Does anyone suffer with epilepsy and functional neurological disorder?
FND: Does anyone suffer with epilepsy and... - Epilepsy Action

Hi bobthelog
I hope you hear from others on this platform, as sharing information and experiences can be a good idea.
If you don’t hear from others in a similar situation, you may wish to try our other services. We know there are some people with both epilepsy and functional seizures in our forum4e online community, and twitter
We also have information on Dissociative epilepsy (functional neurological disorder) that includes details of where people with the condition can get more support
Epilepsy Action Helpline Team
My neurologist said it’s possible that I also have FND..... are you in the same boat? What’s your story?
Too make it short l had a bad tonic clonic back in September 2018, when l came around from it l had feeling down my left side and could not move it either, l was rushed into hospital because the ambulance service thought l had a stroke. After an MRI and CT it revealed nothing, l was kept in hospital for 2 weeks after a review by my neurologist and a pych-neurologist l was diagnosed with FND, l am now in a wheelchair not a work either. I am depressed and even tried an overdose of one of my AED, so now they are under lock and key.
I’m sorry you’ve been struggling, it’s really hard what you’ve been through. Have you been on the FND hope website? Lots of good people on the forum. I’ll be honest and say that I don’t believe i have FND. I had a lump removed from my neck near my spinal cord and within a couple days I developed seizures and left side numbness/ weakness/ pain. I feel like the neurologist I’ve been seeing just doesn’t have time to deal with me and I don’t have any positive signs for FND but I do have small brain lesions and signs of nerve damage on my left side. I know that when I first got sick I was having lots of seizures and felt very lonely, frustrated, confused and depressed. It was truly horrible. Are you home now? Do you have any friends or family who are supportive? Can you walk?
Chingona you do not need to be sorry, l have support from my family and friends, also great support from my neurological team. I am home now, l have been on the site but it shows it on my Facebook and l do not want to launder my washing out, l am wheelchair bound at the present and walking is just funny really evet time l try to walk l fall over but the lovely thing about it that is l always fall to my left and l have no feeling at all on my left side so it does not actually hurt, but with that of course l need to ensure that l do not hurt myself.
bobthelog I was diagnosed with FND last Sept, I too have a great Neurological team but I find the support I get from others in similar situations is very help full. Happy for you to contact me privately if you want a chat. I am in Australia and have some great sites you can do some research on, take care
I have had epilepsy for 45 years.