Has anyone been asked to make a recor... - Epilepsy Research...
Has anyone been asked to make a record of their sons mood swings. Still being told typical mood swing by their specialist?
No but I can tell you I get them and I know that when I was younger on certain drugs my mood swings were quite violent now I'm older I don't know if I can control them better or I am on better drugs but im not so violent just very stroppy! Sorry I can't help anymore but I hope it helps that you aren't on your own!
Mood swings are common but at the same time there is a fine line to what is normal and what is not! One has to be watchful and seek further help if concerned as some meds may very quickly turn someone suicidal. Also for a carer there is a fine line between being supportive and understanding and maintaining boundaries of acceptable behaviour.
Few doctors understand epilepsy or the variety of drugs used to counter the problems or the side effects. Unless you get access to a recognised and experienced epileptologiist. you are likely to be struggling. Few doctors know the 25 or so AED's or their side effects. It took 4 years for my TLE to be diagnosed. Not so much diagnosed but presented by ambulance in the middle of the night after a tonic clinic seizure. The top neurologist at the hospital who I had asked just 3 weeks previously if my varied symptoms and replied "no chance" when I saw him next and I reminded him of his previous comment replied "we'll it's part of the big picture". That's why you need an epileptologist and not a GP or even a senior neurologist. Mine is first class and knows all about the highs and lows of the medication available. He takes my various symptoms seriously and advises and prescribes accordingly.