i have not been given enough medical ... - Epilepsy Research...
i have not been given enough medical advice and what help is out there for me
In order for us to maybe assist please may I request more details on what advice you have been given. Also, have you seen a Neurologist, is your medical condition properly diagnosed and what information have you been given so far? it is difficult to help with such a broad question.
i have seen a neurologist but it was like u have epilsepy and ive had an mri scan i was put on medication and no helpand nothing 2 read
The different epilepsy charities are very useful. When I was first diagnosed, the hospital had lots of leaflets by "Epilepsy Action" which were very helpful for me.
Epilepsy Action, Young Epilepsy(NYCPE) and Epilepsy Research UK are all good places to start. As Lesmal says we would need to know what you already know about your condition before we can help
Hi Toady, Please advise what medication you are on at the moment. Has your Neurologist explained what type of seizures you might be having? There are many research groups on Facebook, Twitter and general internet for you to find out more information. If you are able to get onto Facebook or have an account, please feel free to befriend me or send me an email at lesmal@vodamail.co.za which would be easier to discuss. I am Admin for a few Groups on Facebook and it's amazing what information one can find when one does research. Epilepsy South Africa is a great way to start - Google search for them and you'll find the link. We are all in this together so do not feel alone. Remember, stay positive and keep strong!
Hello Toady, further to Chimbelina's response, Epilepsy Research UK's information leaflets can be accessed here: epilepsyresearch.org.uk/abo.... I hope that you find them helpful. If you have any questions about research, let me know. Best wishes, Delphine
hi toady, the main website i use is called epilepsysociety.org.uk they have a lot of information ,i've learnt loads from it