Hi, I’m Siyar Washington. I’m 17 years old and I’ve have epilepsy all my life. The types of seizures I have are......
*Grand Mal (Tonic-Clonic)
*Atonic (Drop)
*Complex Partial
And I have 5-10 seizures a hour.
Hi, I’m Siyar Washington. I’m 17 years old and I’ve have epilepsy all my life. The types of seizures I have are......
*Grand Mal (Tonic-Clonic)
*Atonic (Drop)
*Complex Partial
And I have 5-10 seizures a hour.
Hi Siyar, welcome to HealthUnlocked!
I hope you enjoy being part of the Epilepsy Action group. It must be tough having so many seizures. If you have any questions please feel free to post them here, or you can also call the Epilepsy Action Helpline free on 0808 800 5050. epilepsy.org.uk/info/suppor...
All the best
Epilepsy Action Helpline Team
I haven't responded to drugs either. I am being evaluated tomorrow for a new treatment called VNS therapy. It is an implant that sends electrical pulses when it senses a suddenly racing heart. If I get it and it works I will let you know.