Have been changed from Teva a (problems at factory) to Activis Lamotrogine with resultant tummy upset. Should I return to Doctor. His advice when told I was worried about seizures returning and losing licence again was don't drive then!!
Manufacturer change for Lamotrogine - Epilepsy Research...
Manufacturer change for Lamotrogine

Changes in manufacturer of AED's can cause problems as it can just be the 'salts' or slight variations of other ingredients. Check the info leaflets from both manufacturers products and compare ALL the ingredients. The manufacturer change shouldn't affect your tolerance of the active ingredient provided the dosage for the active ingredient is precise.
Remember it could also be a completely different but new medication that you are taking or again a change in manufacturer of another medication and I don't just mean the AEDs. I had a seizure and black out response to a change in a blood pressure med manufacturer and it turned out to be the 'salts'.
If you always use the same pharmacy have a chat with the pharmacist (not the counter staff) they sometimes have a better knowledge of the make up and possible reactions to them than a GP.
As for the comment 'Don't Drive then' you should have replied if you don't care about your patients don't practice then!
I shouldn't really be so harsh but GPs are just that GENERAL practitioners and not specialists having to deal with such a wide spectrum of illness and drugs it's no wonder that sometimes they get it wrong or become impatient.
Hope this is of some help
Yes, most definitely return to the doctor. My daughter was switched from Teva Lamotrigine to another brand and didn't like the taste so we just returned to the pharmacist who has now flagged on the system "Teva brand only". I'm sorry your doctor doesn't seem to be very empathetic. Good luck!
Very good to change manufacturer, however it should change the component that causes wounds to the skin and perhaps other parts of the body too!
Hi there, I have heard that certain companies are going to be stopping making brands of epilepsy tablets. I will look what different brands I am on to see if they are going to be discontinued.
Whenever I get a repeat prescription from my doctor I always make sure that my medication is the proper brand and not a subsided one (eg epilim) is called Sodium Valporate and made by sonofi. I hope this has helped you out with your problem, at the moment I am on lamotragine (lamictal) but I don't lnow the maker off hand I will check this up when I get home.
Cheers, Martin.
you should return to the doctor because I was on Lamotrogine and it gave me major side effects. I had blurred vision and I was unbalanced and felt sick every time I eaten and drank. I hope my comment helps you.
My GP gave me a prescription for Lamotrigine but fortunately for me the pharmacist always give Lamictal. GP was happy to change prescription.
Regarding your GP's attitude, they may have had a bad day but that is no excuse. Personally I would write a letter of complaint, how many more patients are getting the same reaction? That GP has no understanding of what it is like to loose a driving licence it is not just a piece of paper but it is a whole way of life. Perhaps go back and see that GP again and ask what he/she would do if they lost their licence how would they cope with their job. They may get to understand fully what the implications are.
I cannot answer about your meds as I am on Phenytoin the consultant wanted me to change to Lamotrogine but I refused saying Phenytoin has kept me fairly stable for the past 40 years so I am not changing now at my age.
As for the tummy upset, I have it flagged up on my notes that I am allergic to penicillin. I am not allergic as such but it does give me upset stomachs therefore flushing out the AED that I am taking.
Hope you get a satisfactory answer.
Good luck
The rule is if your prescription says Lamotrigine the chemist can give you any brand, but if it says Lamictal then they have to give you that. I make sure my kids prescriptions say the brand name then we get the same make every month x