD
It sounds like things have been pretty difficult for you for a while. Feeling so down and isolated are all tough to deal with. And are certainly all things that other people with epilepsy talk about.
To see if there is any local support for you, you may wish to contact the organisation, Epilepsy South Africa. They may have something within your area.
Epilepsy Action Helpline Team
Making new friends can be challenging when you have epilepsy and the big question is do you tell potential friends or not? It’s hard especially if a loved one makes you ( maybe without meaning to) feel bad about something you can’t control and ultimately something you have to live with. Friends Can really help with that isolated feelings we have when we deal with seizures. I wish you luck and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there!!
As an Ambassador for My Epilepsy Team it's a great site. Come join us.