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Wine with Epilepsy

Nay82 profile image
20 Replies


I was diagnosed with epilepsy last year after 3 fits due to stress, I have a terrible habit of using a few glasses of wine most evenings to relieve the pressures of the day can anyone tell me the risk of drinking whilst living with this condition. Thank you

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Nay82 profile image
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20 Replies
Kiera49 profile image

I think there is a link between epilepsy and ethonol

monaco1 profile image

Alcohol can definitely provoke seizures! Every person is different with their epilepsy! You probably had those few glasses to relieve yourself! It sounds as if you could be addicted! Sorry if I sound harsh! But remember the side effects and more importantly the long term side effects! You have to know your own situation. Often you will get to the right answers only through your own trial and error! But you have to learn your own boundaries! For your own safety; stay away from the alcohol if you are on epilepsy medication - it doesn't do any good - it brings on and provokes the side effects and leaves you more confused! If you can't help yourself, then go to your doctor - and ASAP! It sounds like you have had the stress which led to the drinking which led to seizures! Sorry! Drink is a quick fix which leads to long term problems! Please get help from your doctor ASAP! And if and when you get help, make sure you tell the whole full truth - not just part of it! Otherwise you could be mistreated! Be fully honest!

Nay82 profile image
Nay82 in reply to monaco1

I don't appreciate your message I am not addicted and most definatly don't need to see a doctor asap!

2-3 small glasses of wine with dinner 3-4 evenings a week doesn't mean I am an alcoholic and in future my advice is for you to tone it down slightly before you pass on your opinion as its very insulting!!!!!

PNES_Guy profile image
PNES_Guy in reply to Nay82

Hi Nay82..

A little late to reply but I’ve only just discovered your message about epilepsy and wine. I have Phycogenic Non Epileptoc Seizures and I totally understand what your saying about wine and how you use it. If I’ve had a big day so to speak and my stress levels are through the roof, a red wine really helps to bring my thresh hold down and relax, I wouldn’t say it was an alcohol addiction as a beer or cider wouldn’t do it for me, red wine has so many anti oxidant properties it’s great. What kind of epilepsy do you have how are you doing 2 years on from this message?

Darnella13 profile image
Darnella13 in reply to PNES_Guy

It's not addiction if your not an alcoholic it relaxes you. Alcoholic is someone who gets up to drink and work for little or nothing. Some of my family members are alcoholics . Don't believe the hype it want affect you. It's how you contain and pertain it . My God At the supper table they did wine while Jesus was present. So to say this don't let negative perception get to you. Matter of fact what you do in your personal time don't post it nobody business. Pray to God that's all you have him and Jesus .

Darnella13 profile image
Darnella13 in reply to PNES_Guy

It doesn't bother me to drink a glass on weekend . It relaxes me .

RD_RAB_2874 profile image

Hi Nay82,

Not sure which type of epilepsy you have, I have got temporal lobe and am on 1000mg of meds a day. I find the alcohol does not affect my condition directly although my tolerance is much lower. It only affects me if it was a late night and I didn't get enough sleep (so hungover basically), then yes I feel weaker and more prone to auras. I think it is definitely a process of trial and error to find out what you're comfortable with (but sounds like you're seizure free this year anyway?), so at the end of the day do what you feel happiest/safest with. I have made a lot of sacrifices for my epilepsy over the last two years so it's nice to have a cheeky glass of wine here and there! If it's what you're longing for all day and it's more like a bottle every day then that's when it's more a problem. De-stressing after a super busy working day comes in all shapes and sizes so do what works for you to soothe your mind, body and soul :-)

Nay82 profile image

Hello, thanks so much for replying I am off on holiday tomorrow morning but after that I am really going to try and stop as I do have a bottle most nights 😳😳!! Which have caused Auras well maybe it's the wine as life is very stressful so it could me that!!

I last had a fit last year so that's good! I am on Lamotrigine 400mg. The doctor said my fits are caused be stress so I am really trying to get help as I am a manic stress head!! Thank for the advice though!! Really nice of you. 🤗🤗

Chel04 profile image

Hi a few years ago I was told by a specialist, that alcohol is an anticonvulsant! its the withdrawal of it that causes seizures!! so best in moderation x

in reply to Chel04

I was told something similar too- its the process of sobering up that is most likely to cause seizures.

It is also dependent on whether you are in a good state - ie. one of my seizure triggers is a lack of sleep, so if I am really tired then it is more likely that drinking alcohol will cause a seizure, whereas if I am well rested I could drink a half of beer.

Another thing to think about though is whether you are taking high doses of medications as some are heavy on the liver/kidneys, my dr. advises against alcohol too because of this as a long term side effect.

Personally, I don't drink as it makes me feel awful the next day, but we are all different.

Nay82 profile image
Nay82 in reply to

Hi, I have decided to quit altogether as its just not worth risking it I have a teenage daughter and 7 year old boy plus my husband is an amputee so I got stick around haha!! 7 days no booze so far as just back from a holiday in Mexico so time to get real 😜Xx

in reply to Nay82

Sounds like you are taking control of the situation - it is hard - I used to be a night owl, reading all night, going out and doing things, and having a busy/hectic lifestyle (student/worker) where I would just need a few hours sleep.

Since my diagnosis it has been hard to accept that I can't do some of those things any more, it felt like a giant list of things I couldnt do, but gradually it has started to sink in that it is just about making different choices.

Good luck :) and if you do find it hard sometimes then make sure you get support- friends/forums - the epilepsy society has a phoneline to call and ask questions/provide support.

It sounds like with kids and your husband (hope he is doing ok- that must be hard) you have a lot to deal with.

You're not alone :)

Nay82 profile image
Nay82 in reply to Chel04

Hi, I have decided to quit altogether as its just not worth risking it I have a teenage daughter and 7 year old boy plus my husband is an amputee so I got stick around haha!! 7 days no booze so far as just back from a holiday in Mexico so time to get real 😜Xx

bevA profile image

Hi, I have had 3 seizures (tonic clonic) this year following viral encephalitis 2 years ago which was when I had my first, after my first seizure this year I didn't drink alcohol at all as I wondered if it had anything to do with my seizures I am on 750mg meds twice a day, I do get stressed/tired and like you have the odd glass of wine but I gave this up completely but still had seizures 3 months to the day so I know mine isn't anything to do with alcohol, although not having any for 6 months I'm very take it or leave it now, I've had the very odd glass but I don't crave it anymore. I think mine is hormone related (i'm 48) Its got to work for you, and I guess trying to overcome the stress is the biggest achievement, as they say don't sweat the small stuff! I wish you luck.

Nay82 profile image
Nay82 in reply to bevA

Hi, I have decided to quit altogether as its just not worth risking it I have a teenage daughter and 7 year old boy plus my husband is an amputee so I got stick around haha!! 7 days no booze so far as just back from a holiday in Mexico so time to get real 😜Xx

Lj08 profile image

I'm sure everyone is entitled to a few glasses of wine 😀 We all know stress lack of sleep causes fits, my lovely epilepsy nurse told me to much sugar eg sweets cakes etc does aswell which explains a lot for me I have a very sweet tooth but no more!!!!

I wouldn't drink spirts and if you feel fine after your wine have 1 or 2 we can't stop everything because we are epileptic. I will raise a glass to you on Christmas Day.

Alessigodfather profile image

Hi Nay82,t

When I have some alcohol not so much now normally takes 1-2 days after for It to after me used to be a seizure but now just absences

Best regards


Hi, it depends what medication you are on. I am on Keppra and Clobozam (which does state avoid alcohol) but I've always drank on them and never had a fit due to alcohol. However, being hungover/run down/tired obviously does cause stress on the brain which does put you more at risk of having a seizure.

rustypen31 profile image

The risk of drinking several glasses of is large. Try to drink only one smallish glass of wine with your meal and no others. Years ago I drank alcohol to relieve my stress. It gave me epilepsy.

SJClaverley profile image

I also enjoy a G&T & glass of wine or 2 but are more cautious now especially now taking Keppra 1000mg (new drug for me) plus Zonisamide 500mg & Clobazam 15mg. It’s the lack of sleep due to hydration & sweats! But so far ok. Interesting info above thanks.