Do you experience side effects with y... - Epilepsy Research...

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Do you experience side effects with your anti-epileptic drugs?

LeighS profile image
LeighSEpilepsy Research UK
7 Replies
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LeighS profile image
Epilepsy Research UK
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7 Replies
Chimbelina profile image

Hi... yes my son does experience side effects. Outwardly he may seem fine but generally he is 'dampened' - not quite so quick or creative as he is when not on medication. He still gets very bad headaches and rashes which come and go. It is hard to say as he also suffers from chronic fatigue and it is difficult to know which symptoms belong to which condition or whether or not the one sparks off relapses in the other.

cherrelle6 profile image

Hello, I take Lamotrigine & Keppra and suffer from dizziness, tiredness and become agitated when in large groups.

ecossaise profile image

Hi - yes - I take Lamotrigine which works well to control my epilepsy but I believe it has caused me to have very poor coordination and balance so that I trip over and stumble very easily as well as frequently dropping things. I have broken leg, ankle and foot bones over the last 2 years!!!

Kim_Elliott profile image

yes i have the same problem, i feel tired all the time and lately ive been doing silly things which i can only say is my coordination, i feel that its gone. the one time ive put a tin in the microwave, good thing that my partner was there to see it

chimaribel profile image

I take Topiramate. Since the last dosage increase (to 250mg/split doses per day), which I was told still isn't terribly high, I get extremely tired and find myself nodding off in the middle of the day if I am not constantly stimulated (ie, if I am sitting on the bus, trying to study, reading or watching to telly -- basically anything where I am not up and about moving). Also, I hadn't really attributed this to my meds, but given the coincidence in timing, perhaps I should: I find that my coordination is also off since my dosage increase, to the point where I am constantly hitting my head on things because I can't seem to distinguish distances very well anymore.

happy48 profile image


When I was on Epilim the following side effects occured: weight gain, balance problems, tremors and lethargy.

Lamotrigine: tremors initially.

Rosalia profile image


i am taking carbamazepine, i haven't noticed the side effects as such, but my friends have said that i'm alot more distant and quiet and i'm not as creative. I feel tired all the time, never refreshed from sleep, i suffer from occasional headaches, everything to me seems as though its been slowed down eg: a glass falling from a table, most people will attempt to catch t but for me it will already be on the floor by the time i notice it!

some of these may be my epilepsy, but some are definately associated with the drug. x