The last time I had a seizure I had three generalised tonic-clonic seizures in one morning, two at home in the bathroom and one at the hospital as they were trying to take blood/hook me up to some intravenous drugs.
The weird thing was that when I was coming round/waking up I had, for the first time, a feeling like I couldn't breathe and in my confused state I thought I was dead.
It wasn't the first time I have had generalised seizures, though I also have auras/focal seizures where I don't lose consciousness, it's taken me a little longer to get back to "normal" this time.
In the months afterwards I started to get flashbacks to the period where I was waking up from the seizures just as I was falling asleep which would wake me up again. It made me really anxious about going to sleep, and in the end I had to ask for some medication from my GP to help me sleep (lack of sleep is one of my triggers).
It has taken a while, but 6 months later I don't have the flashbacks any more (and I can sleep without pills), I am still a bit more anxious about day-to-day going out etc. than I was before but my confidence is getting back to normal.
Has anyone else had a similar experience of flash backs or anxiety?