Hi, I was wondering if anyone has experience of using acupuncture as a way to help manage seizures and the side effects?
Acupuncture?: Hi, I was wondering if... - Epilepsy Research...
Hi there,
I tried acupuncture many years' ago in the early days of my diagnosis of epilepsy... I have had epilepsy for 42 years now and can't say it helped but don't really remember whether there was any side effects, except for the pain of the needles.
Keep us posted on progress.
Thanks for your reply!
Were you using acupuncture as a means to try to control your seizures?
Hi epileptic_me,
The acupuncture was done in my teens just after my epilepsy was diagnosed... I can't say it was used for control of the seizures, as even after that, the seizures still occurred.
I have tried acupuncture to help with the epilepsy a few years ago. It didn't help with the seizures or side effects. I do remember I had a seizure in there while having the acupuncture and swiped a load of the needles out of my leg, which caused a few cuts! That was the reason I stopped going, but there was no difference I could see being made anyway.
Different things work for different people when it comes to epilepsy, so hope it goes well for you if you try it.
I tend to agree with horsy24... See my comment above also. Everyone is different and it could help you... Maybe its worth a try!
Thanks very much for your replies! I appreciate hearing your experiences...😊
I know 5 element acupuncture can work well to manage seizures. I was having '5 element' acupuncture to assist with something else when I was being treated abs tested for suspected epilepsy but was unable to experience the 5 element for seizures as it would have changed the work I was having acupuncture for.
I'd give it a chance - what have you got to lose? x
I am an acupuncturist and I would not personally want to treat patients with uncontrolled epilepsy for any condition. Its about potential risks during procedure. Hope it helps.