How often do you see your GP (or othe... - Epilepsy Research...
How often do you see your GP (or other health professional) to review your epilepsy?
My son sees a Neurologist once a year and and epilepsy nurse once a year but it is difficult to know who to turn to in between and the appointments are so short you don't have time to ask all you intend. There is no time to actually see the results of MRI scans and EEG's. Also the condition evolves and the treatment plan agreed during the short annual appointment may no longer be effective a few months down the line. As parents we have to do a great deal of research ourselves but this is often received with condescension by the professionals.
Even though I am now stable I tend to see my Consultant Neurologist and Epileptologist Dr Tim Von Oertzen once a year who has been amazing. He has actually just taken up another job in Austria and I am yet to meet my new consultant. I dont really see my GP regarding my Epilepsy as I find them very textbook about the whole thing.
In the U.S., I used to see my neuro every three (3) months; in the U.K., I see my neuro every six (6) months
My GP sends me a request annually for a review.