Ovarian cyst removal recovery?? - Endometriosis UK

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Ovarian cyst removal recovery??

chels0201 profile image
5 Replies

This is a long shot and not really sure if i’m even expecting a reply - but since reading these posts and seeing what other women go through makes you feel almost a little more at ease and less alone out there! I realise this is mainly a page relating endometriosis however I thought I would just see if I could get any advice if any of you ladies new or had been through laparoscopic surgery for ovarian cyst removal? I was rushed into hospital last weekend with excruciating pain on my right side and turned out I had a 9.6cm dermoid cyst and a twisted ovary! They thankfully was able to remove the cyst without having to remove my ovary or tube! I’ve been searching up on the web a lot about recovery time and most say after a few days you start getting back to your normal day to day activities slowly but surely, however i’m finding that although yes the pain has gotten easier i’m experiencing a sharp/dull pain on my left side now and not sure whether it’s just apart of healing or? And to say the least i’m still struggling to stand up straight and walk very far! Although the doc said my left ovary is healthy I think i’m just scared the fact I absolutely don’t want to have something else going wrong right after sorting one problem out? It’s crazy because if anything i would of thought I’d of had pain in the right side where my cyst was removed but that sides absolutely fine! If anyone has any advice on the healing side of things would be very much appreciated!

Thanks so much

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chels0201 profile image
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5 Replies
butterfliez profile image

Hi hope your feeling ok & healing up after your operation sounds like you’ve been through it

It does take a while for everything to heal after laparoscopic surgery , I had a large endo cyst removed in 2019 I felt tender for about a few weeks or so even though they say you’ll be back to normal in a few days I found doing certain things were uncomfortable for a while after , I can’t remember if I had ovary pains at the time but it may just be all the insides healing up.

See how you feel after a few days & if it seems to be too painful give the doctors a call to query it

Take care X

Charis_ profile image

Hiya! I’ve have 3 laparoscopys for PCOS and endometriosis, (removing cysts etc) and I’m due another laparoscopy in 6-8 weeks, I found that I took about a week minimum before the pain would even start to subside! It’s important to try and move but only as much as your body is comfortable! If you’re concerned, always contact your doctor/consultant/hospital, but, i have found recovery from them to be more painful than the doctors implied to me! Keep up with slow, small movements, listen to your body and keep safe ☺️💜

Moonglo profile image

Hello! For all 3 of my laps (two involved emergency removals of large cysts) it took me about 3 weeks to recover, plus a part-time reintroduction back to work that took 2 weeks.Having pain on the ‘wrong’ side might mean that you’ve got adhesions, or that some nerves are still healing.

BrightLights88 profile image

Hi,I had stage 4 Endo, where endo was removed was stuck behind my uterus and a 22cm ovarian cyst in my left ovary.

I had my first ever laparoscopy in aug 2019. It took me 2 weeks to heal however I did experience dull pains before and after going to the loo too. I was aware that it will take time internally as surgery has been done and body getting used to that trauma. However I found out on my 3months followup that in actual fact the dull ache I was experiencing was a bladder infection which I was given antibiotics for within week I was much better. The only healing process that took longer than any of the incisions were the belly button again take it easy. Any question please feel free to ask. I am since Aug 2019 endo free.

Gwills profile image

Hey, this sounds so similar to how my journey started 6 years ago. Had a 10cm cyst on my right ovary that had twisted and was killing it. By far my worst op as it was the only unplanned one (I’ve since had 5 more ops). I only took a week off work which was the worst idea I think I’ve ever had. They told me I would be fine but I could barely walk. My recovery times have all differed, but realistically I should have had 6 weeks off to recover that first time. Listen to what your body is telling you and don’t rush the recovery. It might not seem like much on the outside but you’ll have a lot of stitches going on inside and you need to give yourself time to heal properly. Your doctor should have given you a number for the ward to call if you are concerned. I’ve had to go back multiple times for my last surgery a month ago to keep getting checked out. It shouldn’t be an issue for them! Hope you start feeling better soon x

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