Has anyone else noticed their complex... - Epilepsy Research...
Has anyone else noticed their complex partial seizures have got progressively worse over the years to the extent of losing consciousness?
Hi McAdoo, I suffer from tonic clonic seizures which only used to be 5/10 minutes each. As I have got older, my seizures are now lasting 30/35 minutes a time, which frightens the daylights out of me! I am always conscious during my seizures and not once have I lost consciousness, thank God. What further problems are you experiencing to bring this up?
Hello lesmal - thank you for your reply. As far as I'm aware nothing has changed but I was really alarmed to have lost consciousness. I was aware I was having a seizure and always I have stayed aware of whats happening though am usually either unable to speak or saying the wrong words but this time I remember nothing until my daughter spoke to me where I was lying on the kitchen floor having banged my head and my back. I couldn't seem to get up for several minutes and was tearful and tired for several hours afterwards. I really shocked my poor teenage daughter and myself too but have no idea if this will be a total one off or the start of worsening seizures. I have ordered a medic alert bracelet and will let others know tho to be honest I feel a little embarrassed about telling people I have epilepsy. I have no idea why I feel this way.
I can well imagine how you must be feeling very frightened by the length of your seizures now. They certainly seem to be lasting for a very long time. Have you spoken to your neurologist about the increasing length of them? I'm due to see my neurologist on the 23rd Jan so will see what he suggests for me then.
Thanks again for replying.
Best wishes
Hi there, thank you for response. Please email me via email address: lesmal@vodamail.co.za to discuss this further. I understand how you are feeling. I have the same symptoms as you whilst going through and after a seizure. Perhaps we can talk more privately on email. Regards, Lesley
Hi McAdoo, many thanks again for your comments. Don't forget the hit on the head could have caused loss of consciousness. This is quite possible and could be a one-off, or may happen again. I am also aware, but can't speak properly during the course of the seizure. A seizure can knock one back for hours afterwards, i.e. emotions and tiredness which can even last for days. Do not be ashamed or embarrassed to tell people. Glad to hear you have ordered a medic alert bracelet - mine has helped many times. I am not under a Neurologist, as they are hard to come by here where we reside, and get my medication only from a Govt. Hospital. Should you wish to correspond further, please don't hesitate to put your questions forward. All the best.
Hello again
Thank you so much for your reply. Actually it had never even occurred to me that the bang on the head could have knocked me out rather than the seizure itself but obviously you're right it could have. Medic alert bracelet is on the way - glad to hear yours has been a help though I really hope neither of us need them too often.
Im sorry to hear you don't have the specialist help of a neurologist though to be honest I find my GP far more helpful and understanding. I am currently on Carbamazepine 200mg twice a day. What medication has the hospital given you?
Best wishes
Iv had complex partial seizures for
14yrs and as i got older the worse it was getting tiredness the strength of them i took a drastic action and had neurosurgery in december last year to finally get rid of them so far so good its worked its the recovery period its tough to take believe it or not